News: Car number plates to be controlled items

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9,000 RPM
Senior Member
Sep 2, 2004
near 7-11
Car number plates to be controlled items

[email protected]
PUTRAJAYA: Car number plates will become a controlled item and will be distributed and sold only by authorised dealers appointed by the Road Transport Department (JPJ) once the e-plate system comes into effect.

Transport Minister Datuk Seri Chan Kong Choy said once implemented, the e-plate, which uses a microchip with Radio Frequency Identification, would become available to everyone buying new cars.

“The number plates will contain a microchip with the car chassis and engine numbers and the design will be standardised,” he told reporters after an hour dialogue with representatives from the Association of Allied Advertisers. “This feature is an enhanced security measure for car owners.

“Use of the e-plate is expected to significantly reduce the number of stolen cars being smuggled across our border points into neighbouring countries as well as help the Government to better enforce road rules under our camera surveillance system.

“The Government has decided that the system will be implemented only for new cars at present and this will happen gradually over three to five years.”

Chan said in many advanced countries like Australia and Europe, car number plates were already a controlled item.

However, car owners could change their existing number plates for the e-plate if they felt the enhanced security feature would help protect their vehicles from theft, he added.

“So far, the Government has received 13 proposals on the e-plate technology. These are under technical evaluation by JPJ.

“We hope the e-plate system can be implemented later this year.”
Chan assured the local advertisers association, whose members are distributors and makers of car number plates, a role in the the e-plate system.

“They have a wide network of shops and members, so perhaps we can utilise them as authorised dealers,” he said.

Association president Kho Kheng Hee said the members were relieved that the e-plate system would not push them out of business.
another dream?!.........
we're soon going to be known as Country of Dreams.....
This a good reduce car theft..
.hopefully they will implement it...
a good move indeed...
but would it happened?...or is it going to be another "janji kosong"?
WOW! the G has already received 13 proposals from interested parties...

what i afraid is...the radio frequency identification chip will be used as a speed trap component...ha ha ha

no need police waiting with speed gun, just one pole by the road side at all time!
come to think of it; wouldn't it be better to build in the chip in the chasis of a new car instead...
than tie the Reg No. to that chip that identify the car........
b00n said:
come to think of it; wouldn't it be better to build in the chip in the chasis of a new car instead...
than tie the Reg No. to that chip that identify the car........

good idea that one boon!!

the chip cannot be tempered but programmable using special device only JPJ have. if its tempered, the device should be able to detect it and the car kena tahan immediately; in case like road block.
ya...they shud implant it in the car chasis or sumwhere hidden....

So in the event of a block, cops need 2 use a scanner only to retrieve all info...

Not in the plate which will drop off,break, get stolen...etc etc
imagine driving through small flood...

btw, I apploud the concept; but would our technology able to catch up?!...

like the Malaysia Card...they need 4 years to get everything in order...okie; not everything in order. Like the implementation of driving license in our Malaysia Card is still a doubtful thing...

they would have to make sure that all the facilities and technologies are there before givin out statements........

typical malaysia boleh spirit.
another way for G to make money from Rakyat M'sia.. trust me, the selling price will definitely much higher than the cost price given by the supplier. If G happen to subsidy, then G will use this reason to increase tol price again.

anyway, place the chip in the chasis is a brilliant idea..
after further thinking; there would be problem with imported models...
local assembly wouldn't have much problem...
how to insert the chip into the chasis if imported models...

my wishful thinking....haha

I dare to say that with Malaysian mentality; this idea would most probably going to be shelfed....
All these proposal sounds crappy from the first place. I smell that kronies, suppliers etc involving these govt programe will be rich before anyone benefitted from it.

Remember those orange blinking lights installed at the roof of trucks, when over speed they will blink??

Remember the buses required to install so-called black box to monitor their movement and speeding?? What happened?!! accident and shit still happened and ppl still die......

All these are just empty talk.....empty and crappy talks.......hurrkkkkk......:emoticon_U:
This situation could turn out to be another "MYKAD"-style faliure.
wasting our money only..
as boon said flood..
how about the most common thing been hit by stone..
so??? kena another summon for no plate no lo..
then waste another stupid money for the stupid plate no..
if like Japan or Taiwan way a bit reasonable la.. (metal plate no. only gov make it)..
no matter how also if a theft want to steal our car sure they have their way on doing it..
anybody wannabe the 14th parties to submit the proposal..? can make millions from it..
prince900, your company need to be bumi-status in order to tender proposal.
i dun like the idea, later they use it to track my car pulak, that alone out-weight the potential benefit of it already for me.

i like a standard metal plate from the gamen tho... those with pressed surface one.. like how they are in other countries, and hopefully they use something other than black..

dreaming dreaming.. i wish they let us use chinese name of city for the plate.. lolx.. so i can put "kuching" in chinese on top of the plate hahahahaha jap style
rollakid, i'm afraid they may use south Korea style :biggrin: (this is ugly)

PS: Number plate in south Korea is a control item, only Government have the authority for plate issuance, and you need to return the physical plate to Government if you decide to sell or dispose the car.

mag9556 said:
if like Japan or Taiwan way a bit reasonable la.. (metal plate no. only gov make it)..
no matter how also if a theft want to steal our car sure they have their way on doing it..

yeah, the idea of gov issuing metal plates is good and proven by the orientals...should not be a problem to practise here isnt it?

JPJ shouldn't have prob with that i believe...

theft case are hard to deter but this is one way to keep the numbers low.
BlackSamurai said:
rollakid, i'm afraid they may use south Korea style :biggrin: (this is ugly)

PS: Number plate in south Korea is a control item, only Government have the authority for plate issuance, and you need to return the physical plate to Government if you decide to sell or dispose the car.

at least those will look better if m'sian gamen decide to use jalur gemilang's color theme instead...

they should pick a color that will fit with just about any colored car ler... and i really like metal plates.
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