*wise Lessons*

erm... don't mean to be oh-so-admin-like but use story 8 and story 9 instead of story a and story b. At least got flow there. hahahaha But I like both the stories. heheheh The tudung wan ar... erm... true la. hahaha you got any to introduce to me? hahaha

Here's story 10. Story 8 and 9, treat is as driftkingII's story A and story B ler. hehehe

Story 10
Your wicked, cold hearted, self conceited, "chow hai tiu nia seng ham kar chan pukima lanjiaopak anakharam ni madia pandi wata pundek" boss buys you lunch. You thought, "whoa, cool. Boss buys me lunch and it's free". So you take it and have lunch with him, chatting like friends and such. Later on, he asks you to steal something from customer's site but you just can't bring yourself to doing it. He says, "fine" but obviously not happy with it. Later on again, you suddenly find yourself burdened with so much bloody work that even miracle-man could die of doing it.

Lesson 10: When your boss buys you lunch out of a sudden, think about 1,000,000 times before accepting it. Being a typical malaysian boss (probably would be different case for non-malaysian bosses), when they are suddenly nice to you, then there is something that they want from you. Remember to poison your boss if you are left with no choice but to accept that lunch. Better for him to die first than you.

Sorry, i made A instead of continue bcoz the numbers are u n the alphaberts are mine. Anyway since u tell me the rules, ok i follow.

Ur story yes, i agreed. It happen most of the time (sad I got hit something like this story during my skool days). I learn to avoid this kind of situation n if not mistaken in my college book also tell about this matter.

Satria, tudung girls ????

Go to Mid Valley, KLCC, One Utama, Sungai Wang n etc. Can find this kind of girls. Still want some more ??? Naik LRT Star from any station to any station at peak hours (like 5pm till 7pm) can see this kind of girls.

Seriously la, no offence, tudung girls are MORE HAMSAP. I remember when i wear my shorts or 3 suku seluar (something like skateborders pants). This group of tudung girls were looking at my feet that is ..can say my feet got bulu la.
aiyer, no need to separate lor. Just share share only. hehehe story a and b also ok ler. Whatever la, just share only la. hehehe yeah, I feel that tudung girls are more hamsap than those non tudung girls. Or maybe they're just all the same. haha maybe those tudung girls like licking hairy legs, that's why they look at your legs. Maybe you should try wearing cycling shorts, those tight ones where it shows your buldge. haha They'll come running with mouths open towards your buldge. haha
u guys better behave..
if SG locked my thread..
i'm gonna hunt ya down..:tongwink:
Story 11
A guy drives a nice ride into a shopping lot parking. He drives around the rather crowded parking lot and finally, he spots a vacant lot. When he was driving towards the vacant lot, he could see another car turning into the lane that he was in. He quickly speeds up, turns and parks his car into the vacant lot, just in case the other car speeds up and parks in it. Because he rushed into the vacant lot, his car was not parked nicely but rather, parked at an angle where the driver door could easily be opened without much obstruction. Since he was driving alone, he just got off and went into the shopping complex without even bothering to check if his car was properly parked. What he also missed to check was the vehicle beside his car, where the other car's driver's door was totally blocked and could not open due to his inconsiderately parked car. Another more important thing that he missed to look was that the old Datsun 120Y car that his car inconveniently obstructed, had a sticker on the side window that says, "satria_95 - zth.com". After shopping, when he finally got back to his car, he found all his windows broken, all 4 tyres ripped open at the side wall and was flat, his car all scratched up with what seems to be done with a fish scaler, the passenger side of his car all badly dented (this was the side that obstructed the datsun 120y) and on his boot, a sprayed message that says, "Park Properly, Dumb Fuck!".
Lesson 11: If you rush into a parking, that's fine but take some time to park your car nicely. Unless you don't want to be able to recognize your car, then just simply park your car. If you still want your car in the condition that you first drove it out of your house, then take time and park your car nicely. You'll be darn lucky if the person you obstructed was waiting for you to come back to your car, else, you'll end up as thrashed up as your car.
Story 11
A guy drives a nice ride into a shopping lot parking. He drives around the rather crowded parking lot and finally, he spots a vacant lot. When he was driving towards the vacant lot, he could see another car turning into the lane that he was in. He quickly speeds up, turns and parks his car into the vacant lot, just in case the other car speeds up and parks in it. Because he rushed into the vacant lot, his car was not parked nicely but rather, parked at an angle where the driver door could easily be opened without much obstruction. Since he was driving alone, he just got off and went into the shopping complex without even bothering to check if his car was properly parked. What he also missed to check was the vehicle beside his car, where the other car's driver's door was totally blocked and could not open due to his inconsiderately parked car. Another more important thing that he missed to look was that the old Datsun 120Y car that his car inconveniently obstructed, had a sticker on the side window that says, "satria_95 - zth.com". After shopping, when he finally got back to his car, he found all his windows broken, all 4 tyres ripped open at the side wall and was flat, his car all scratched up with what seems to be done with a fish scaler, the passenger side of his car all badly dented (this was the side that obstructed the datsun 120y) and on his boot, a sprayed message that says, "Park Properly, Dumb Fuck!".
Lesson 11: If you rush into a parking, that's fine but take some time to park your car nicely. Unless you don't want to be able to recognize your car, then just simply park your car. If you still want your car in the condition that you first drove it out of your house, then take time and park your car nicely. You'll be darn lucky if the person you obstructed was waiting for you to come back to your car, else, you'll end up as thrashed up as your car.

Satria ?? u did that ????? can u do it on Zed Zaidi's car ???? I remembered he took a baseball bat n smash some guy from Satria GTi's club.

Ok here is my story.

Story 12: Once upon a time, a guy and his cousin were happy n had a slumber party. Suddenly at 2.30am in the morning the guy was waken by his mom screaming saying "Auntie's car got accident!!!!" . Why the guy thought was ... Prayer time but actually been disturb by some idiot who hit and run on 3 cars in a ROW. Anyway investigation was going to start. Go to the Guard, the Guard said "what happen ?? Accident ?? got people die ke ???" Bcoz the guard was dungu enough. The guy went back and saw his weird neighbour outside. The neighbout witness the accident and what type of car that crash. So the neighbour also use her car to spot the bloody hit n run idiot. The idiot driver also left an evidents that is number 4. With the help of the neighbour's gymnastic daughter stealth helping. In the spotted the car parked away from his house n badly damage.

Lesson 12: PLZ, be good to ur neighbour even they are weird and stupid. I had one neighbour who hates my next door neighbour. He always bugged and then stalk n everything la. THE BEST ... he rang my house bell n said "hey ur neighbour didnt wash washing machine going to explode," . "WTF!?". OK must be good to all ur neighbours even they are stupid or what so ever. Another neighbour i remembered, he loved to realise his dog n make that dog sh*t everywhere (he kinda sombong and dont care attitute with other neighbours) so one day he got robbed and taken hostage by the robbers. The whole area didnt know that his house was robbed.

Oh ya, Feng shui fans. Number 4 is bad luck number. That guy who crash is a chinese n his number 4 came out of his car n My aunt's car no number 4 even the other cars.
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Yeah, we're in the same boat for hating them rempit pigs and I believe at least half of malaysia hates `em too. hahaha No, I didn't smash the car but just a story to share the morality of it. I smashed other cars instead but minor smashing. I'm still trying to find a scaler. But honestly, I don't feel nice after doing those stuff to other people's car. Just that idiot drivers needs to be taught a very very very tough lesson.
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