Track Day Support Group 2011.

come & bring some kuih raya as can have a maaf2 session...motorsport kaki should unite. peace
wkwoo69:thanks for your info. btw what's the time start? any sifu can teach me race? this is my 2nd time to track. 1st time in not well prepared.,
ur a BAD influence ler!hahahahahha...........coming on d 4th?

Not sure yet... as on the 2/9 I also join 1 track day. if go on the OTD will c c lok lok 1st... if less car then play...if federal highway then tcss.,
OI!2/9 wat track day?private?

u dun tok so much...u goin or not 1st?dari td asyik mmmmm,mmmmmm oredy tuned kaw kaw,so,watelse?WHACK lar!

dun think so much.just make it a point 2 attend 1st.wether u'll get any1 2 teach u or not,depends on how willing u r 2 ask der & thn....u ask here,usually no1 will commit 1..coz all oso sibuk wanna whack d track themselves,u get wat i mean?hahahaaha.......just follow wat adian sed earlier,approach any1 u like in d pits...worst come 2 worst,no1 1na layan u,just drive n try 2 follow cars dat u think r faster thn u n study their lines?i know alot of us started dis way.....cheers & gd luck....
ya... some thing like that, the fee is exp then OTD... 'cos if wait for the OTD to come by car will collecting dust loh.

that's why if PS3 hv the track for newbie or GT5 kaki sure good news... can do some training before go to SIC. but still cannot beat the soik factor w/ real cars lah. the fee for 2nd sept is SGD150 and another SGD60 to we are not member. If u are member then is SGD150. But SGD150 for early bird otherwise will be SGD180. That's what my fren told me cause suppose to join this but to expensive. So now try my luck to 4th sept.

akuma: i will try my best to whack the track like nobody business. lol fun time..
oi oi oi!cup!dun lar whack like nobody's business..whr can like dat?sure got track ethics mah? i wish i can whack d track like nobody's business oso..but kenot ler..hafta baby d car...daily driven n i hafta drive back 2 Kuantan w it oso wei........
so,hope 2 c u on d 4th.....just come over n say hie altho i haf a lansi face!ahahahahhahahah
the early bird is SGD150 & the SGD 60 is member fee for 1 year so if u join now it will count pro-rated annual fee. & SGD30 as admin u need a paypal a/c to made the payment.

also u hv to follow they ball game.... if not u r out from the track.

for more info u guys can check out their web site
Traction Circle Club
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