*wise Lessons*


9,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 9, 2005
Story: 1

A young executive was leaving the office at 6 p.m. when he found CEO standing in front of a shredder with a piece of paper in his hand. "Listen," said the CEO, "this is a very sensitive and important document, and my secretary has left. Can you make this thing work?" Certainly," said the young executive. He turned the machine on, inserted the paper, and pressed the start button. "Excellent, excellent!" said the CEO. As his paper disappeared inside the machine. "I just need one copy."
Lesson I - Never, never assume that your BOSS knows everything

Story: 2

An American and a Japanese were sitting on the plane on the way to LA when the American turned to the Japanese and asked, "What kind of ese are you?" Confused, the Japanese replied, "Sorry but I don't understand what you mean." The American repeated, "What kind of -ese are you?" Again, the Japanese was confused over the question. The American, now irritated, then yelled, "What kind of -ese are you...Are you a Chinese, Japanese,Vietnamese!, etc......???" The Japanese then replied, "Oh, I am a Japanese." A while later the Japanese turned to the American and asked what kind of 'key' was he. The American, frustrated, yelled, "What do you mean what kind of '-key' am I?!" The Japanese said, "Are you a Yankee, donkey, or monkee?"
Lesson II - Never insult anyone.

Story: 3

There were these 4 guys, a Russian, a German, a British and a French, who found this small genie bottle. When they rubbed the bottle, a genie appeared. Thankful that the 4 guys had released him out of the bottle, he said, "Next to you all are 4 swimming pools, I will give each of you a wish. When you run towards the pool and jump, you shout what you want the pool of water to become, then your wish will come true."

The French wanted to start. He ran towards the pool, jumped and shouted "WINE". The pool immediately changed into a pool of wine. The Frenchman was so happy swimming and drinking from the pool. Next is the Russian's turn, he did the same andshouted," VODKA" and immersed himself into a pool of vodka. The German was next and he jumped and shouted, "BEER". He was so contented with his beer pool. The last is the British. He was running towards the pool when suddenly he steps on a banana peel. He slipped towards the pool and shouted, SHIT!!!!!!!........."
Lesson III - Think twice before you say something, because sometimes what you say accidentally does happen.

Story: 4

A junior manager, a senior manager and their boss are on their way to a meeting. On their way through a park, they come across a wonder lamp. They rub the lamp and a ghost appears. The ghost says, "Normally, one is granted three wishes but as you are three, I will allow one wish each" So the eager senior manager shouts, I want the first wish. I want to be in the Bahamas , on a fast boat and have no worries for a month. "Pfufffff, and he is gone. Now the junior manager could not keep quiet and shouts, "I want to be in Florida with beautiful girls, plenty of food and cocktails for a month." "Pfufffff, and he is also gone. Then it's the boss's turn, and he says calmly, "I want these two idiots back in the office after lunch"
Lesson IV- "Always allow the bosses to speak first".
Muahahahaha... ROTFLMAO... now I'm good for today...
Good moral and attitude lesson for all ZTH members.
Cheerz to our MELODY
what ever happened to the old "jokes thread"??
we used to have it.....
mel; mind to create one since u have so many,.........
thus no need to browse so many thread to have a good laugh
Story 5
A pig rempit was riding his cheap modified bike around town, revving his bike so everyone can hear the preng-preng-preng noise from his stolen exhaust. He pulled a wheelie and everyone started clapping hands. So while doing the wheelie, he looked around to see those people clapping hand and cheering him on. With much encouragement, he stood up on his bike while pulling a wheelie and the road side crowd cheered even more. When he eventually looked in front, after soaking in the cheering and clapping, he shot across a red traffic light and a trailer came from the right and smashed head on into that pig on the wheelying bike. The pig rider's body basically exploded on impact and his flesh and internal organs flew all over the place.
Lesson 5a: Don't be a stupid ass pig rempit.
Lesson 5b: Just because people are cheering you on, it doesn't mean they are supporting you. They may cheering you on to an obvious disaster. So be careful when people cheer you on.

Story 6:
A babi-bodoh in punk clothes and obviously-stupid-spiked-up-green-colored hair was walking on the road side, approaching a traffic light cross junction. As he reached the traffic light, the pedestrian traffic light showed red, which means DO NOT WALK or JANGAN LINTAS. But when he stepped down from the curb and just crossed the road irregardless of the RED light on the pedestrian traffic light, some tudung girls looked at him with their jaw down and stunned looks. This punk-pig then walked with even more style and started swinging his hands with more "gaya" and walked at an even more cool slow pace. When he was half way crossing the road, a speeding Rapid KL bus crossed the traffic light (it was green on the buses side anyway), coming from the left of that punk pig. The bus could not stop in time and mowed the punk-pig down. The punk pig was crushed under the bus and dragged for... erm.... well, the bus just continued driving, leaving a trail of blood and flesh on the road. The tudung girls laughed after that.
Lesson 6: Just because some girls look at you with their jaws dropped and stunned looks, it does not mean they are awed by your handsome-ness or looks or whatever. Stop being egoistic and pay attention to traffic lights. The girls may be stunned because of your clear and obvious stupidity.
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Wise men are men who are unmarried ................ Unwise men are those who did otherwise.
Story 5
A pig rempit was riding his cheap modified bike around town, revving his bike so everyone can hear the preng-preng-preng noise from his stolen exhaust. He pulled a wheelie and everyone started clapping hands. So while doing the wheelie, he looked around to see those people clapping hand and cheering him on. With much encouragement, he stood up on his bike while pulling a wheelie and the road side crowd cheered even more. When he eventually looked in front, after soaking in the cheering and clapping, he shot across a red traffic light and a trailer came from the right and smashed head on into that pig on the wheelying bike. The pig rider's body basically exploded on impact and his flesh and internal organs flew all over the place.
Lesson 5a: Don't be a stupid ass pig rempit.
Lesson 5b: Just because people are cheering you on, it doesn't mean they are supporting you. They may cheering you on to an obvious disaster. So be careful when people cheer you on.

Story 6:
A babi-bodoh in punk clothes and obviously-stupid-spiked-up-green-colored hair was walking on the road side, approaching a traffic light cross junction. As he reached the traffic light, the pedestrian traffic light showed red, which means DO NOT WALK or JANGAN LINTAS. But when he stepped down from the curb and just crossed the road irregardless of the RED light on the pedestrian traffic light, some tudung girls looked at him with their jaw down and stunned looks. This punk-pig then walked with even more style and started swinging his hands with more "gaya" and walked at an even more cool slow pace. When he was half way crossing the road, a speeding Rapid KL bus crossed the traffic light (it was green on the buses side anyway), coming from the left of that punk pig. The bus could not stop in time and mowed the punk-pig down. The punk pig was crushed under the bus and dragged for... erm.... well, the bus just continued driving, leaving a trail of blood and flesh on the road. The tudung girls laughed after that.
Lesson 6: Just because some girls look at you with their jaws dropped and stunned looks, it does not mean they are awed by your handsome-ness or looks or whatever. Stop being egoistic and pay attention to traffic lights. The girls may be stunned because of your clear and obvious stupidity.


Cant believe we in same boat for hating them
LOL what would we have been without lessons from melody and satria_95 hehe
hahaha felt like talking crap so just posted that. Here's another one.

Story 7
A mat rempit was walking along the road and pushing his bike along. A driver passes him by and saw that babi bodoh rempit. The driver than just continued to drive on. Suddenly, a truck came out of no where and crashed into that driver and he died.
Lesson 7: When you see a rempit, just crash that asshole to the ground, innocent or not

* edited the story number cos it was repeating. hehe
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hahaha felt like talking crap so just posted that. Here's another one.

Story 6
A mat rempit was walking along the road and pushing his bike along. A driver passes him by and saw that babi bodoh rempit. The driver than just continued to drive on. Suddenly, a truck came out of no where and crashed into that driver and he died.
Lesson 6: When you see a rempit, just crash that asshole to the ground, innocent or not

Satria, I dont mind doing that if Malaysia is GTA.

Tapi now we should think twice to langgar rempit bcoz mereka ni government important people (ye la important my arse)

Did u know ??? They made a DRAG STRIP for mat rempits ????

Instead we legal racer and drifter and some legal racing events kena cancel.
the cool thing is that if you see a lone rempit, at a quiet and lonely place, you can just bowl him over and nobody will know that you did it. hahaha He'll be too dead to see your car number plate. hehe
Satria i also join u la. Here is my story

Story A. (For Malays sorry k)

Your relatives wants to find a tudung girl bcoz they are nice and friendly and hardly do bad things. So u start ur journey finding one. In the Streets, you found one but being REMPIT-ing in the street. Found another one, behind the shophouse near the longkang sucking some ones d**k. N later as u go u found another one smoking n then found another one with some EMO n Punk frens.

LESSON: Never Judge a Book by It's cover. Nowdays even professional clothing or good outside looks can be a very very bad person.

Story B.

You met a girl. She was nice, sexy and bossy. Later she made good frens with you and likes you very much. Later she tells she cant live longer and going to die soon. You help her everything as a fren. You help her reload when she is not feeling well, you help her to cheer when her bf did trouble and etc. Next, she backstab you and then go and slander you and said you are a bad person la, raper and everything bad la. Weeks later she sms said said sorry in a sad manner.

LESSON: This kind of people STAY AWAY. PLZ STAY AWAY and IGNORE HER. She just want your Attention and then kenakan you again. If she is really going to die, recommended you dont visit her.
Satria i also join u la. Here is my story

Story A. (For Malays sorry k)

Your relatives wants to find a tudung girl bcoz they are nice and friendly and hardly do bad things. So u start ur journey finding one. In the Streets, you found one but being REMPIT-ing in the street. Found another one, behind the shophouse near the longkang sucking some ones d**k. N later as u go u found another one smoking n then found another one with some EMO n Punk frens.

LESSON: Never Judge a Book by It's cover. Nowdays even professional clothing or good outside looks can be a very very bad person.

Story B.

You met a girl. She was nice, sexy and bossy. Later she made good frens with you and likes you very much. Later she tells she cant live longer and going to die soon. You help her everything as a fren. You help her reload when she is not feeling well, you help her to cheer when her bf did trouble and etc. Next, she backstab you and then go and slander you and said you are a bad person la, raper and everything bad la. Weeks later she sms said said sorry in a sad manner.

LESSON: This kind of people STAY AWAY. PLZ STAY AWAY and IGNORE HER. She just want your Attention and then kenakan you again. If she is really going to die, recommended you dont visit her.

So true! Some girls think they can get away with playing with your feelings. Stay away!
erm... don't mean to be oh-so-admin-like but use story 8 and story 9 instead of story a and story b. At least got flow there. hahahaha But I like both the stories. heheheh The tudung wan ar... erm... true la. hahaha you got any to introduce to me? hahaha

Here's story 10. Story 8 and 9, treat is as driftkingII's story A and story B ler. hehehe

Story 10
Your wicked, cold hearted, self conceited, "chow hai tiu nia seng ham kar chan pukima lanjiaopak anakharam ni madia pandi wata pundek" boss buys you lunch. You thought, "whoa, cool. Boss buys me lunch and it's free". So you take it and have lunch with him, chatting like friends and such. Later on, he asks you to steal something from customer's site but you just can't bring yourself to doing it. He says, "fine" but obviously not happy with it. Later on again, you suddenly find yourself burdened with so much bloody work that even miracle-man could die of doing it.

Lesson 10: When your boss buys you lunch out of a sudden, think about 1,000,000 times before accepting it. Being a typical malaysian boss (probably would be different case for non-malaysian bosses), when they are suddenly nice to you, then there is something that they want from you. Remember to poison your boss if you are left with no choice but to accept that lunch. Better for him to die first than you.
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