Pls Help! Urgent need!


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May 28, 2006
I just receive a friend call n asking me some of the question, will be quite interesting, really need some help, she is from Sabah. 3 years ago she bought a Honda Accord 1994, manual transmission. that means she bought in end of year 2005. Until today she check back her repair n maintainance bill, she find out a terrible cost, 3 years she already replace mroe than RM12,000.00++.....

that's' include spoiled twice n break down half way on the road, 1st time overheating, 2nd time is tyre explode, 3nd time is flood, starter spoiled. engine have been change, absober, timing belt, mounting....etc...etc...etc.....until this year she told me that all the thing near to repair to new or recon from chop shop.

but still last month, i means August, she face the flood, then starter spoiled, repair another RM200.00, then she crash a Merz, repair another RM450.00, that's the bill in August.

In Sept, her car rear tyre explode, she don't know n still kept driving, until she find out, the tyre already need to replace to a new 1, cost her another RM560.00, then last week, her car get crash by somebody, but that person run away, she dont know is who, but bumper crash, need to re- spray another RM450.00.....

then she find back this car history, register in year 1994, she brought in year 2005, she is the 6th owner. previously got 5 owner own this car bfr. if you guys say, the existing owner is because they become more rich, then they replace the new car, but try to calculate, 2 years one new owner as overall. In this case, my friend should be already rich, since she own this car already 3 years. But until today, she still kept spent lot of money on repair this n that, Guys, u got any same experience to share or any comment and advise??
fren,... crashes and floods dont count as maintenance.

maybe that car is super jinxed,...

if she wanna sell or give it away, lemme know
errr,... anyway,... what help do u want us to give?
and where is the question? :hmmmm::hmmmm::hmmmm:
u can calculate oso.. as u state, she change the engine, break down on half way, minor accident repair n change spare part. the honda spare part is not cheap oso..
wah lau.. and i thought MY car was jinxed.. I think she'd be much better off selling the car, dude..
just sell n change to another car... if the same thing happen again... its the owner perhaps... :biggrin:
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