car modification on petrol saving


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May 17, 2006
Hi guys, i going to get a yr 97 1.3 wira from my cousin. According to him the car is underpower and very petrol consuming.

So I am thinking of modify the engine. Here i have some question , and hope sifu sifu sekalian can help to solve my prob :_:

1) Change engine is the best way to increase power and save petrol?

2) What kind of engine is most suitable for saving petrol (Priority) and follow by increase horse power. (pls list down the name of engine, preferably explain why :) )

3)After change engine, what other thing I should modify (exhaust, filter, etc? what brand recommended?)

4)What are the approximation cost including engine and fees?

PS: i am tight budget as i am a graduating student :D
but if ur car underpower and u will need to push more on the "oil pedal" (Sorry i do not know the name for it) in order to accelerate your car. Still Fuel consuming rite?
ahren said:
1) Change engine is the best way to increase power and save petrol?

2) What kind of engine is most suitable for saving petrol (Priority) and follow by increase horse power. (pls list down the name of engine, preferably explain why :) )

3)After change engine, what other thing I should modify (exhaust, filter, etc? what brand recommended?)

4)What are the approximation cost including engine and fees?

1) maintain ur car engine in tip top condition... that helps ur FC...
2) mivec md
3) more power = more fuel
4) depends on what engine u are looking for...
aiyoh.there's no such thing as more power less fuel! doesnt make sense...................................
in that case i put FC second priority :P

Which engine is more suitable for wira 1.3? i want to increase some HP but FC friendly :P

I got some friend recommend me to take 4G91 instead of 4g92, 4g93, mivec, t urbo and etc...

sorry i am really noob in car modd.. so need sifu sekalian help me. I willing to spend around 5K for engine modd :embaressed_smile:
mivec md should be cool, dunno much about it, but what i'm told is it will run on 2 piston if you drive slow, that means its power cut in half.. then FC also cut in half.. :biggrin:
Correct me if wrong... MIVEC MD will use 2 pistons during idling (stuck at traffic jams or simply not moving).
acbc sifu, does that mean Mivec MD kinda economical? ( but what is mivec md!!! lolz )

what is 4age? mind to enlighten me?
Yes but no matter how economical, it is an old technology as with any Mitsu engine.

4AGE is an engine from Toyota but I don't think u can put that into a Wira chassis with approval anymore. These days, ACA officers always do spot check on JPJ so they will not accept 'Agong'.

Why not sell off the car n get something newer from Honda or Toyota. Newer cars normally have better FC or power than old cars.
i dun get better FC car is because i am graduating student.. unemployment :P

Btw I think i will still go on the engine modd. I tot all the ppl here are car modd enthusiasts :P To persuade ppl modd the car to get best performance
Sometimes, especially if u don't have the budget... buying a new car is way of the solution. Modding is a very expensive hobby IMO.

Example, my car is already 16 years old and since I took over from my dad 5 years ago, I've spent easily RM 30k on it. But in the end, it doesn't have the 'new' car feeling anymore. I test drove my sister's MyVi and wow... damn fun to drive. But when it comes to power, I still prefer my car... all the rattling, noise, bad FC and can be frustrating to drive.
Actually to tell u the truth that i actually interested on car modification for long time dy. But i do not have the chance to do so.

Now I come to this forum to find someone convince me that car modification can not onli raise the car performance but save petrol as well. So that i can take that excuse to ask my father to loan me some money to spend on the wira.

My wira costing me RM10K so I expected to come out the MAX budget to fix the old wira. Total sum will be RM20k. New car will cost around at least RM35k to RM55K. So at the moment i was thinking do some modification so that this old wira can last for 3-5 yrs.
dude..u need to know...wat u want to mod??
this is a very very common mistake by newbie...i wanna mod ,i wanna mod.this la that la...but u must first get a direction wat u wanna mod?
There is alot of section like performance,handling,ICE,cosmetic or overall slight upgrade of everything above.

And each mod will have their pros and cons, wanna mod for performance prepare for higher FC,wanna mod for handling prepare for tyre wear out rate,wanna mod your ICE,setup for SQL can't really pump out the bass like SPL and vice versa and cosmetic i have no rights to comment coz i din venture into this field.

1) get a direction,ask yourself wat u wanna do to you car
2) get the basic conception first,everything has their pros and cons.You just need to find the one that SUIT YOU THE BEST

Then post here,sure alot of sifu will guide you.

of coz new car is better than old car....

but power wise, i think new cars arent really improving... u improve more horsepower from an old car... but the quality feel no more la...
escaflown, i want to mod for performance. But as i mentioned previous page that the old 1.3 wira FC rate is 25cent per km which is unreasonably high. I had made some research on the posts here and other forum. The high performance car such as turbo , their FC rate is also 25 cent per KM.

To pay such high petrol fees for underpower performance engine, I rather spend some money to get a better HP engine. My concern here is, among all the high performance engines (4G91,4G91, etc etc ) which 1 least FC?

Sifu sifu here please bear with me.. due to my limited knowledge on the car mod, so i might ask some stupid question here..

ah ren, listen to these ppl that have posted the answers for u!!

no money or with limited budget, dont mod your car. learn your car well b4 gaining more on performance, if u cant handle a 75bhp wira engine, tell me then how u handle a 140bhp? wat about those with 800 bhp monsters?? can u handle it?

not to pin you down or to flame you for nothing, u are still young, and there is more to learn on how to handle performance!
Hhmm... my turbo car is 45 sen per KM... not that economical at all. But, the power delivery is simply amazing... so, my pocket will suffer first.
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