Petrol Price increase again???!!!


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Senior Member
Dec 1, 2003
Just received an email from my colleague don't know how far it's true. Can anyone confirm on this? ;)

Thanks upfront.

Hello to all,

Petrol price is increased by RM0.10 cent effective 30/6/05 (12am on 1/7/05)
I just rec'd this message from a friend of mine who owned a shell station
another friend who worked in petronas.

Don't know how accurate but just a reminder to all of u.
they say end of this month,......

but no one confirm yet ?
any petrol station owner ?
my fren say not sure yet..
later only can know wor..
i heard that news last month from shell insider... but still not confirm the date yet...

yeah... knn chau cibai gov wants us to buy proton (lousy car) but still increase petrol price... gov suck
shit dude... lagi increase ar.... damn it.. but i tink not yet take effective ritez?
haih~ biasa lahh... its not like the 1st day u are in msia rite??... malaysia boleh... things will oni go up mahhh... go up in smoke... haih~
de gap & time frame is getting nearer on de petrol increase n it was jus increase not long ago only. Whenever our G knows that the USD per barrel on petrol has picks up they will increase again! mch!! :mad: Time to get myself a mountain bike n cycle to work liao.. knnccb to the G! :mad:

cibai..government this, gov that..

how cum my dad dunt complain even if it goes up 2 RM5 a liter..cos he's rich? na..cos he works harder? perhaps..

tell me guys, wen u bought a loaf of bread 20 yrs back is it still d same price now? there u go..wer u born yesterday? prices drop? wake up!!

if its expensive, thers trains n buses, y malu to take public transport isit? but then not malu 2 come here n whine..

i pay 3.30 a ther u go..hope it makes u feel better..
that's it... time to resurrect my rx-z... ancient spirits of evil... transform this ride toooooo... yamahaaaaaaaaaaa... (taken from the thundercats script) ;)
My dear friend, you havent changed a bit.

This time I have to partially agree with you. We have to look at the bigger picture why the gomen is raising the price once again and what will happen if they do not take this counter measure.

Got a complain? find a solution.....just by complaining wont help.

eerrr.....the intrakota bus don't ply my area, how my friend?
still got intrakota?

i tot it has been replace by rapid KL or rabbit bus... area dun have any public transport ...
no feeder bus
call taxi also wanna charge me RM5 extra
how my fren ?
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