Track Day Support Group 2011.

Well, Thank you all for the feedback and it is really much appreciated.

Sadly however it is also reinforces my belief that Track guys like you all have no idea what I'm trying to get at.

Here are my cogent points.

My car and timing is none of your business, I have done my track time and I know the etiquette.

My problem is the "clique-ish" juvenile attitude shown on track and even here. I am honestly aghast at the way you have judged me, newbie or not.

Btw....some misconceptions and ignorance on your part.

The online SIC calendar is not really up to date as there are various changes made to it as the year goes by. There are private functions taking up "open" sessions. My point here is that this facility is and was sold to the nation as a "public and social amenity". Our "open" public track days are meant to take priority and not the other way round. All Sundays should be open days and if you want a corporate function, go take a weekday. YOU are a taxpayer and have the right to demand this. Rather then taking MC and going for a track day. YOUR attitude and stupidity is so profound and you even have a bunch of monkeys agree-ing with you which is even worse. Obviously you haven't been to any foreign tracks to know better.

Next, Again this may be due to your lack of exposure BUT most track biased communities are very open to all levels of drivers, be it online or offline. I am not the best driver but I do not judge. I do not presume to act that i know better. I merely want to create a space where like-minded drivers can feel at home in sharing their knowledge and experience. The problem with Malaysian track drivers are that they always hang out with the same bunch of monkeys and as a result are never learning any new tricks. I know a certain club that defines themselves with a timing, even names themselves after it. I laughed my ass off when I asked them what if a member"s timing went below 2.40. They just shrugged their shoulders. You guys here are of the same mentality.

All shit input and zero help. You think you're funny yet when I read you comments, it just shows what a bunch of D*&kheads you are.

What's wrong with Ultra Racing if they work, they're cheap, sturdy and replace-able. Everything a real driver needs. You and your HKS, Cusco, Aragosta, Blitz sound like you don't even know shit when you eat it. I know brands too. Do you know R&D?

Just for the record. You guys make me sad that I have to share the track with such F^&ktards. You may be quicker or more talented or have a better car BUT most importantly you're only going to get as good as this.

My 2 cents.
Well, Thank you all for the feedback and it is really much appreciated.

Sadly however it is also reinforces my belief that Track guys like you all have no idea what I'm trying to get at.

Here are my cogent points.

My car and timing is none of your business, I have done my track time and I know the etiquette.

My problem is the "clique-ish" juvenile attitude shown on track and even here. I am honestly aghast at the way you have judged me, newbie or not.

Oh ok? I went there alone, a couple of times last year, but I have no issues there, maybe because I approached people to talk to? Ask them questions? Compliment their cars, driving?

Btw....some misconceptions and ignorance on your part.

The online SIC calendar is not really up to date as there are various changes made to it as the year goes by. There are private functions taking up "open" sessions. My point here is that this facility is and was sold to the nation as a "public and social amenity". Our "open" public track days are meant to take priority and not the other way round. All Sundays should be open days and if you want a corporate function, go take a weekday. YOU are a taxpayer and have the right to demand this. Rather then taking MC and going for a track day. YOUR attitude and stupidity is so profound and you even have a bunch of monkeys agree-ing with you which is even worse. Obviously you haven't been to any foreign tracks to know better.

Nope, I haven't been to any foreign tracks :( no money ma. But then again, if all taxpayers are car enthusiasts, I understand la the frustration, I frustrated also but I keep it to myself, I know my friends aren't happy with this year's lack of OTD as well but oh well.

Next, Again this may be due to your lack of exposure BUT most track biased communities are very open to all levels of drivers, be it online or offline. I am not the best driver but I do not judge. I do not presume to act that i know better. I merely want to create a space where like-minded drivers can feel at home in sharing their knowledge and experience. The problem with Malaysian track drivers are that they always hang out with the same bunch of monkeys and as a result are never learning any new tricks. I know a certain club that defines themselves with a timing, even names themselves after it. I laughed my ass off when I asked them what if a member"s timing went below 2.40. They just shrugged their shoulders. You guys here are of the same mentality.

U mean the 240s? I didn't know them, met some of them in the track, talked to them they were good guys, in fact, I met them way before I hit 2.40s (The joy), I was in 2.50s, wait that was last year :P. OH AND FYI, a couple of them have reached 2.30s, or maybe more? Paiseh la guys, I don't know you all that well ma. But the part where you laughed your ass off, I don't get it, mind elaborating?
All shit input and zero help. You think you're funny yet when I read you comments, it just shows what a bunch of D*&kheads you are.

What's wrong with Ultra Racing if they work, they're cheap, sturdy and replace-able. Everything a real driver needs. You and your HKS, Cusco, Aragosta, Blitz sound like you don't even know shit when you eat it. I know brands too. Do you know R&D?

Just for the record. You guys make me sad that I have to share the track with such F^&ktards. You may be quicker or more talented or have a better car BUT most importantly you're only going to get as good as this.

Don't be angry, on a serious note, why don't you look into the mirror and ask yourself why even till today you are still going to the track alone. I met some of my pals from GRA, some of them in the track itself, but I do not get approached, I approached them. There may be certain individuals who are like u said, LANSI, but then again, who cares, you want to improve? Or you want your face? You try talk to Vettel or Schumacher or Button or Hamilton see they layan you or not :P

My 2 cents.

My 5 cents, Malaysia no 1 cent coin anymore :(
well well well,wat do v have here?anoda sicko who posted in a PUBLIC forum yet can't take a lil heat n start calling names?bravo!oh well,since u take dis d -ve way,der's not much 2 say anymore,right?so,good luck in getting ppl 2 b in ur support group,ok?

n oh,since u dun like 2 share d track w lowly beings like us,well,by all means,do try ur utmost best 2 arrange a private track session 4 urself n ur support group....go talk 2 d track management n do all d necessarily arrangements.....yes,it can b done.....ignorance ppl like those in my group recently just held dun tell me a freaking smart n high up class person like urself can't organize 1,right?dat is IMPOSSIBLE!
b my support dis poor soul who can only rant n whine in a public forum n never 1na listen/take heed of other ppl's comment/view......n never did i start any flaming session..frm my very 1st reply i clearly stated i dun intend 2 flame/offend any1 n hope my comments will b take in a +ve manner......but no,dis fella reply straight away call names,boast he's got oversea track experience,bla bla bla.....but nvm lar......dis is a public forum,every1 is entitled 2 their own opiniong as long as they dun go against any rules set by d admins,right?
cheers 2 u..u haf a kind heart.....i support u,but not sick cry babies....hahahha
Next, Again this may be due to your lack of exposure BUT most track biased communities are very open to all levels of drivers, be it online or offline. I am not the best driver but I do not judge. I do not presume to act that i know better. I merely want to create a space where like-minded drivers can feel at home in sharing their knowledge and experience. The problem with Malaysian track drivers are that they always hang out with the same bunch of monkeys and as a result are never learning any new tricks. I know a certain club that defines themselves with a timing, even names themselves after it. I laughed my ass off when I asked them what if a member"s timing went below 2.40. They just shrugged their shoulders. You guys here are of the same mentality.

YOU are a taxpayer and have the right to demand this. Rather then taking MC and going for a track day. YOUR attitude and stupidity is so profound and you even have a bunch of monkeys agree-ing with you which is even worse.

All shit input and zero help. You think you're funny yet when I read you comments, it just shows what a bunch of D*&kheads you are.

Just for the record. You guys make me sad that I have to share the track with such F^&ktards. You may be quicker or more talented or have a better car BUT most importantly you're only going to get as good as this.

you said you do not judge? look at your own posting.. :hmmmm:
well... i guess you are too smart in your own class to join bunch of stupid monkeys like us. that's ok, we will still enjoy open track day without you:driver:

anyway, i feel pity for your sorry soul. you seem so smart but you can't enjoy OTD where as those who you names "bunch of monkeys" are having all the fun :laugh:
let it be ler.....i rather b a happy monkey n monkey ard w my monkey frens thn live a lonely life....will u b der on 4th Sept(hope SIC dun make any changes)
The problem with Malaysian track drivers are that they always hang out with the same bunch of monkeys and as a result are never learning any new tricks. I know a certain club that defines themselves with a timing, even names themselves after it. I laughed my ass off when I asked them what if a member"s timing went below 2.40. They just shrugged their shoulders. You guys here are of the same mentality.

Hello Eugene...

My name is Ari. How are you? Today, the weather seems to be a bit HOTTER than usual.. Dont you think so?

Anyway, i support one of your point. Sundays are supposed to be "Open Track Day" for the public. I dont know how it is in other countries as I'm like most people here, lack of international experience :D And when you refer to foriegn tracks, may i ask, which track are you refering to? Or which country? Most people i know, they track a lot in Perth. Because they were studying there. The only drivers i know who track outside the country are our local racers, Alex Yoong, Fairuz and Farriz, Tg Djan and the rest, so, if i see them, i will ask them how is it like in another country.. Do they give priority to the public for Sunday track day or not..

Actually, the real reason for my comment in your thread here is as per what was quoted above. Are you referring to 240s? And if you are, what did the 240s do to you that you need to quote them in your comment? Do you have any personal problem with them? Or, is the name 240s funny to you? Either way, i do hope you answer my questions here just to clarify the matter as its not nice for me to assume things right?

Thank you Eugene for your time and I'm really looking forward to your reply.
ya i will be there on 4th Sep, more than 6months didn't track d, tangan gatal kaki gatal, hahaha... guess i'll see your orange rocket burn some rubber that day ;)
well,i'm hoping 2 sort out my car b4 4th Sept..had some issue w oil leaks d last time i went SIC.....damn lotsa white smoke.......n u dun need 2 look out 4 my orange/black car's a slow monkey car...u shud look out 4 either an EVO/FD RX7/huge ass GT Wing-ed Lotus Elise.....IF d high-being decided 2 share d track w us monkeys lar......u better stay off his way or else he'll go on n rant dat u either lansi block his lines or u bullied him.....n if ur free,do check out SIC's OTD schedule on a daily basis n update every1 ok?coz it's obvious sum ppl duno how 2 get information.....aisey..wat m i wasting my Sat nyte in here playing monkey w u?i shud b out der checking out hot n sexy female monkeys!hahaaahhahh....

I agree with most of your points although the name calling was a bit harsh. Thanks anyway for putting out your thoughts blantly. I feel the same way too in most cases.Apparently most track goers going to OTD are like that and the "faster" ones expect to get some kind of recognition/street credit, which probably they could never obtain elsewhere,e.g. real life/work etc.Getting into a herd helps too I guess.C'mon, improve timing, racing skills etc,?? What for again?it makes me wonder why they are still stuck in a econobox for years and not picked/sponsored to drive for a real racing team.

Sadly,these frequent OTD track goers had taken out the fun out of the whole event.

The only way for you to avoid this community is to just avoid OTD and join private track days. Of course it is much more expensive, but it's worth it. You can call up the Sepang F1office and talk to the guys there directly for more info.The time slots will be odd so you have to be prepared to take that Annual Leave/MC. In the end of the day, there is only one Sepang track, and like it or not, we have to follow their schedule. But you have a choice when it comes to whom you would want to share the track with.
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Lets play ps gran torismo. .no engine blow! N u dont have to face this all. .In online or real world. .Kahhhhh

from a retired otd attacker. .:driver:
Haha.... before I start, I think I would first like to apologize for my previous use of foul language. BonesGarage is right. No point in it.

Now, that's sorted; let's begin.

Stop being a facebook stalker. That is some really hairy gay ass character you have there. Very soon, you'd be telling the world the colour of my underwear. The point is, personal as my attacks have been, they have been limited to the context of OTDs. Obey this rule and I'll "layan" your gibberish.

The rest excluding Khoyos and Bones
It is obvious that you really have no idea what is being discussed and only ape to be accepted by your "track" hero who has nothing better to do than to stalk people on the internet. This is understand-able as most of you have admitted to being monkeys and as we all know monkey see, monkey do.

240s - I know and have heard of them, but please don't be so "perasan" as to think that I want to talk about them. Like we ALL have said, what so great about 2.40s or 2.30s on Sepang nowadays? So, please go wank off in a corner and feel good about it by yourself. 2.40s was the magic mark 5 years ago, so the people I was talking about have all long gone below 2.40s. They used to define themselves with this timing but when they hit the 2.30s, they admitted that timing definition was not really accurate in measuring one's abilities. Anyone with 400k can buy a GTR, slap on fat semis and do 2.30s all day long. Whilst, I would have genuine RESPECT and AWE if somebody is able to do a 2.30 in a NA 1.8. So this scale has various co-factors which I will not explain for fear of boring the self-admitted monkeys to sleep.

My cars are again none of your business BUT for your information, GT wings on a car with less than 300whp on SEPANG are useless. I wanted to achieve full throttle attacks from turn 5 through 8 and I found the car was twitchy and nervous through the transitions. Downforce solved it for me but I totally lost out on whatever meagre top speed I had. The object point is that Mr Akuma will never understand what R&D is about. Btw, Akuma...if you want the wing, its in storage as part of my R&D efforts. Billet aluminium stands (4 step adjustable) with the aerofoil design modelled from one coming from a genuine GT3 Lambo. The Lotus is a test mule for race-tech.

So if you see me coming up behind or in front of you, please be careful as I may kill you with prototype bespoke parts.

Thanks and warmest regards.
Dear elsm80,

I would really understand your situation as I'm really a newbie in the track event. I never know when the OTD were held and don't even know all the rules and regulation.

For all this time, I've been scared to go to any since I don't have much fund to spare if anything were to happen during the track days because of what I've heard, people just push u during corner, your tayar will eventually rosak for even 1 session, the old timer are lansi etc...

But I've been wondering what it feels like to drive on the track with all car are racing (unlike on the road, there are some mak cik going to pasar, some student going to class). I was also afraid to lepak with all those people that u refer to as monkeys since they are old friends and afraid that i coulnd't really blend in with them.

BUT, i gave it a try. I'll contact them to lepak. I'll contact them for any technical issue. I'll hang around when they lepak to gain more knowledge that they have through out the year.
GUESS what? During my first track day , I F%^KING enjoyed it! I was the only first timer that day, but i have no problem at all. I don't know all the drivers that day, but no problem at all since i was there to enjoy the track. I even got some of the driver to teach me on the track lines, how to take the corner, what tire pressure should i have and all kind of thing.

The super lansi Akuma is not that lansi. He might sound lansi in the forum, but to tell u the truth, he's a good man. We even share knowledge and tools.

Yeah I understand in the first post that you are looking for people that might have same situation like u to join and support each other. I might join because i was a first timer with no friend to go to with BUT after all the names calling and saying that old timer are lansi, i think u might just be wrong.

What is wrong with 240s? They are not lansi. I think my timing was 3.00 but i have no problem chilling out with them. the 2.40 as a benchmark for them to achieve even it was done 5 years back by someone. Van diesel also refer to all the powerful car as 10seconds car.. then what happen if the car can do 9 seconds? Please..... i don't think its right for u to laughed you ass of because of this.

Psst : Malay saying : masuk kandang kambing mengembek, masuk kandang lembu booo... so don't expect to masuk kandang harimau and ask the harimau to follow us mengembek. we have to follow them mengaum...... tq :)

You guys want your fun, that's alright, but is it right to judge people based on their agendas? So what if they go there just to time themselves? The time 2.40s is a benchmark, for a stock/close to stock Honda (If you haven't realise that most of the people here are Honda drivers). Timing isn't really a really good way to determine how good you are, but isn't it one of the factors? True enough that some mod their cars just so that they can break the 2.40 barrier but how many of us have that kind of cash?

I want to mod myself to get into low 2.40s as well but that would beat the purpose of timing myself, actually, an excuse cause I have limited cash :P *seriously, not a joke

I know some of the people go there just to learn, but why not you show some respect to the group before laughing at them?

**2.42 apparently is the best time that a Honda Malaysia Racing Team driver did with a stock standard Civic Type R with speed cut still intact, so isn't it a good benchmark to learn?
Honda drivers are MOSTLY full of themselves until you turn up in something faster.

Just an observation so please don't lose sleep over it k mate.

---------- Post added at 03:50 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 03:49 PM ----------

One more thing, there are only 2 places on the track that the speed cut will cost you time and I doubt that a stock CTR can hit 180 on the home and back straight.
One more thing, there are only 2 places on the track that the speed cut will cost you time and I doubt that a stock CTR can hit 180 on the home and back straight.

eeerrr.....even my ex-B16A EF (stock mind u) could touch 180 on the 2 straights...and thats with entering the straight with 3rd gear instead of 2nd.

and my current stock B20 touched 190 before i had to let off at the 200m mark....damn brake fade.
Honda drivers are MOSTLY full of themselves until you turn up in something faster.

Just an observation so please don't lose sleep over it k mate.

---------- Post added at 03:50 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 03:49 PM ----------

One more thing, there are only 2 places on the track that the speed cut will cost you time and I doubt that a stock CTR can hit 180 on the home and back straight.
There you are, making assumptions, calling people names and stereotyping Honda drivers.

YET you have the nerve to call others lansi or judgmental.

IF you can't come out with a better reply then don't bother replying. & IF you can't take my diplomatic opinion or explanation, then why bother posting in a public forum?

Cut your personal attacks, it only makes you look childish.

P.S. I have personally driven in the track, not a very good driver, only 2.49 maximum la, main straight, I hit 187 then the speed cut stopped me, just before the 150m mark. So? How?
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