Is our country heading for recession?

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Oct 4, 2004
Johor Bahru
Tohsan said:
All i can see nowadays is this:

-Prices of most thing goes up all the way
-tolls rate keep on increasing
-Bankruptcy rate increase like crazy
-Unemployment rate increase accross all field include of graduate, job opportunities is almost nil
-business turnover/sales drop more than half for most small and medium size business
-A lot of construction site stop work
-stock market stagnant
-more and more people take up loan from loan shark
-more and more peoples getting retrenched, my friends received his payment last month from KLSE
-more n more peoples selling nasi lemak
-could be more that i didn't mention that i couldn't figure out

what do u think?
even teh ais at Mamak shop increasing price......wat u think lah....our exchange rate to Singapore is 2.3 leh...

Pak Lah...tolong lah kita semua...


2,000 RPM
Senior Member
May 6, 2004
mu24 said:
I always hear people say, jobs are everywhere they are easy to find, but its damn hard to find a job tat we like. But i do think tat malaysia has a very low paying rate system, ....
I, my family dont have the funds to pay for my higher education ( my elder brother fees to TAR was $$ for our family.

At 18yr, I laboured for a small apprentiseship at an international agency for 150 ringgit a month. :eek: :eek: cutting boards, mats, colouring.
Yes, i saved on housing, food as i stayed with my family. I did odd jobs too. Collecting tickets at shows etc.

What was instilled in me was my passion in my field and the desire to succeed.

I'm 35 now, own a house, a nice sport car and still striving to better/ develope own-self. I never dealt (kaw-tau) or bribe for the continued development of my own entrepreneurship in my field.

Dont wait for fortune, seek it wherever it may be. Ok i digress on this thread.

Ressession or not, we need to brace ourself. I witnessed the 87-88 downfall and the mid 90s economic crisis.

Both were devastating (REALLY) to all/many sectors and there were even people fleeing the country because of that.

We complain of poor remuneration for work done, but we arent efficient (generally) in the work we do.

If the whole cattle dont produce good milk, the prices for em dont spread well.

We complain of the wealthy, in fairness it dont look entirely well on their court in giving something back to the joes.
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Over 10,000 RPM!
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Thread starter
Nov 13, 2004
Char Kuoy Teow
When u alone are doing very well definitely there will be someone jealous of your success and not to mention those that will take short cut to make quick bucks and commit crime.

More and more cases of crime will be reported, and the police cannot be depend on,what can u do, no money and somemore bad luck kena rob and on top of this thing the fucking police is involve in some robbery cases, what can we do?

If there's better job opportunities and pay no one would wanna leave this country, no elite will wanna join those good pay jobs overseas!!!

The point is sometime those public statistic published just cannot be trusted at all, afterall before they are published one taikor will have to give the green light before they can go ahead and print them out.

Recovering to better economy i don't think so, I think this is more of the government try to cover up all their shit!!! Since the new PM takeover his positions, can u tell me why he keep on increasing the prices of stuff whether its products or foods, why he keep on turn and twist his statement? why he straight away increase petrol price and inform only later to his rakyat?
why is the government shiftting the KLSE operation to Putrajaya when they already spend billions ringgit on the hightech stuff in current klse building, why? Government got too much money to spend that they want to spend in some deadtown like Putrajaya? Why is 90% of the registered contractor without jobs and project? why?why?why?
are we still recovering i don't think so!!!
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Active Member
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May 9, 2005
koolspyda said:
At 18yr, I laboured for a small apprentiseship at an international agency for 150 ringgit a month. cutting boards, mats, colouring.
Yes, i saved on housing, food as i stayed with my family. I did odd jobs too. Collecting tickets at shows etc.
how much is the average salary back in the 80s? RM150 seems to be very low even at that time...


2,000 RPM
Senior Member
Sep 7, 2004

I'm not going to talk about that policy, later kena arrest by ISA :D
You know, I know, we all know enough already, no need to say it out loud.

sometimes it's not that employers dont want to give employees a high salary, but the fact is, most local uni graduates are really...really...dumb n lazy
(not to mention the scholarship preference, and intake policy)

You wont believe what type of answer a diploma holder can give you for a simple engineering question!!!
Even a bright secondary school child can give a more realistic answer.

and their english standard is...wonderful.

I wonder what will happen to malaysia if the G allowed FREE competition.
(malu..malu...need to edit coz got spelling mistake :D)
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1,500 RPM
Senior Member
May 26, 2004

the salary also need to depend of the confidence of the future in the industry.

The situation is different if you compare with last century. during 19XX years..the econ development were in south-east asia region. Many investments come into our country. The recession may cause the investments leave the country awhile but they will come back because southeast asia was the best place to invest for production and trading that time.So our econ can recover rapidly and the opportunities will still here since the money are flowing back and the trading is running after the recessions. These benefit the whole region...Malaysia and indonesia manufacture the goods and the goods will ship to singapore and export to the world.

Since China open to the world, plus the rise of India and former USSR countries...the Econ already shifted upwards. Investors are flocking into China and India. The investments are withdrawing from southeast asia and go into China and India. Not much money and trading can be done here and the market is going dead. If there will be another recession in the region then it will grow into depression because once the investments go they wont come back again in short time..then the local expense power will not enough to sustain the growth and the econ will down like hell.

there are a few role a country can play in the econ:

agriculture country- we are not really into that, we only have rubber and palm as the main agriculture product but this is most probly what we can try to go into it since we have land and tropical weather. Our oil farm will finished oneday...very soon...our best resource could be the land...So farmer maybe a promising career next!

consumer goods manufacturing- We are losing out this position as our G are not in good relation with the main importing countries like US, Europe. Our labour supply shortage and cost are in disadvantage. The G policies also discourage the foreigner to come and set up plants. The trade relation to the westerners is very important thats y our little neighbour even let the westerner army stationed on their land and send dummies to Iraq for show.But too bad, the whole region pull them down.

Hi-tech manufacturing- Was used to be an ideal place but lack of support of the Govt and short of talents so this industry either moving into China and some move to Singapore and thailand.

Heavy/light industry- Our AFTA behavior has frightened the automakers, not to mention some other policies which drive foreign buyer and investor away. Our local automaker cannot make it to the global market. Ship construction cannot match with the top dogs like Korea, Japan and China. Technogically and politically we are disadvantage.

Services(financial/logistics etc...)- Our currency policies have made our ringgit become no value to the investors(I have experience that money changer refuse to take in my ringgit in overseas), we have good location for logistics centre but without proper plan and development as well as the manufacturing power and trading relationship to support it.

What can we do? It will really depend alot on the G policies to keep and attract the investments to come. Or else we may wait for another 20 years when China become too expensive to manufacture goods so the investments will find us as an ideal place which suffered a 20 years long depression with lowest average pay in the region.
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2,000 RPM
Senior Member
May 6, 2004
lampasula said:
how much is the average salary back in the 80s? RM150 seems to be very low even at that time...
it wasn't a salary ;) but merely an allowance . It was in '88-'89 (reccession effects still lingering) and NOBODY gets hired in advertising.

The thing was, i could "long kai" as nobody will hire or ply my trade " ass :)" j/k

I really need to get a head start else 1-2 years is wasted. In advertising, life can be brutal. One day you can be the poster boy for "winning" pitches, or a complete outcast the moment client finds you not effective.

Burning midnight oil was common. Life was only 5 hours a day (sleep).

moral of the story: wallow for sympathy or work your ass (opps):rolleyes:


2,000 RPM
Senior Member
May 6, 2004
boggysv said:
I wonder what will happend to malaysia if the G allowed FREE competition.
The thing is, it can be quite a paradox situation. boggysv, I understand the standpoint you are looking at. I agree if the G should encourage "competition" but i do look otherwise.

figuratively speaking
What if; we are all chasing the same fishes (small pool) and there are "more" competition. Its not good. Its a selfish thought, maybe, but heck.

In singapore where pool may be larger, where its also "commonly" accepted that rivalry is higher and cut-throat tactics are employed, I know i may not be able to have as much (luxuries) that i enjoy now.
(In a nut-shell however, huge contracts works over there are also reserved for nepotism reasons ;) )

Now, if our G allows FREE competition AND there is a larger pool (sea) in the light where reserved contracts are also up for grab(s), then it is good for all. BUT its only mythical belief that it will happen.

Malaysia in/or about to be swept into reccession? Only the average income earners,poor and average joe's are the hardest hit. The niche chaps? Brabus downgrade to AMG loh. Our society well heeled ones are so well cushioned that reccession to them is a sneeze.
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2,000 RPM
Senior Member
Sep 7, 2004
Links, agree with you on most of your points, except rubber.
IMHO, the only potential argiculture product now is palm oil, rubber is facing alot of challanges from synthetics and neighbouring countries.

Whatever happened to tha engine that could run on plalm oil?? :D

In short, we are at a disadvantage EVERYWHERE!!!
And yet we do not have any realistic plans ( wawasan 2020??? joke of the country )
We suck and we need an attitude change.
Tin mining and rubber aint gonna help our ass anymore.

Regarding currency,
It's quite interesting nowadays to read about the chinese rmb.
US's action and warnings will undoubtly affect the ringgit.
We missed our chance to repeg to the EURO or become a floating currency, well we screw up again? (damm, spare parts costs now is so bloody expensive)
I'm not a business/economic student, so I believe our good G will and can decide on the best choice for the people. Will they?
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2,000 RPM
Senior Member
Sep 7, 2004

We once had a sea, we assumed that it will be there, and it became a pool.
As Links mentioned, ALOT of investors are flocking elsewhere and have already done so already.
If the G open up to free competiton now,we will undoubtly face alot of tough competition.
But at least it's a start of a change, compared to be living in denial like now.


Known Member
Senior Member
Apr 28, 2005
koolspyda said:
I, my family dont have the funds to pay for my higher education ( my elder brother fees to TAR was $$ for our family.

At 18yr, I laboured for a small apprentiseship at an international agency for 150 ringgit a month. :eek: :eek: cutting boards, mats, colouring.
Yes, i saved on housing, food as i stayed with my family. I did odd jobs too. Collecting tickets at shows etc.

What was instilled in me was my passion in my field and the desire to succeed.

I'm 35 now, own a house, a nice sport car and still striving to better/ develope own-self. I never dealt (kaw-tau) or bribe for the continued development of my own entrepreneurship in my field.

Dont wait for fortune, seek it wherever it may be. Ok i digress on this thread.

Ressession or not, we need to brace ourself. I witnessed the 87-88 downfall and the mid 90s economic crisis.

Both were devastating (REALLY) to all/many sectors and there were even people fleeing the country because of that.

We complain of poor remuneration for work done, but we arent efficient (generally) in the work we do.

If the whole cattle dont produce good milk, the prices for em dont spread well.

We complain of the wealthy, in fairness it dont look entirely well on their court in giving something back to the joes.
I give praise to your industriousness and having the right attitude to improve and upgrade yourself no matter how bad the situation was. I am sure there are also many many others like you who did or are doing the same as you in the country. However, we must do justice for many of those out there who genuinely are being exploited by calculative employers who only know how to cut cost and maximise their own profit. Many a times, it all boils down to poor management and bad business decisions which they in turn blamed the workers.

Anyway, so much for the digression.


2,000 RPM
Senior Member
May 6, 2004
nova said:
I give praise to your industriousness and having the right attitude to improve and upgrade yourself no matter how bad the situation was. I am sure there are also many many others like you who did or are doing the same as you in the country. However, we must do justice for many of those out there who genuinely are being exploited by calculative employers who only know how to cut cost and maximise their own profit. Many a times, it all boils down to poor management and bad business decisions which they in turn blamed the workers.

Anyway, so much for the digression.
yes, its the many "cina-man company" ;) hahaha.

well, i still a long journey to go. I would like to own a (new) porsche one fine day, (hu-hum me dreaming again). Realistically, i'm not really complaining for what i have now.

To date, the newbies I've seen, aren't half as industrious that i was at my age.


2,000 RPM
Senior Member
May 6, 2004
oh yes, in a discussion (at the office) someone remarked they (new kids) work "smarter" now.

Yes , compared to our fore fathers. But "they survived thru the worse of any lot".

Can the younger ones "survive" another recession? some will, others will find it extremely tough. But the lesson in humility will grace them, i sure.

dman, this is way off topic now.


500 RPM
Senior Member
Nov 20, 2003
yeah, the 10-year cycle might be right. It's always good to prepare for the worst. Re-structuring our finanace is one way for us to prepare to face the worst. Some of you might not have experience the 87 or 97 recession and probably do not know how serious it was then and how difficult it is to live one day at a time. I have read a lot of financil mags and books and almost all have the same answer ---> property market will start to slump on 2007, which also indicates that ecomony will be sliding down......what Auxoura mentioned is right "The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty".....

save up your money = cut down on car mods ;) , invest in some secure financial instruments and when reccesion hits, there's when a lot of buying opportunities will be available.....if some of you have notice, when recession hit in 97, some of the cars, esp, BMWs, were dirt cheap...

This is also the reason why I sold my converted EK and bought an EG instead. I do not want to pay installments. I might as well put my money into something else which generate income for me rather paying to the banks. :)

btw, I do agree that occasionally, we need to have this sort of mature discussion in this forum... :)
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2,000 RPM
Senior Member
May 6, 2004
aramis said:
btw, I do agree that occasionally, we need to have this sort of mature discussion in this forum... :)
:) difficult, i say, in light there will always be clash of egos as the crowd here sometimes arent as forward thinking* but [snug shoulders] we can try.

*the content(s) of other threads within zth will be a dead giveaway ;)
(again, i qualify by saying that it should not be deem as looking down at others).

There are times too, i must admit some of my 'post'(s) appear condescendingly to the other side.

Actually knowing the 'person' behind the nick could help more.


500 RPM
Senior Member
Nov 20, 2003
yeah. you are right. I do admit at times I do respond to those post as well. But anyway, speaking of financial stuff, most will shy away from this topic. Most will just refuse to admit and face the fact. I have seen more than enough occurance where people have to sell their cars coz they just cant afford to pay the installments. I have also know a few who accumulated tens of thousands of credit card debt from car mods. I have seen couple breaking up due to this....i have seen enough....

I guess most will ignore this thread as well. :)

oh well.... ;)


2,000 RPM
Senior Member
May 6, 2004
aramis said:
btw, I do agree that occasionally, we need to have this sort of mature discussion in this forum...
heehh, you can count the number of forumers with your fingers who would say 'aye' to that.

aramis said:
I guess most will ignore this thread as well. :)
oh well.... ;)
oh well, an occassional jabs of "double entendres" post(s) will liven some threads :)


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Jul 28, 2004
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when the price of petrol increse everything in generally increses too... sigh... so unfair...but then our Riggit value getting smaller :confused:


2,000 RPM
Senior Member
Sep 7, 2004
shiroii_neko said:
when the price of petrol increse everything in generally increses too... sigh... so unfair...but then our Riggit value getting smaller :confused:

No, no, no..
Our ministers promise that the price for other products wont increase.

ahem...bull ahem....sheet...ahem..ahem..:D


Active Member
Senior Member
May 9, 2005
i like serious discussion...

actually i think this recession will be a global issue in the near future...

with severe oil shortage, prices of goods will be going up and up and up...the US knew this, thats why the war happen in iraq and most probably iran in the near future...whoever got oil, they wins. The third world war is very likely to happen in the fight for remaining oil on the planet.

there has been concern about "peak oil" issue, speculations predict those born after the millenium will see the end of petrol consumption of the human race.

hehehehe....i think this might be way of topic....but the future looks gloom to me. The first symtom i see is the increase in price of a neccesity---bread, gardenia's raisin oatmeal bread increase from RM3.50-RM3.60....

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