Need Advice for Exhaust Muffler


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Dec 16, 2004
I've just changed to a 2" inlet 2.5" outlet local Remus straight flow muffler, the noise is a bit too bassy and loud to my liking, but I would like to maintain using a straight flow type muffler, so question is if I were to use a straight flow muffler with a larger box or those that come with silencers, would that help to reduce the noise level? Any suggestions on muffler brand/types to use? Thanks. Btw I'm using extractor, 2 inch piping and 2 tabung before the muffler.
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straight flow muffler with a larger box than what you are using should make things fairly quiet. Mine is straight flow with the the muffler as big as the satria gti, very quiet :lol:
2 tabung before the muffler oso still loud ar..hhmm...ur muffler is kinda small rite?? the larger the muffler, the softer the u can try changing to a larger muffler..
wildboar said:
2 tabung before the muffler oso still loud ar..hhmm...ur muffler is kinda small rite?? the larger the muffler, the softer the u can try changing to a larger muffler..

thanks for all your input guys.....btw any suggestions for straight flow muffler brands and price range?
u can consider adding in a silencer box between the centre bullet and will help too :)
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