Turbo TImer on N/A Cars

yeah...i know..but no HKS Type-1..

right now i manually timer my engine off after i unlock my seat belt, putting the Autolock to my pedal, putting a sunshield at my windscreen & grab back my wallet & my handphone...hehe...it already take about 30 to 60 seconds to finish all...and after that i'll switch off my engine...
soggie said:
Well, here's a few quotes from various website:

The basic accepted concept of cooling the turbo in your engine, is to allow your turbo to cool off properly when you stop the car, by feeding it a steady stream of fresh oil, and thus likely preventing coking of the bearings (gunk buildup). Most manufacturers of turbo-charged vehicles recommend idling your car after you get where you're going, for at least 30 seconds, longer if you have really been boosting it...

...Toyota recommend that an Estima be idled for a period of time after moderate to hard driving to allow the oil/water to take heat out of the turbocharger...

A turbo timer is a device designed to keep an automotive engine running for a pre-specified period of time in order to automatically execute the cool-down period required to prevent premature turbo wear and failure...


Now onto my own justification. For an engine, when you are running it, the engine oil is not really the one that cools the engine, unless you've got an oil cooler installed. The main cooler is the radiator system. That takes heat away from the engine, and the fan itself kicks in for additional help when outside air is not enough. The purpose of such system is to keep the engine's heat constant at the most optimized level all the time while your engine is on. Doesn't matter if you drive 400 km non-stop, or 5 km, the coolant system's job is to keep the engine's heat stable all the way. Therefore, after a long drive, it won't hurt the engine if you shut it off immediately. WHy? Simple logic.

You said the job of the TT is to cool down the engine. Now let's see, why? Cause when heated up to fusion point, the pistons will melt and blow the engine up. Right? So what creates the heat? The combustion in the engine, correct? Now if there's no combustion in the engine, where does the heat comes from? NOWHERE! So why idling the engine for 30 mins is gonna cool down the engine better than just shutting it off and let the atmosphere do it for you? No combustion = no heat.

The engine doesn't need a long cool down period after a long drive. After a HARD drive yeah, its good to leave the engine running for a while.

Turbines get heated up very fast when you're driving it pretty hard, and unlike the engine, the consequences of not cooling it down properly is pretty severe. The compressor assembly might be wrecked if its hot, and no oil is fed into it after the engine has been turned off. That's y most manufacturers recommend a cooling period after a hard run. For normal drives you can do it the same way as an NA - turn it off once you've parked your car.

No offense, just providing my side of argument.

what i wanted to said is what soggie has said .... so i don'tneed to post agian same thing .
my cousin's boyfiend car and my cousin's frineed car , both NA , vios and satria GTi , revvy fellow ... wanted to pasang TT . but my advise is not to .
why ? becasue TT is only good for those car with turbo timer .

oh ya , if you are revving your car engine stationary , in N mode . then you should wait few seconds to wait the oil flow back . but it is not nessesary at all . as when you are driving , it is not nessesary to have TT at all . remember, when you are driving , the engine is actually cooler than what you thought ! lots of air will go into the engine to cool down the engine and radiator , i think many people miss this point . Overheat often occur only if your cooling system got problem or you are idle for too long .
so ,what is the point of installing a TT into a NA car ? it doesn't really work well and it is some sort of wastage of money . what you should do is , drive around at low speed after high revving , maybe 30-40 before you reach your house .

AND IF YOU INSIST TO COOL DOWN THE ENGINE , I THINK YOU SHOULD TRY TO SEEK A ELECTRONIC ENGINEER , ASK HIM HELP YOU FIND A RELAY THAT CONNECTED TO THE RADIATOR AND COOLING SYSTEM . once you turn off the key , the radiator will keep spinning for few minutes , only the radiator , that means , the engine will no longer producing heat while the radiator will cool down the remaining heat in the engine .
such practice is in most modern car , especially european made . where the radiator got self timer after you turn off the engine .

remember , TT means to cool down the turbo system only . it doens't cool down the engine .
as you moving , more air will enter your engine , it is actually cooler if you are driving .
when you idle the car , no air will comes in , only the radiator fan will spin to suck in the air . of course , the amount of air is lesser than when you are driving .

just my advise , no hard feeling to those who wanted to buy one TO COOL DOWN THE ENGGINE ONLY , don't waste your money .
bridgestoneRE711 said:
the main reason of TT is to cool down the exhaust system . not the engine system.

its not the xhaust system.its the turbo unit.

yes..not the engine.
yeah what bridgestone said is totally true, he got a point for himself. I appreciate him for sharing his points.

Well, why not use a TT, who knows for a RM90 (Which i spent on my TT) could actually increase my engine life span, never know.

Some people spend like RM100 on every service for some coolant additive, for some kinda engine treatment stuff. Well a TT is a good investment for me because its once in a life time investment. Furthermore TT comes with a switch called "OFF".

If you dun like it, just hit it to "OFF", ok let me define the meaning of "OFF" on a electronic item, which means :

"So as to be no longer continuing, operating, or functioning"

Basicly, there is nothing much to discuss on the good of using a TT or bad part of it. Basicly there is nothing wrong leaving the engine idle for a moment after long distance travelling or even short.

Its just personal preference, to have it or not to have it. Some just go for the sake of trend and some smart people start to hold their chin look up for a moment and start nodding over the purpose of having something new in our babies (our rides) and those genius people are here debating and sharing their toughts over TT here right now. HeHehehe, yeah guys smile :smile:

NO HARD FEELINGS OVER ANYTHING. sIGH Im just good in hitting my keyboard. :rock:
ahhaha no prob...too make u feel better.i made a typo worse than this.
in stead of throwing a chair...i typed CAR!!!

aiyoh..kena bomb about 1 page.

---sorry off topic abit---
riq said:
yeah...i know..but no HKS Type-1..

right now i manually timer my engine off after i unlock my seat belt, putting the Autolock to my pedal, putting a sunshield at my windscreen & grab back my wallet & my handphone...hehe...it already take about 30 to 60 seconds to finish all...and after that i'll switch off my engine...

LMAO.....man i did that also....when i was younger without a TT..
even now i still do it to my parents car when i drive it...or any car without a TT...Its habit man..
Its so true the when u do all that...b4 coming out of ur car...Its ur own TT...
Now i know i'm not alone.....
Rattan said this which covers all...."Its just personal preference"
so yeah it totally depends on ur budget and if u wanna install one to serve ur engine well..

As for bridgestoneRE711....brother had loads of good points...which comes in handy even if ur driving a normal car....
Yeah i know about the outside air when driving super cools the engine down and when its not moving on N leaving it idle makes the engine bay hotter...
Ur points are well taken...

all you guys had points...nothing wrong we are all sharing what we know...Plus we never stop learning...remember the day we stop learning is the day we leave this planet called earth(a bit emo at the moment)
ya , i don't think it is any wrong if you install turbo timer . but letting it stationary a while is ok . don't too long , for NA , put turbo timer is like a waste of money . yes , it won't harm , but it wont gain much either .

many people misunderstood turbotimer is to cool down the engine , that is why they want install it . actually it doens't cool down the engine .

letting the engine idle for 5 seconds for the fuel flow back or the oil flow back is okay . but it isn't nessesary . as in real life , you don't need either , becasue when you stop , you will gatal tangan , turn off this stuff and that stuff , that already consume your few tenth seconds . so , just let it be .
or you can practice this , wait the song you listen finish first only turn off the engine .
but still , it is not nessesary .
my friend's cousin , Kruger's cousin Wira 1.5 engine heavily modified , no turbotimer too . no overhead problem at all .

if want cool down engine , turbo timer is not the solution , at all . you need to have the radiator or cooling system to run while the engine is off . that is the only way .

hope this helps . everyone is trying to be helpful , i understand it . no hard feelings here, i am just giving out what i know and try to save some little money that are not suppose to be wasted . (my opinion)
insane_ian said:
Ok i think i have the best way to put it for TT in a N/A or Turbo

Lets look at it this way...before a human goes jogging workout etc..they must warm up....and after doing what they were doing they gotta cool down before hitting the shower,going under a fan or just sit down straight watch t.v.
They gotta let their body system get back to the regular heart beat then the fast heart beat due to all the exercise...Slowly cool down not straight away...
Cos if after a heavy workout u just eat or rest ur body momentum sure will run...

That same method is also used for any engine...may it be a std one, a done up n/a(p&p) or a turbo...
Thats why a TT comes in to make everything in ur car engine go back to neutral...rather then everything hot hot just off....Some TT's have a timer thingy to measure up to the amount the car rev or drove for (correct me if i'm wrong on this TT) rather then just setting for 20sec or 1min...It the TT sets the off timing based on how much u did on the car...

I mean just try apply the method of a human body to a car engine...

Hope this helps...

it is liek this .
when you are runnign heavily , you have to stop it slowly too ... not straight away sit down - correct .
that is why you need to keep you car slow down beofre you stop .

when you are running - got heat - got air flow to your face to cool you down .
when you are running on same spot - got heat - no air flow to your face to cool you down .
when you are running , and slowly slow down and sit down . then have a fan blowing air to your face , no heat is generated , but got air flow to cool you down .
get the poitn what i want to say ...

cheers . no hard feeling here .
nitrus said:
chill, chill ... ahahaha

i dunno la whether it has use on a NA or not, but all i know that it has helped solved my problems on my proton saga LMST ..
not long ago b4 this , i had difficulties starting my car after few hours (not morning cold start) , so i asked around n ppl told me few ways to solve my problem ..

i didnt know who to believe.

one person on ZTH here told me bout letting my car run awhile b4 turning it off everytime, coz our iswara/saga have some problem with the fuel not flowing back to dunno which shit hole bla bla bla...

so i thought, wah lan, i dun hav tat much time everytime wait at my car when im rushing off to somewhere after i parked .

so i bought the cheapest TT i cud find n hid it somewhere in the car n set it to 30 seconds..

now my problem is solved.. hahahaha!!! so u all say TT useful for NA car or not? i dun noe, dun care.. all i noe tat it conveniently solved my problem... cheers! :biggrin:

"tat's y when your morning can easi start car, coz petrol already slowly flowing back to oil tank. it's the common problem in new model proton carb especially iswara a/b (new saga).

my car model same with u, 1 year ++ already, ur problem i also facing but no always occur... coz i use my car at morning go to office, and evening go back home, one day normally just 2 times drive my car onli, and i have the adapt when i stop my car i'm no immediately switch off, normally waiting at least 1min.

mechanic give me 3 way to solve it:
1. change oil punch (dont know can solve or not, no recommend except u have trust mechanic or car shop)
2. dont immediately switch off ur car.
3. before start engine, hold down ur accelerator few second"
quote from the other thread .

by the way , F1 fans will get the chance to see this . F1 car , once they stop , they have to turn off the engine . if want to let engine running , must put the blower at the radiator funnel . same reason , why we should not let our engine running idle .
Yeah.... bridgestone I also want to know what u mean by "Oil Punch", wanna learn something new....

Come share with us...
er ... not so understand too .
i already say : 'quoted from other thread' ....
hehhehe ... but it is the answer to the problem la .
i think he mean the oil pump ... but duno .
i forgot refer to which thread liao .
Anyone here know any modification to make an air cond more chill ? My car is very new, so is the aircond, but cant tend to cool down the car in hot sunny days ? At night the air cond is very cool. what to do ah ? Any mod on air cond ?
wow this thread still goin strong huh? hahahahaaa

rattan : tinting la .. :) or if u EFI car try voltagestabalizer + grounding ? dunno they say that can improve aircond coolness ... not sure how true is it..
i would say go tinting also man....it plays its role...not sure about the other option given by nitrus...

yeah man this thread still going so strong...

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