Need a opinion on using Manual Booster controller


500 RPM
Senior Member
May 2, 2005
Hi, everyone..

I'm thinking of getting a manual boost controller...

3 types of boost controllers I know are

-Electronic boost controller
Pros : Accurate... Cons: Very expensive
-Manual boost controller
Pros : seemed Accurate.. Cons : boost spike might occur
-Fish tank type
Pros : damn cheap Cons : dangerous?

I would like to know that whether I can just simply buy one fish tank type
which we can get it from hardware shop and install it myself...
Is it safe? what kind of problems it can cause?

Manual boost controller:
It's cheaper than manual controller.. but it's still costy...
does it work same way as manual boost controller work? but only the
has better in appearance?

My last question is.. I saw very affordable price manual boost controller in
N1 racing.. it's cheap but .. it's seemed too simple.. and it's production cost
seemed like RM10 only... :emoticon_U: could it be ok?:embaressed_smile:
Anyone has used it before? if u have.. plz share ur experience here...
how it's performance is like...
ohh.. the one u saw is GFB right? i'm using also.. so far no spike, no problem.. easy to set.. but if i got budget i will sure go for electronic type.. can set hi/low boost..
it juz depends on ur budget..
white_bird said:
ohh.. the one u saw is GFB right? i'm using also.. so far no spike, no problem.. easy to set.. but if i got budget i will sure go for electronic type.. can set hi/low boost..
it juz depends on ur budget..

Hm.. If it's not mistaken.. I guess it's the copy model from GFB..

hm.. is it ok?? really? I most probably.. getting a second hand one.. u wanna
sell it to me? haha.. serious..
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