my msn messenger is getting on my nerves


Drifter & Racer
Senior Member
Jul 4, 2004

i hate msn nowadays... i typling half way.. then when i press send.. the messege not receiveed by the other side .,, so i type it again..and the same thing happens again and agian... i hate this.. i keep banging the keyboard because of this... lolz.... then i have to use the handwriting thingy.. .. my handwritting sucks.. meaning the other side having a hard time to read... ARGH

anybody having the same problems?? how to fix this??
download new version of msn la...mine more terrible la, pc always hang...then msn oso hang...
Last time is the light, now is many malfunctioning stuff???
Latest is 7.0.0813 - check Help > About MSN Messenger

PS: No need to bang the keyboard. Take deep breath and think of what went wrong? Or if need to blow some steam, boot up a Xbox and load up a fast action game - Counter Strike or similar genre.

Alternatively, start up the car, look for empty plot of land and drive to your heart's contend. See? Simple right? :D
haha. mayb not msn problem dude.. its ur pc. :p
owes maintain ur cpu in good condition and updated all d software/hardware devices if necesary....

sending n receiving problem in msn meseenger could be the line problem....

i know ur problem get fixed..dun shoot me stil typing here...eheheheh
less complaining more detailing.

Glad you got your MSN problem fixed.
So, what's your MSN addy miss Acura? :D
im so use to dat.. remember those days when my nick.. i put I CANT SEND MSGES!
now.. nomore prob... like season oni... if hhappen den i just shut duown msn n restart msn
now no
Latest MSN version is 7.5.303 ...... You can download 7.5.299 from the website but the .303 patch is only released to testers.
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