our fellow fren's car gencing's kelisa BHB5600 was stolen today


3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Feb 14, 2004
our fellow fren's car gencing's car was stolen today... BHB5600.. its a new facelift kelisa wif WANATABE 15inchers rims! if anyone see this car.. pls contact faiz 0126338687.. thanks!
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here is a pic of my fren;s car

thanx 4 the post CKM.
got stolen in front of my house.
noticed missing when i wanto go coll...
now cannot go coll...
thanx to the thief!!!
damn man.. sorry to hear dat.. now i think stock alarm is useless!!
what arlam u use oso they still can steal. its the matter how long they take to start the car...
stolen oready cannot regret la...
but i still cannot imagine the thieft still wanto steal my car.
i got stoplock!!! i even lock the gear n stering...
he still wan to steal...
damn that F**KER!!!!!!!!
i dont think so...

cause there is tyre track marks that says the idiot drove my car away...
hey bro.. wah.. teratorian some more (got sticker).. what's your nick?

this is horrible man ! will inform you if i see your car around my area
bro sorry to hear bout that
damn y those fuckers cant go to find a proper job???
if i meet 1 fucker i definitely fuck him up side down
wut is autolock? i think now any lock they can curi..unless..u cabut all tyre n put inside de house.. or park in house la..mine i sumbat inside de house.. my dads car cucuk de wall n i cucuk my dads car n my backside is near de gate.. haih.. justnow kena tangkap by police.. for langgar lampu merah.. wana run but kenot .ekkeke.. endup pay him 50 fuckin bucks!
Bro....sorry to hear the news....will keep an eye for you....those thieves will pay someday...
sory to hear that...i will keep an eye arround sg buloh..
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