Molested at foam party !!!!

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5,000 RPM
Senior Member
Apr 2, 2004
State Of Trance
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Source from --> Malay mail

DEAR Editor,

I AM embarrassed about what happened to me and eager to get the memory of this incident behind me and move on with my life.

I want to relate what happened last Saturday so that other women will not fall prey to perverts.

My friends and I went to the global dance freak out in Malacca, hoping for a good time.

We were at a foam bar, which as the name suggests, people would dance upon a platform covered in bubbles and foam.

Every 10 minutes or so, a giant wall of foam comes cascading on to the dance floor and those nearest to the foam dispenser would be completely covered in the stuff.

A couple of young foreign men approached us and tried to convince us to go into the next foam mountain, saying it was fun.

Politely, we declined and moved away and proceeded to have a good time dancing. But the men found us again, and kept saying they were going to push us into the foam with them.

Suddenly the machine began dispensing foam and without warning, the men pushed us into the foam which was crowded. We were completely covered in foam and in the fray I lost my grip on my friend’s hand and we got separated.

I could not see a thing as I was completely immersed in foam. That was when I felt it.

Someone’s hands were trying to make its way up my pants.

It was horrible. I could not see a thing and could not tell which way was out.

All I wanted to do was to get away from those hands but then I felt more hands touching me.

How could this be happening to me, and in a public place?

It was the perfect modus operandi, in the mountain of foam, the woman will not be able to say who it was (though I have my suspicions) and there are no witnesses.

I managed to get away and found my friend and told her what happened. Humiliated and scared, another friend complained to the crew operating the bar and demanded that it be shut down.

Instead, he was told that they had had similar complaints that night but as no one could identify the culprits, they couldn’t stop the machine.

So as not to stop everybody else’s fun, the organisers would prefer to let more innocent women be molested.

If they had many complaints, why didn’t they stop the dispenser? Even if they are unable to catch those responsible, why not stop them from attacking more women?

The indifference shown by the organisers shocked me. It was as though they had been told that someone had stepped on my foot and not that someone had tried to finger me! Women, this is the sad truth.

No matter what precautions you take, there will always be sick men and with sick pleasures to satisfy, and we may still find ourselves victimised in many ways.

I was with friends, keeping to ourselves, but still this happened to me.

I hope the organisers will be more responsible and remember their sisters, girlfriends or friends who could be victims and not be afraid to take action, even if it spoils the fun of a few.

Hurt ,
Petaling Jaya

:thefinger: :thefinger::thefinger: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


7,000 RPM
Helmet Clan
Senior Member
Apr 19, 2004
Sahara Desert
you see ah...this kinda thing should not be even happening if they wont go to those foam party at all... everybody knows foam parties are prone to kaki molest... i bet when we are young we always think of touching, i mean the ger and not their private area :biggrin:...

so if they are prepared to go to those places, they should be smart enough to be prepared for such things to happen.


500 RPM
Senior Member
Nov 7, 2005
fstrader bro ... u r darn rite. well, innocent gal will not go to this kinda place i guess. go the foam mountain??? it is like 'put urself into a tiger's mouth'...


5,000 RPM
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Apr 2, 2004
State Of Trance
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you see ah...this kinda thing should not be even happening if they wont go to those foam party at all... everybody knows foam parties are prone to kaki molest... i bet when we are young we always think of touching, i mean the ger and not their private area :biggrin:...

so if they are prepared to go to those places, they should be smart enough to be prepared for such things to happen.

Unker fred : Tats why lor..same theory as "YOU KISS,YOU PAY"! :thefinger:


2,000 RPM
Senior Member
Nov 15, 2003
P Jaya:Malaysia
If you go to packed places its expected already. Don't forget an innocent trip home or to work in a packed bus or train also holds similar problems. You can't really blame the organizers. Its like extreme sports. U go bungee jumping, you know you would probably die of heart attack or even slip off the bungee cord. Whats more when u are at places where pills and alchohol will be present no matter how much enforcement there is.

But in the end, i feel kind of sorry for the girl. But hopefully she learnt her lesson and not let peer pressure set in.


Known Member
Senior Member
Aug 31, 2007
If you go to packed places its expected already. Don't forget an innocent trip home or to work in a packed bus or train also holds similar problems. You can't really blame the organizers. Its like extreme sports. U go bungee jumping, you know you would probably die of heart attack or even slip off the bungee cord. Whats more when u are at places where pills and alchohol will be present no matter how much enforcement there is.

But in the end, i feel kind of sorry for the girl. But hopefully she learnt her lesson and not let peer pressure set in.
Yeap, I agree with you - totally. :biggrin:


1,500 RPM
Senior Member
Apr 29, 2005
who ask that bitch to went to those foam party. she deserve it :thefinger: :thefinger: :thefinger: :thefinger:


1,000 RPM
Senior Member
Dec 13, 2004
its not the girl fault to many uneducated hamsap man i malaysia. if u go to western country there will no case of tarik-tarik or push the girls to the point of foam party.


Known Member
Senior Member
Nov 16, 2003
Hey, they DIDN'T want to go into the foam, they were pushed in. The logic in that girls going to dance parties deserve or be prepared to be molested is retarded. It's the same as saying that drivers of modified cars deserved to be pulled over by cops every 15 minutes or so because they drive modified cars.

It's right what na_power said. Most of my friends studying overseas have no probs clubbing over there, but once they come back to msia they never go clubbing here, thanks to these sorta bastards running around.


2,000 RPM
Senior Member
Apr 28, 2006
clubbing overseas is different compared to the scenes here in malaysia...
ppl clubbing in malaysia never seen beautiful gurls...must wan to touch...
stupid as is sounds...
well, why must u go clubbing to have fun..??aren't there any other places u could go to..?


Known Member
Senior Member
Feb 19, 2006
the problem is what i believed.....
it's not us malaysian who raba her....
it must be a arab fellas who came all the way to malaysia to enjoy the boost and the chicks.....(correct me if i'm wrong)

from what i see,when u're in arab,u're eating tandoori chicken all the time....
when they come to malaysia,it's like nasi lemak,nasi kandar,wan tan mee,hokkien mee,murku and all other stuff.....

confrim want laaa........when liquor in this country is not like their's mann.....
from what i read 2 foreign guys apporach,it can be this fellas cause i saw one with my naked eye in a club named called maison....

this nigga here which is black.....putting his hand all over a chinese girl (poor little girl,which is drunk) confrim that night kena black cobra already laaa........



2,000 RPM
Senior Member
Aug 26, 2005
A good story, they push them in just like that and they dont even scream or run away? just waiting there like a doll and counting how many ppl touch their leg then touch their body then finger them and so on is it? First of all who ask them to go such a place?


3,000 RPM
Senior Member
Apr 29, 2005
near steven's
i can't really blame the gal like some of u guys... its as good as agree to the other post bout the "dude" at east coast saying the muslim men are distracted by sexily clad ladies...

u can't blame itz bcoz of the gal... they are there to dance and have fun, not to be asked to be fingered....

itz like u're robbed going to your car.. lost few hundreds and credit cards and important documents... and how do u feel when ppl said u deserved it for carrying so many important things and cash while walking to your car?

or ppl said u asked for it when your new Evo 9 kena break in and all gadgets got stolen?

think before u reply anything.
Last edited:


7,000 RPM
Helmet Clan
Senior Member
Apr 19, 2004
Sahara Desert
if thats the case, buy a bathtub fill it with soaps, create helluva foam, put some disco music, dim the toilet lights, put fan inside so the foam will fly around... then get fingered ok? :adore:


5,000 RPM
Senior Member
Thread starter
Apr 2, 2004
State Of Trance
Visit site
if thats the case, buy a bathtub fill it with soaps, create helluva foam, put some disco music, dim the toilet lights, put fan inside so the foam will fly around... then get fingered ok? :adore:
Whou..good idea huh..!! But too bad..bathtub only fits 2 ppl inside..not syiok enough..kekekeke..jkjk:biggrin: :thefinger:


9,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 9, 2005
if thats the case, buy a bathtub fill it with soaps, create helluva foam, put some disco music, dim the toilet lights, put fan inside so the foam will fly around... then get fingered ok? :adore:
great idea..


9,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jun 9, 2005
Whou..good idea huh..!! But too bad..bathtub only fits 2 ppl inside..not syiok enough..kekekeke..jkjk:biggrin: :thefinger:
wah.. 2 not enuff ar..
more privacy mah..
then u might well hv a swimming pool foam party..:tongue:


1,500 RPM
Senior Member
Jul 18, 2004
hahah stupid girl. Bodoh nak mampus. Who asked her to go to the party in the first place ? It's like complaining to god why did god took her life when she was hit by a 100kmh bus trying to cross federal highway


1,500 RPM
Senior Member
Nov 18, 2003
Visit site
ahahah... this kinda party are basically "party at your own risk"... dont expect the whole party to shut down just because someone fingered you... stop being selfish, and think logically... if u didnt go there in the first place, you might not have got fingered... next time, remember to shut all your holes before party.... WAHAHAHAHHHA what a joke!

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