Special Edition TTT Session

Its CNY, and i'm pondering whether or not to continue throwing firecrackers at limandy. hahaha! Probably i should ignore your BLOATED post in the first place. If i mistakenly shoved firecracker on your chair, then i would like to be the first to say SORRY! But i still stand by my words, go bump your own sales thread. We are organizing a drink session and not a selling session. Unless you are still thick headed not to understand why.
haiya.. TT thread oso wanna do sales..

somemore got warning not to post Sales Thread in Toyota forum but still got some people kayu thickskinned
So 2nite apa macam got TTT or not.. chin gonna balik to china dis sunday d.. 2nite i got dinner and i got no problem coming after dinner loh.. so apa macam guys?? on or not? eheheheeheheh!

Special Edition TTT Session with Chin Sifoo aka Acoustic

Date: 16th Feb 2007 (Friday)
Time: 8pm onwards
Day: Friday
Venue: Restoran Syed Ariff, USJ Taipan

Confirm Mari
1) trd16v @ mike
2) Banzai @ Chang
3) shamburke (coming with neo) kah kah kah!!!!
4) netmatrix @ mike
5) faisal
6) chin
7) tom's @ alvin
8) chinozie @ nasir

FFK List

Agenda of the week
1) Welcome back Chin sifo from mainland china and tok kok sing song with him.
2) Discuss about new TTT session location
3) Discuss about why many sifoo has retired d from racing world.
4) Discuss about the new challenges machine TE71 from chu sifooo
5) Makan limau!!!!

auto upload is back!!!
yaaaa....got TTT..... walaiou!!!
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Ok la then i shall meet u guys at syed ariff 2nite after dinner....

See u all.. ehehhheheeheh!

TTT attendance
1) trd16v
2) blackhowling
3) tom's & gf
4) shamburke
5) mcfurby
6) chang
7) acoustic master aka chin
8) faisal - pass by table tok2 wif chin den cabot d.. ahhahahahahaahahahaha!

1) Arrived late around 10pm and member of the above has all arrived except chin and chang loh.. den sit down tok kok sing song and blackhowling entertained us wif his usual joke on wedding dinner fren's gone missing to visit china world, den nearby clinic he advise dun go and tons of jokes abt it, den duno what he said something about altezza dun buy cause de car is somewhere between nowhere.. ahhaahahahaha.. and others more....

2) Sambil tok kok sing song, talk about many issues on forum toyota nowadays all about sales thread and some are really over too pushy on sales until gadoh2 also.. so toyota thread shud have more meaningful discussion rather den jes focus on sales n sales.. sales can alwis go to sales thread and not in dis toyota topic loh... all of us also agreed...

3) Alvin also tok abt selling off his trueno ae92 and den will soon get a nice nissan sports car d.. so to those who din attend u can guess it la.. which model of nissan sports car.. ahhaahahahahahahahahahaa.. or no he will get Mark II but blackie den ask him how old r u alvin?? den alvin like stunt and duno how to answer.. den he ask why.. den blackie said no la u r not suppose 2 get mark II la... not the time yet.. u must be like me married man den onli get mark II...... ahahahahahahaahahahahahaahaa..... de rest of the topic touches about celica GT4, den TA22, etc.... wow!!

4) Sambil tok kok sing song, den focus on the movie bad boys II and den talk about dis year no more event liao such as GRA or TA den dats why alvin wanna sell off his car d... so had to get buyer loh and also problem wif bank as well.. eheheheheheehe... so we advised him slowly la..

5) Later den chin call me up and den he said mike, i am coming now from puchong house so pls wait ok.. dun cabot.. eheheheheheh... den when chin arrives chang also arrive on de same time.. den sit down chin wish everybody happy cny and den sit down tok tok tok about many things covering china land, etc.. but blackie was no more there he chow d and head to aman suria duno wat he said had to give something secret present to some sifooo... aahahahahaahahaha.. anyway talk2 about QQ car, chin said china ppl mentality drive car must be above 1.6cc and never be lesser and he said lesser means can go buy toto oredi.. ahahahahahahahahahaaha... could it be china big equals to drive car also big?? mebbe.. ahahahaahahahaahahaha! Continue to tok kok sing song and den sambil tok2 watch movie charlie's angel:full throttle as well and check out the 3 chicks... eheheheehehe.. den about 12am++ wind start to blow liao and sign of raining soon.. so all of us belah and wish chin happy journey back to china land... pity chin couldn't be able to renew his passport hope de embassy can help him on dat..

Last but not least, even to those who did not attend de TTT, we would like to wish chin a happy safe journey back to china land.. and hope to see him again de next round.. as punishment to those who did not attend the TTT session yday night, de next round if u come to attend when chin is back u shall pay for all de drinks and food and share it among yrself for those who ponteng and did not respect sifooo chin... wahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaha!!!!

wtf?!?! since when i say don buy altezza?!! mauhahah

blackie said FTO if i'm not wrong...
erm...mike i think u missed out something...
now days newbie know who is all the sifu...they pm sifu to ask stuff rather than asking on the forum
na beh, dont simply spread the virus to me...
i'm using anti spam hahahah....
black always go PRC with mike
Waaaah. Good TTT session from you guys. I was busy being happy with so many relatives and friends dropping by. Hardly think i need to go on-line. So means i'm lonely? The break is hard fought. Work all day and no play makes me not happy and gay. hahaha.

Bon Voyage to Chin. If i knew last Friday have TTT, i would have come. I thought this week.

Mike, don't fret about the gaduh-gaduh between me and limandy. Its all on good faith. I think i made it easy for me to use him as scapegoat for the sales being rampant here. My bad. I'm not gonna pursue it either.

Anyway does it seem strange that the sales seem to go very less during last week and this week? So all of them got big fat angpows already eh?
nope...all kena sapu by the big wind by MIBs @ local spas..

even TRD16V is not spared..


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