"heavily" molested at count down, deserved it?


1,000 RPM
Senior Member
Aug 22, 2005
I guess some of you already read the news of a singapore girl being molested on a stage by 3-4 bangladeshies.



What my concern is, do you guys think that these type of count down thing is good har? So happy meh? And why so many people out of control be it in Malaysia or Singapore? What is the solution?

Personally, I think this is the culture crash between east and west. If you wanna get so call 'enjoy', then don't fcking cry after you got molested or raped or being photo shot naked unconsciously. If you know how to take care of yourself, then don't create opportunity for people to take advantage.

So tell me, what you think about these type of count down thing (normally for x-mas and new year). If you are your children's parent, you let your children to go a lone (or with friends) or not?

---------- Post added at 12:15 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 12:14 PM ----------

Girl Molested At Siloso Beach (2009 Countdown party!) - Venture Black)
Bro, i have yet to view the pictures in that link cuz office not allow to view such pictures...

Anyway bro, Countdown is indeed a happy celebration and it is now more common in every countries. Is a celebration that we humans have live for another year peacefully and grateful that we are still alive. It does't matter where you are or on what kind of event. Molesting or raping is still against the law and it is something that most of us guys will not accept and forgive. The girls are not the one to be blame but the 4 Bangladeshi animals are the one doing something against the law. I don't understand why she can be molested on stage and no one is doing anything about it. In 1Utama at least there are some securities and bouncers which I did come across from my past experience in countdown...

Previously, some numbskulls blame girls for being rape...Why So? They said is because they dress sexily or too exposing. So what? You don't have the right to even touch them. That's the dumbest excuse I ever come across from guys. I don't want to highlight which race said that but those who read in newspapers will know. It was quite some time back. We are suppose to be able to control ourselves. We are not animals that do not know how to think and control. Have some respects for girls and there are lots of hookers out there for them to BANG.

Yes, children that are too young or may be under 18, as parents we do worried and most likely some of us will not let them go alone, usually a lot of us go with family members. Still I have to admit that the world is getting worse and crime rate is increasing, animals like these still exist and not even one citizen would dare to help those in trouble. That's us Malaysians, we just love to see ppl's misfortune instead of helping them out. Especially car accidents.

Seriously, If my frens and I were at that countdown and if that kind of thing happen, we would damn right kick their lights out no matter how many of them. It might sound stupid or a silly action but if no one is helping, her life is ruined. Being traumatised and live in fear for the rest of her life. She is just another helpless girl who is being molested and we guys are suppose to protect the girls not harm them.

Everyone is just there to enjoy the fireworks and entertainment. Still I do believe that, may it be countdown or a house party. No one has the right to touch a girl against her will.
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A lot of people on the spot waiting for the bangla guys to strip her off and that's why they just keep on video shooting the process (anjua) :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: FYI, the girl quite nice looking :rofl:
'shim' enjoyed it until shim got 'bored'... cant really blame the banglas. if shim was not happy with it, should have stopped them when it started and not let them get 'carried away'. :rolleyes:
I didn't watch the video and the pictures yet lar...just pointing out some points...will watch closely tonight and come back with my comments lolz!

If is a shemale, then I couldn't be bothered lolz! Shemale no matter what still a guy to me..

Yes, if she allow them to touch then is not call molest liao lo bro...
I didn't watch the video and the pictures yet lar...just pointing out some points...will watch closely tonight and come back with my comments lolz!

If is a shemale, then I couldn't be bothered lolz! Shemale no matter what still a guy to me..

Yes, if she allow them to touch then is not call molest liao lo bro...

Agreed :biggrin:
Confirmed is a he? Got boobs wan wor Fairlady350 Bro...

es2611: Thanks! Great minds think alike :thefinger:
Looking at the pictures alone, i wouldn't say so bro, but that's what the article says... the he was actually a she.... Boobs can make wan mar, nowadays everything is possible...True though, that if 'she' allowed them to touch her willingly then by no means it should be classified as molest....
Looking at the pictures alone, i wouldn't say so bro, but that's what the article says... the he was actually a she.... Boobs can make wan mar, nowadays everything is possible...True though, that if 'she' allowed them to touch her willingly then by no means it should be classified as molest....

Agreeed. nowadays "spoilers" all can do one. big/small all can :thefinger:.
she liked it all the way. pity cant view the video :banghead:
Looking at the pictures alone, i wouldn't say so bro, but that's what the article says... the he was actually a she.... Boobs can make wan mar, nowadays everything is possible...True though, that if 'she' allowed them to touch her willingly then by no means it shouldn't be classified as molest....
You mean shouldn't be classified as molest is it bro? lolz! I'm confused i guess maybe u just missed out the n't. I will watch the video and have a look at those pictures to find out what really happen, if she did it willingly like u guys said, then nothing can be said or done.

Anyway, I did come across a few videos of girls being raped in pub or disco, I think most of them are from Japan and was done by same gang as i can regconise a few of them in the video. It was quite some time ago when i come across this site but will not mentioned it in case there are some under 18 boys in ZTH. Is real, not some fantasy video shoot. Well, looks real to me.

But really see also find that these guys are too much...
if the person was a shemale then no problem ma.....
if it was a girl, sure he kena pukul already....
summore he was molested infront of alot of ppl rite...
But i ain't wanna see some bangla's playing with that "girl" lightsaber.... lucky i was at Marina Bay at that time, Hehehee...
DanzEterna: Agree with u bro, but most of us Asians will just cheer or stand and watch...there are not many brave guys who would stand up to justice and protect the girls. We guys, have the strength instead of the girls for a reason. Which is to protect the weaker ones especially girls...

Even an animal can do better than us, they usually protect the females and kids from threats or even attack u if were to harm them. Take the Fighter Cock for example, he will be walking together with the Hens and protect them...lolz! :rofl:

Some of us just abuse our power...haih
yeah bro..yr rite...
but im sure if thats a girl, i think those hamsap guys will kena tapau...
but since its a guy...they will just laugh at him.....its like carassing another guy....
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