Track Day Support Group 2011.

this lonely rich guy is just crave for attention hence the bold remarks to spice things.if he came up with friendly statement/comments the feedback he gets wouldn't be as good :D

sumore he did mention one of his trackday burden in 1st page was "All the other drivers, super lansi or think they're super quick"
lansi / super lansi or whatever ppl may call it is subject to individual point of view,what lansi to me may not lansi to you.. if it happen i drive a lotus and ur crx with 260s sticker is faster & overtake my lotus while lapping in OTD, i tried to give a chase but I coundn't then I pissed off & call u lansi..u also got piss off bcoz u feel what u did is not lansi, i m the one who is lansi coz call u lansi.. he ask again, what is that 260s mean?? u said my car on straight line can reach 260+km/h maa... waaa super lansi this crx..then how?? talk talk talk is what he wants, lonely maaa hehehe :dancing:

Haha... My gawd. 2 full paragraphs of nonsense.

But sincere thanks for the comic relief. Took a lot of tension out of the thread.
Nice.. time to wrap up everything and get ready for the next SIC Track Day.

Put away our differences and WOT all the way..

ps. Happy World Photography Day (19th August 2011)
What time is the Open TD on 4 Sep please? Like the previous Open TDs, just show up beforehand and register and pay, first come first serve basis?

BTW, I have a lansi face I'm sure but I am friendly in real life. I drive a Gun Metal A31. See you all there!
ekheemm..kindly step aside whn it comes 2 d lansi face department ok?i'm still alive,FYI.HAHAHAAH......woi,u goin ar?i've yet 2 c ur new toy lar wei!..dis will b FUN!yay!
Oh yes, akuma, I need to burn rubber but hopefully nothing else on that day! This new toy needs work. What time is it ar? No details on SIC website. Look forward to seeing your lansi face again!
i know d time but i'm not gonna tell u...coz i lansi mah?can or not?HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..............woi,1 taxi ride in ur new toy dis 4th Sept,ok?thx in advance!
To (almost) Everyone:

Honestly, I'm a bit ashamed.

As it is we have so few tracking and motorsports opportunities in Malaysia and you guys are quarrelling over this??

IMHO majority trackies have lan-si face coz we're all wannabe racing drivers which means that we all have huge fricking egos. But you know what? If you go up to one, smile and say "Hey man, how's it going? What you got under the hood?" or if you really wanna be sempoi say "hi bro! kete lu cun wei!". And that's how we all end up being friends!

To those whacking Elsm80: chill la, the guy did have some honest queries, although he could have worded it a bit nicely.

To those fanning the fire: No more stirring sh&t, k? Let's move on.

And you know why everyone??

Because the fellas you should be 'whacking' are those that have injusticed us by making Motorsports in this country so cr*ppily costly and inaccessible. The MB that tore down Batu Tiga (no names mentioned!). Those others that put thousands into the once a year Big One known as F1 rather than our grassroot level. Those shallow ones to whom motorsports = rich b@stards with too much time and money. Those narrow-minded ones that only think of Karts when the word Motorsports Development is mentioned.

And errr... half you buggeres here are SNF kakis so bring your fight to the my next round on 9 Sept (hahaha free plug!!)

There's a bigger picture. Lets stay focused.
Well said, Adian. Akuma, sure I will taxi you but I got to know what time lah
Sangat panas! Hi Adian, this is James, Henry's friend. If there are no Sepang official OTD, when is your track day for September? Cheers bro.
I could have been more polite Adian and have apologised previously. :) Thanks for helping to bring things into perspective.
fuiyoh,adian masuk bawak rotan!hahaha...jjk...............very well said,points taken.n oso SNF y u go n do FNF?how i 1na attend/enter?dun blame me ar?ahahahhaha

ekcerly,i oso duno..who got Kumar's num?he's still d person 2 contact,no?bart senyap only?
hi everyone, how can i join for the upcoming OTD for sept 4th? pls guide me. have a nice day everyone.
YEEAAAHHHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Raya kat Sepang weh!hahahahaha
kelvinpoon: If it's no different from before, show up 1 hour before the scheduled time, pay your money, sign the indemnity form and collect your tag from the desk outside the pit entrance (after the tunnel). It's been so long since my last OTD I can't remember if there's a safety briefing. There should be. Wait for the green light and go go go. Best to like the FB page for updates.
I don't think we can do change to SIC for now. but don't forget this is a F1/FIA standard track.

Unless 1 day we hv:
1) one budget track like the old BT3.
2) the G tell the SIC if u want to get pay u hv to DIY.... may be that time they will sold of the track to others can made good $$ there.... nope. but then the track fees will sure go up.

So for the time been I just play my PS3 GT5.... & hope I day PS3 can let us purchase tracks (ie Sepang track) from their web store. As in long run it is still cheaper then go play in SIC & can hv my OTD or SNF any time I like.... ooops forget u can go online & race w/ others (ie HK ppl) bang thier cars & fxxk them up (w/ a mic) kau kau tooo!! "ur mum OK ar!!!" soik lah... hehe
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ur a BAD influence ler!hahahahahha...........coming on d 4th?
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