MLOC World Cup Chat / Opinion!!!

And...i wil Said ITALY will Win the Champion!!!
Weee are the friend............(Song)
No matter how, Italy is hving advantages over Portugal or France in de Grand Final as they hv 1 more day to rest... So mentally n physically Italy oso hv better advantages over de other team in de Final... Tht count lots as de WCup oredi in its 4th wks liao... Mamang susah for all players after a long season with thier respective clubs in de leagues n now with de national team in de WCup...

Hopefully tonite game no need to go into extra time or even penalties la... It wil b even harder for all players... As for tonite game, France do hv a slight advantages over de Portugese as in they finished their last 2 knock-out games in normal 90mins time... If not old man Zidane wil b manyak susah la... Hahaha...

Soooooooo.... It wil b Italy v France in de Grand Final 2006 n Germany v Portugal in de 3rd & 4th placing... :_:

It was really a close game this morning btw Portugal n France... For me, France were fuc*ing lucky as in de way they won de penalty... Other than tht penalty kick by Zizou, France poses not much treat towards de Portugal goal!!! As i hv predicted, most of de play were in de midfield area... Portugal did a good job in shutting down Zizou thus reduces de supply to Henry... But on de other hand, Portugal attack were hopeless as well... Pauleta hardly touches de ball... n it left de midfield fire lotsa shots from long distant... France defence were rock solid... F. Bathez nearly emberass himself by fumbling C. Ronaldo free kick onto Figo's path... But Figo can onli head over... Diuuuuuuu... Haha...

Now am going for Italy to b de World Champion 2006 n Germany for de 3rd place!!! :shades_smile:
France France France

neh, France have thier experience and more creative ways to down the Italianos ! heheh

France Champ !~~~~

France is very lucky team...U see the game they vs portugal.
I really dunno what they playing...Zidane off form. if not scoring the penalty goal. i think France already Da bao by portugal.
Myself i didnt bet la... But am hoping for Italy to b de World Champion of 2006!!! Really looking forwards to it!!! Hopefully it wil happen again - Italy Champion of de World, in de rest of my life la... Myself was fuc*ing disappointed n sad when Roberto Baggio (My all time favourate player) missed tht crucial penalty against de Brazilian in 1994... It stil hurt me even until today!!! I mean R.Baggio did so much to single handedly brought de Italian into de Final, n why it hv to b him to missed de last kick... Sigh!!! How luck can 'play ard' with a person!!! I stil Luv him very much!!! So... Hopefully this is de time de Italian to do it... And do it right n proud!!! Italia! Italia! Italia!!!! :_:

But it wil b a tough tough game in de final! Yep, France was very lucky for de past few games... But tht's actually what u need to b a tournament champion!!! Italy did hv thier luck as well in de game against de Aussie... But to played against de host nation n won... It prove something!!! :shades_smile:

Am expecting de Italian to employ de same tactic again 4-3-2-1!!! It works wonder for them in de last game against Germany... n its oso de onli to provide more protection to their defence n goal! Buffon wil again form a tight wall together with Canavaro n Meterrazi. Gattuso wil b de midfield anchor man braking up opponent attack n a ball winner as well... Pirlo wil b distributing de ball n attack from deep whereas Totti wil b de attacking forward supporting de lone striker in Luca Toni!!! It wil b a high order for Toni as he wil again left alone up front chasing shadow n pressuring de France defence... But Italy do hv a equevalent sub in Gilardino in de 2nd half...

Again, de game plan hv to b how to stop Zizou... I believe Gattuso wil b more than able to do so no problem... As in Henry, de speed n solidness of Canavaro wil b hard for him to brake through! Then come de biggest headache - how to breach de French defence tht r so tight n solid... Very obvious, thier weaknesses r their full-back where its clearly been exposed by de Portugal wingers in numarous times... But de thing is Italy do not hv de same quality wingers as in C. Ronaldo n Figo... To do it, lotsa 1st touch n fast team movement needed from de Italian... Myself oso expecting lotsa long shot outside de 18 yard box from de Italian side!!! It might turn out to b a boring game as both teams r able to cancel each other out... De 1st 30mins wil b crucial!!! Team tht score de 1st goal, 95% wil b de winner!!! Oh yeah... For me i think de Italian winner might b de French keeper - F. Barthez!!! Since his days with MU, v all know him well... He can b either very good on de nite or totally like a sohai... very inconsistence... Jus look at tht save he made off C. Ronaldo free kick!!!

As i said b4, de Italian hv an extra day rest over de French! So players tht r over 30, r more likely to feel it...

All de best to everyone tht r betting!!! I jus wanna Italy to b champion!!! Extra time or penalty oso i dun care!!!

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lan evo,

Hahaha... yaya... Actually Henry n co oso super divers la... Jus tht de Portugese r better than them in this match!!! But de way France won this game was very lucky... Look at de penalty... For me, Henry DEFINATELY DIVE there!!! U try to look at tht moment again... It was a penalty bcos de sohai defender leg follow through... There were very minimal contact... Controversial penalty!!! Thx to Henry Amy Award winning diving action!!! Hahaha... I was damn chat tulan oso when i watch tht match... Referee doesnt help at all... Lotsa start stop action...


What a way to finish de 2006 WCup!!! Lotsa talking points for de final game... Congratulation to de AZZURI - Italy!!! Thx God for finally choosen de 'Italian Movie' for de next 4 yrs!!! Haha...

1st of all, i really dun think its a penalty to de French on de 5th mins as Malouda crashed into de ground!!! Mr. lan evo, i think de French were pretty good in diving too ne... From de replay, it clearly shown tht Meterrazi didnt touch Malouda... Another strong Amy Award contenter moment for de French player!!!

2ndly, really hv to applaud Zizou for de way he took de penalty!!! Champion!!! U r in de WCup final!!! Against de Italian!!! Chances of scoring wil b far n few!!! All de nation hopes r on ur shoulder!!! And he fuc*ing gamble it with Buffon by chipping in de penalty.... Walan eh... Damn Chat Brave le... Luckily de ball bounce off de crossbar n over de goal line b4 it bounce out... Its a clear goal!!! :shades_smile: Respect man Mr. Zizou!!!

3rdly, suprisingly de Italian were too defensive after they got de equalizer through Meterrazi header... Although they hit de crossbar n hv a goal disallowed from Luca Toni.... Other than tht, it was all France on de attack!!! Mmmm... Lotsa bad passes by Pirlo n Gattuso too... Totti was totally a 'spectator' in this game...

4th, What de hai Mr Zizou think he is doing??? Headbutted Meterrazi in de WCup final?!!! Gan Ni Na man... It was soooooooo amazing tht he chooses to do so in his 'final' Final game!!! I understand tht it might b Meterrazi provoking him, but as an experience player like Zizou he shld hv seen it all b4 n not to react in de game... Provocation in football is nothing new to all players... Zizou deserved de RED card for what he did, sorry to say tht!!! Even Mr. Domenech de French coach did clap n applaud: 'Bravo! Bravo son!!! U make me proud!!! U gonna win de nation de WCup with this headbutting!!!!' LoLzzzzzzzzzzzzz..... :_:

5th, Its jus amazingly how things can come back in a circle!!! In Euro 2000, it was Trezeguet who scored de 'Golden Goal' to send de Italian packing (France were champion n Italy came 2nd - 2-1 to France after Golden Goal in Euro 2000 Final)!!! And now it was him tht missed de penalty n destroying his nation n teammates' hope in lifting de WCup for de 2nd time in 8 yrs... Hahaha... 6 yrs ago he broke de Italian heart... 6 yrs later he broke his nation hearts!!! I know he shldnt b blame for tht, but it wil b how ppl remember him for many many yrs to come... Jus like Robbie Baggio did in de 1994 final!!!

Finally, after de final Mr. Domenech keep blaming de referee for sending off Zizou which for him is de crucial n most critical point of de game... He claimed tht de referee didnt see it, n de linesmen didnt notice it... It was until de 4th official told de referee, then onli Zizou got sent off!!! Alamakkkkk.... Come on la wei... Mr. Domenech, u dont think tht's a straight RED??? :shocked: What if de opponent did de same thing to ur players??? LoLzzzzzzzzzz.... Am sure he wil fuc*ing swear at de referee for not seeing de incident... What a big big fuc*ing joke is this... Thumb down to u Mr. Domenech!!! U r a LOUSY LOSSER!!!

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Walan eh... Damn FIFA... Sohai... They named Zidane as de best player of de tournament?!!! WTF... Diu nia seng..... Chi Bai!!! Zidane better than Fabio Canavaro?!! Zidane, even with a 3 below par group games?!! Zidane, even he got himself sent off for head butted Materazzi in front of billions of viewer?!!! What a lousy BIAS decision!!! GNNCCB..... What a double standard is tht from FIFA??? :angry_smile:

FIFA chooses Podolski as their Best Young Player when v all clearly know tht how good n talented C. Ronaldo is in this tournament!!! Everytime he carry de ball forward, it creare lotsa treat n tension to de opponent side!!! Everybody fears him!!! And all teams normally team 2 players to mark him out n tackled him in any way.... As long as they can stop him from getting towards de goal!!! He is clearly de Best Young Player for this world cup!!! BUT.... FIFA said he dived too much n he involved in de incident where Rooney got himself sent off for his own 'Ball-Busting' challenge on Calvalhno!!!

Diu nia ma now FIFA name Zidane for de Best Player of the Tournament?!! :shocked: OMG... Too obvious they r BIAS!!! Frankly speaking, myself is a huge fan of Zidane too... But this really a BIAS decision le... If FIFA wanna to give something to Zidane for his past contribution to de game, they can always create another award to him la... Zizou clearly hv 3 lousy games in de group stage, n onli performed 'better' in de last 2-3 games but stil a big distance from his best self!!! I think Zidane himself wil feel bad oso when he receive the award!!! He definately feel 'Malu' la...

Today's paper claim tht Zidane was being provoked by Meterazzi tht lead him to head butted Meterazzi... WTF again... Provocation is NOTHING NEW in football game!!! Zidane is an experience player. He played in Italy for Juventus for many yrs... He shld know what to expect from de Italian n he shld know how to behave in de game n as a world leader, he shld know how to handle every situation... Try to think, what if Rooney now come out n said Calvahno provoked him, tht's y he STEPPED kao on his balls!!! Diuuuuuuuu... Very Sohai izzit....

But 1 thing i respect what David Trezeguet said: 'V n de rest of de squad simply had to accept de defeat. LOSING is part of football!!!' Bravo!!! :_:

BIG BIG THUMB DOWN to FIFA... "ptui"... I had thought FIFA is de most fair assosiation.... But not now anymore...

Yo Yo Yo... All football fans, what u guyz think huh?!! Come here n share a bit la... Share abt de Final... Share abt de WCup 2006 as a whole... Share abt Zidane head butted moment... Share anything abt football here la... Dun b sooooooooooooo quiet le... :_:
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I actually really respect Zidane. He is really a good player of the tounament but why he will do the stupid school boy act in last two minute of his Football life. Sure the Materazzi said something to make Zizou angry.
Hai...watever....Congrat to Italy. And i win money....Hahaaahaaa....

Win money good......lagi ape...come out and belanja us TT lor.....
anyone disagree ???
Oi Lancerevvory,
Win money must belanja us "Siong Kin Fun Steak House" la...hehe. Nevermind, u take out RM 100 enuff..the rest we chipped in.... : )
wah...u all though i win 1 Billion ah...
All want i belanja. Winner is Italy. Then u all ask Italy belanja u all lah..
Hoh..Ma Mid Kai..........

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