When seller want to sell at INAPPROPRIATE price...

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wut do u do when seller quotes inappropriate price?

  • tell him face to face - [eat that!]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • kutuk him on a thread - [not my option]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • backoff from deal - [run and hide! FFK!]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • do nothing - [not my option neither]

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • other - [mind to specify?]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Known Member
Senior Member
Nov 22, 2004
Bukit Jalil
hi there?

so wut do u guys normally do when a seller wants to sell his stuff at unappropriate price? i know that its one of the forum's rule that seller's have the right to sell at their desired prices...but for sure when he or she wants to sell at a price that we know its higher than the price it should be...we are a bit tak puas hati rite? wuts more if we want to buy the stuff...so this is just a poll, i dont think i need to elaborate on my story coz i dont wanna create any havoc...anyone wanna share their stories please, be my guess...thanks
normal la bro if dudes think that their 40k pice of crap can sell for 60k.....seen alot this stuff going on......just dont buy....or let someone speculate the price.....and let tthe seller cry cause no one want to buy.....
Willing buyer, willing seller.

Every seller has the right to ask for ridiculous price.

Every buyer has the right to look for another seller.

It's quite simple actually... sorry, but I don't understand your problem. Maybe you can elaborate.

mahfudz_mn said:
hi there?

so wut do u guys normally do when a seller wants to sell his stuff at unappropriate price? i know that its one of the forum's rule that seller's have the right to sell at their desired prices...but for sure when he or she wants to sell at a price that we know its higher than the price it should be...we are a bit tak puas hati rite? wuts more if we want to buy the stuff...so this is just a poll, i dont think i need to elaborate on my story coz i dont wanna create any havoc...anyone wanna share their stories please, be my guess...thanks


Just like you go to any shop/supermarket, if you do not satisfied with the price, walk away.Simple as that.

You can use fake name if you want to tell us your side of story.

I have done a lot of buying and selling on the Net, especially in lelong.com.my and zth.

When come my turn to sell, it is a norm to bargain.But please bargain wisely and use your logic. Famous quote: lowered a bit la bro, im just only a student.Dun have much money.

Yeah right.Like i never been a student before?

I am a seller who willing to go to the buyer's place, but please dont take advantage of me.Many people when it comes to buying , they will like to take advantage of you saying that dont have any transport this and that, come on la, be sensible a bit la.meeting in the middle, let say the buyer is in bangsar and i am in subang jaya, for me i think pj lrt is fair enough for me. but dont expect the seller to come all over to your office/home just to wrapped a deal.especially if the location of the buyer is far far away from the seller place.

But i see the trend in zth right now that seller insist the buyer to come over to the seller place.and that is good.you want to buy the item, you come over.otherwise find another seller.

When come my turn to buy, normally i will ask only once, can discount or not? if can , how much? then i check back my budget.if possible then i shall make an appointment to check on the item.If satisfied, COD and go.

just my 2 cents
Of course $$ is everything except life... Sellers wan earn $$, buyers wan save $$...

To sellers,
Please dun put too ridiculus price coz no one will buy ur stuff... Profit is profit, ridiculus price = ppl says ur stupid, no survey the market price...

To buyers,
Please dun discount sampai the seller ngangis coz they too wan to earn some profit. If they dun wan they rather throw away or recycle it. Bad...

Note: Money is better than Barter System...
for me, if i meet a very ridiculous high price, i will keep myself shut and never care about a thing. But one thing I can't stand is... Market Spoiler in the seller's thread...
my infamous quote LBDF (Like..Buy,Dun Like..Fcuk Off)...buyer has no right to comment on the seller's price or calling him stupid for not surveying the market price....the only reason this kind of a buyer will do that is becos he/she really wants the item up for sale so bad that he/she will play dirty just to get their slimy hands on it...the only thing the buyer can do is to pray that the seller might had a good nookie with the wifey/gf before leaving for work that he will consider to lower the price down....

after years of buy/sell online....ive become prone to this kind of situation....like what stated by EG8...if you've inspected the item and found it to be in working/good order....try to ask(notice i use the word ASK...not beg)the seller if he's willing to do charity by lowering the price a lil bit...even if its RM20 off that shud be considered a good deal(people nowadays have a mindset of when requesting for a discount,the amount of price shaved off should be at least RM50 and any price under that doesnt count as discount)

about the location meetup...i will always prefer the deal to be close to me(becos im the one selling it..duhhh)so i got the VETO power...if a buyer willing to travel down to my stated location...the buyer has already scored himself a brownie point means if he were to ask whether i can lower the price down...heck yeah...you've travel all the way to buy it...that shows that you are sincere...i might give a discount or two....but if i were to drive all the way down to your location...sorry hombre...of cos this also depends on the item itself...if it's like a subwoofer or HID's...its my responsibility to demo the item first...then only i'll drive down...after a verbal(and a bit of deposit :P)have been placed down...as soon as the item is taken out...you come down my place and pick them up....so it's fair of cos....ahahha

Hahahah...sorry about this...the tranquilizer effect is gone...i need to take my medicine now....

PS. if you were in any how offended by my statement...means you are one of the jonkers....and nobody likes a jonker....it really is sad to see that nowadays alot of bs regarding buy/sell issues....whinning...tantrums...

If you have an issue...here's a tissue
Austin Power's Dad
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i hate those hamkachan who buy things.if u dun agree the price ppl selling try to nego nicely,dun act like the seller must sell to u.who the fuck u think u are?dun buy la
true true...
sometime we sell the item high becoz the price is high what???
what u buyers all thing can get cheap???
come on...

if u think the price is high the don't say anything and don't buy...
but u think u wanna nego the do it nicely...

for me there's some of u (buyer) are worth it to become a friend but some of the newbies aiyooooo kenot say anything la...
seller have the right to put their price...if u think its high.then dont buy oni..so easy...
what is there to complain.
well if dont like the price dont buy ler.. even if its a hard item to come by..

EG8, the dude that sold the Hobby seats in PJ State?
exactly why i stopped helping ppl to "find" items from chop shops and "help" them buy car related stuff.

they only think about their difficulty (studentlah, not rich la, not in budget lah) and the first hint that i take some markup they blindly turn a fucked up face. HELLO! i fetched the stuff with PETROL and WEAR & TEAR to my car! take a decent sum to cover back for my fuel+toll oso make pigface oledy.

the last time i bought something for someone, we already set the price while i was at the chop shop bcoz i was about to pay (my money first). when i delivered the stuff to him at a neutral location he had the nerve to nego some more. i ignored all his sms after that. not worth my trouble. nowadays i just tell them which chop shop they can find the stuff. GO GET THEM YOUR F*CKING SELF.

sadly, i do agree that some sellers are unethically profit minded. sigh.
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narx said:
well if dont like the price dont buy ler.. even if its a hard item to come by..

EG8, the dude that sold the Hobby seats in PJ State?

dude, yup thats me.the one who sold the seats to that towkay :)
some buyers sell at very high prices but then when u reply to the thread n ask for lower price...we wil get fucked by d seller....tat is d stuff i hate

somehow im really interested to buy...but the price is beyond market price....so when ask for diskaun...d seller say price is firm n wat u see if wat u get....wtf....really damn it u know...not friendly one

to who deals with me b4...of coz u know...im cincai...oledi diskaun..but when meet-up...can diskaun again....tat is life
mebe kena fark becos u ask in public....use the PM function ler....i oso damn hate it when ppl post in my thread asking for discount and complaining to high and watnot...u want to nego...u PM me...and some ppl have the nerve to ask ME to pm them instead...blardee foo
Customer is always king or queen! Different country or location has different culture in buying/selling behaviour. In the Soviet Union (last time la) you have to wait a waiter to finish his ciggie before he attends to you. In Japan, they all bow to you several times when u walk into their shops and bow again when you are leaving.... in zerotohundred?? I don't know.. from my experience.. many types.. hahaha... no offence ya?

My Opinion:
It is our responsiblity (SELLERS) to educate customers on ethical trading.
a) You don't see people asking for discounts at the cashiers counter in Carrefour right?
- even if they do ask... they are not yet being educated yet. :D are you that type?
b) Do you ask the petrol station clerk for freebies when you pump RM70 worth of fuel?
-even if they do.. it's only on promotion time or a special event. (well understood by customers anyway) - coz they are educated of the trend to when buying fuel and what to expect.

-However. You go to Petaling Street or the Kedai Runcit Serbaneka Ah Seng.
a) Do you bargain like hell buying the fake rolex watch you liked?
b) Do you bargain for the Broom to sweep your house?
-most likely we will bargain. Cause we know the items are usually over priced.

So, what kind of sellers are we? what kind of buyers do we expect? what buyers expect of sellers?

back to the original thread question. you just simply walk off if the negotiation of price is not up to your expectation. but please be ethical and well informed when bargaining. IMHO, offering ridiculous offer for an item is being really rude and shows that you are not well prepared to own the product. to me... you do not have the standards to own such product at all even if you have the money.

I have wonderful customers here and other places. Keep up the good work guys. :D It shows that they are well informed and ethical. :D thumbs up for you guys.

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Sometimes, forum threads like this comes up because the guy wanted to buy the stuff but can't afford it. And the parts happen to be rare or not easily available. If can't buy. just wait. Patience would get u better stuff anyday.
suka hati la the seller wanna sell at what price...what a stupid question...try asking this to donald trump and he will most probably say..."this is a stupid question..u r fired"
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