The Brand of Petrol Might Help a Little..


500 RPM
Senior Member
Sep 19, 2005
Dear Ppl,

Of late,ive been experiencing my pocket getting lighter just bcos of my petrol bills,yes PETROL BILLS PPL!!!.Driving during peak or even off peak hrs is like really similar to killing !...Guys, i was thinking maybe i shud try a diff brand of petrol to actually gain a little or more milage which would really help before installing fuel saving gadgets or any other related stuff.Even if it's only gonna make a lil/small diff ,its gonna be so good when looked at, in a span of a year or wud be more of savings rather than wastage for no reason.So,ppl what petrol BRAND do u feel gives u the best milage personally?.....pls feel free to share for the better of all reader's in here.....thnx to all in advance!

Additional Info

1)My current petrol brand-SHELL(GREEN)
2)My Engine type -4g93p(Manual)
Whatever petrol which people claim doesn't give them power, that should be the petrol that gives better FC.

However, instead of looking at petrol bills, you ought to change your lifestyle a little. Nowadays, need to be more prudent and not spend on clothes too much, drinking session, mamak, ciggarettes if you smoke, eat less. I mean petrol is one part of the spending, but you ought to cut down on other expenditure.

Funny that people don't complain about paying RM 10 for Coffee Bean/Starbucks where else at coffee stall, you probably be paying RM 1.60 at most.

Thanks for the try- to- help...i appreciate that itself.But Its kind of being truly n really so very unreasonable to me when u said as above that, to eat less.Furthermore,as ive mentioned that its just the petrol bills and nothing else besides that is of concern to me.Im also absolutely not in favor to the idea of saving on other parts of life(ESP EATING LESS,as above) n then paying for the wrong brand of petrol compared to a brand that actually gives better milage(which im looking for,hopefully there is)......thats why i was askin for the brand,brand of petrol that most ppl think gives short its only the BRAND needed here...
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The following is just my personal experince, please don't flame me for anything:
Shell (V-Power) - Power is the best, FC is the best, but very expensive...
Shell (Super) - Power... just ok, FC better than other brands.
Mobil - Power better than Shell (Super), FC slightly bad if comapre to Shell (Super)
Petronas - Feel the same as Mobil
Esso - Will cause my engine runs rough
BP - Seldom use, no comment.
Caltex - Never used, no comment
Projet - Also caused my engine runs rough, engine lack of power. FC still ok.
mine using Petronas, the FC is better than Shell... :)
LoneWolf81 said:
The following is just my personal experince, please don't flame me for anything:
Shell (V-Power) - Power is the best, FC is the best, but very expensive...
Shell (Super) - Power... just ok, FC better than other brands.
Mobil - Power better than Shell (Super), FC slightly bad if comapre to Shell (Super)
Petronas - Feel the same as Mobil
Esso - Will cause my engine runs rough
BP - Seldom use, no comment.
Caltex - Never used, no comment
Projet - Also caused my engine runs rough, engine lack of power. FC still ok.
lonewolf81, itz is sooooo psychological.

esso and mobil has the same fuel.... itz a fact.
I am using shell (green) and it give me good FC but not so in performance!!!
Whereas, Petronas is vice versa!!!
im using Shell (green) all the time but i pump Caltex for once coz my car stuck in traffic jam and causing Low Fuel....

Normaly...i pump shell (rm20) i can go for 90km like tat..butr wat i noticed from Caltex....i only get 68km for rm20....tat a huge difference...

my 2 cent
zephyr3d said:
lonewolf81, itz is sooooo psychological.

esso and mobil has the same fuel.... itz a fact.

nope. about the FC, i did actually record the kilometre. and about the power, other passengers in my car can feel the same too...
aiya, who donno esso and mobil get from same source...
Sometimes i tested my car at hill, can feel the difference.
i prefer Projet more.. Better response @ power / FC average only ..
for shell .. i can feel its better for FC .. but power compare to projet much weaker .. so i have to pedal more to get the same amount of power..
as for Mobil/esso .. power i think felt its slightly better than shell (green) .. fc also average.. for V-power shell .. response very good.. fc .. very BAD .. since its 2.15/ litter somemore..

btw, im driving a 4G93P manual also.... RM20 projet i get average of 120km .. for 50/50 city highway drive... sometimes even goes up to 150km... :)
i like esso, gives me more power, dunno why, fc abit bad, maybe i got addicted to rev all the time cuz of the extra power.
quite subjective in term of which petrol brand is the best. it vary from user to user and also depend on the car.

1) Shell - Bad FC and cause engine rough.
2) Petronas - Almost same with Shell but engine is very rough when idle. Nothing to do with timing and etc.
3) Mobil - Cause jerking and no power.
4) Caltex - Almost same with shell.
5) BP - Better FC and engine sound is reduce.

Currently Hyundai car.
1) BP - Better FC and engine sound is the same.
2) Projet - Much better FC and better pickup.

This is based on my experience of using it. So I guess you have to try out the petrol brand and test it out yourself.

Remember it, even same model of the car, same year - doesnt mean both of the car is suitable for Shell (for instant). One might get low FC and one might get average FC.
LoneWolf81 said:
nope. about the FC, i did actually record the kilometre. and about the power, other passengers in my car can feel the same too...
aiya, who donno esso and mobil get from same source...
Sometimes i tested my car at hill, can feel the difference.
still a fact that esso and mobil has the same fuel... do your research. :)
Guys, Mobil & Esso is owned by the same parent company la - ExxonMobil & both stations sells the EXACT same petrol grade. They even merged their reward cards in to one - Smiles Reward card!

As for other petrol, it's just a slight difference between them. This info is not based on my assumption but facts which i got to know through my job as i'm working for our M'sian market oil & gas industry.
zephyr3d said:
andy... change job liao arr?

so got sponsor for petrol eh? no wonder see u soaring up the sky... heh he hheh.

Yup, changed job since 3 months ago edi. Now working for an ICT company in Sec 13, PJ. Dealing with oil & gas industry biz throughout Asia. Got sponsor petrol? How i wish la bro! Dun have ler....... roar ur head la, i seldom drive nowadays except travelled outstations.
I used to keep pumping in Shell before. Maybe because of trying to raise my BonusLink points. But then, i tried Petronas. The milage is better noticably. Weird huh, since Shell is the one claiming extra kilometer. Maybe it depends on car/engine and driver attitude.
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