MLOC World Cup Chat / Opinion!!!

Finally decided to go for Argentina v Italy n England v Brazil for de semis!!! Dun ask me y... hahaha... All matches r too close too predict... So jus go with my Sin Ka Lan feeling lo... LoLzzzzzzzzz...

Its gonna b a Sad Sad day for de whole German nation tonite... Too bad... Hahaha... Actually both team oso very strong, infact de strongest 2 teams in this WCup... Too bad they meet up each other too soon... Sigh!!! I choose Argentina cos i really think their midfield slick n neat play wil b de key to open up de German defence... Experience on de big stage wise, both r hving pretty young team... :shades_smile:
Now left German v Italy n Portugal v France!!! De German v Italy gonna b another cracker again!!!

Too bad tht Argentina went out of de WCup liao... Til now i stil think they r de best team in de WCup 2006!!! In de Argentina v German game, de Argentine almost controlling everything until abt 70mins after they scored 1st!!! They totally dominated de 1st half where de possesion was 78:22 to them... de German hv got no answer to tht at all... At once, de German cant even touch de ball as de Argentine passes de ball ard... Jus too bad tht their manager Pekerman decided to sit back n defence after they scored!!! It gave de German chance to hit them back by piling pressure onto de Argentine defence again n again until they got de equaliser...

Thanksfully de Italian played a nice game by beating Ukraine 3-0... De 1st goal by Zambrotta was superb!!! Watching de Italian doing defencing is like an art... De way they do tackle, man-marking n operating de off side trap are something for others to learn on...

As for England, they DESERVED to b out of de WCup... Nin Beh... It was not de players fault... Not Rooney fault... But their manager Svan Goran Erikson's fault... GNNCCB... 1st it was de formation, then it was de person he chooses to took de penalty... 4-5-1 formation left de lone striker stupidly up front doing nothing... If he wanna employ such tactic, he shld hv put Crouch up front to win high balls with Rooney supporting him from de attacking forward role (Rooney always excel in this role n its proven in de EPL)... Rooney is not known as an out n out striker ever since he broke into de EPL scene... He was left so frastruatedly up front being man marked de whole game... What a waste by simply playing him up front alone... Lampard shld hv been DROPPED!!! He's been playing cibai CRAP for de last 2 games... Totally out of sort!!! O. Hangreaves did a good job by protecting de defence in his anchor man role jus in front of de defence... Then come de penalty... Walan eh... somemore choosing Lampard n Garrecher to took de kick... I think Erikson is plotting his own down fall by choosing de wrong persons...

Sooooooooo... England hv lost again... And now Gerrard r trying to blame kao C. Ronaldo for their loss... Diuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Nia Seng.... What kinda stupid lousy childish excuses by him... Very shameful instead pointing fingers at other for causing de lost... A Big Thumb Down to u Mr. Gerrard!!! Next time if u ever miss another penalty, blame ur mama for not cooking u a 'Magi Goreng' tht morning ya!!! :shades_smile: *&%#(&^%$...

Brazil mana lu dah pergi ni??? LoLzzzzzzzzz... What a pathetic performance by de Brazillian!!! Where r those free flowing short passing game went??? In tht match, hardly notice where de hell Ronaldinho n Kaka went??? I think in de whole game de Brazillian have had onli 3 shots... France play well wheneven Zidane perform!!! Simple as tht... Very much a 1 man team!!! But tht nite, de French played harder to win than de Brazillian...

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andy u can go and be football comentator to replace serbegeh singh:_: :_:

hohoho serve them right,sohai rooney go and step on people chuntoi

hoho i bet on france and portugal:_: :_:

next match i will bet on german and portugal:X-:
the best match ever I watch is the FRANCE vs BRAZIL match.....coincedently....i was in Paris great amostphere.....everybody shouted like mad...hehehehe

maybe a Germany VS France final ?? ;)

My prediction for tonite.........

Germany Win !

by 2-0. Italy playing christmas tree mode...putting Lucas Toni lonly striker...
dun think they can play like those Argentine....So play small bet Germany !!!

yeah !!!:thefinger:

Power FC is On Da Way !!!! hahah :dancing2:
Hahaha... Yaya... Tonite very interesting game le... :_: Now its de semi final... No more play play tactic liao... It wil b a close n tight game tonite... Again, i expect de German to do de attacking n de Italian on counter attack... In term of game speed, de German r much better than de Italian... Expect Ballack wil b tighly mark out by de Italian... For me, Podolski wil b de man to watch for de Italian... He is fast n aggresive when attacking!!! As for de Italian, 4-3-2-1 wil b boring to watch but a useful 1 when they play agaisnt an attacking side like Germany... So chances for de Italian wil b far n few, but once they score 1st they wil put 10 man behind de ball n close down de match... So beware de German defence, Toni n co wil test their off side trap again as in de way of de Costa Rican did - running down from deep!!! :_:

My head telling me it wil b German in de Final... But my heart stil luv de Italian lots!!! Mama miyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! :shades_smile:

lan evo,

Hehehe... Jus Sin ka lan here onli la... Hahaha... Jus luv to evaluate teams tactic n de way de player performed!!!


Good luck ya!!! :_:
While I like Germans coz of their good skills (after Argentina, hehe), I still support Italiano ...but germany got the policital and Host advantage la...sigh.

Italiaaaaaaaa... Italiaaaaaaaa... Italiaaaaaaaaa....

Yahooooooooooo..... What a superb match by both teams this morning!!! Italy played a tremandous game whereas de German were different from their usual attacking side... Really luv to watch this kinda game where both teams attack each other all de time... :_:

For me, de 'Men Of The Match' r F. Canavaro n Gattuso... Both this players gave 100% to de team n frustrated de German everytime they attack... And de turning point of de game was de substitution of Ianquinta for Italy... When he came off, Italy look like a different team... 2 superb goals from de dying minutes... 1st Grasso superb curler n 2nd Del Peiro composure strike in 1 on 1... :shades_smile:

As expected, Ballack been marked out... Hardly see him doing what he did all de times during de last few games... Good Italian midfield n defence where they limited de chances for Klose n Podolski!!! Everytime de German were on possession, de Italian were right on their toe...

During extra time, clearly de German were tiring towards de end... Lapses caused them dear!!! Too bad n sorry for de whole German nation tht their dream finally die off!!!

Italianoooooooooooo!!!! :_:
GREAT performance by the AZZURI.......way to go
Germans look nervery thru the game......
Stormvolution 9 said:
Tonite Portugal v France!!! What u guyz think huh?!! Its old folk party - Zidane v Figo!!!! LoLzzzzzzzz... :_:
I''ll go wif FRANCE
Experience wise, France r 2nd to none... But this time round they r pretty much a 1 man team where they really depends too much on Zidane performance... If Zizou play well, de whole team perform!!! So am gotta call him later tonite n ask him whether he feel 'song' to play well not... LoLzzzzzzzz.... :_: But frankly speaking, he is slowly back to his form liao... Besides him, P. Vieira is oso playing very well... And defensively France hv a very solid line up there in Thuram n Gallas in de middle!!! But i still very 'unsure' abt F. Ribery... His performance hv not convince me tht he is 1 of de top midfielder, let alone de 'Next Zidane'!!!

As for Portugal, Deco n Costihna returns from suspension... Which means Portugal r back to full force!!! They r jus like France, playing better n better as de torunament goes on... 1st thing for this match, coach F. Scolari (well known tactician) wil think of how to mark out Zinade n keep him quiet for de whole game... If he is able to do so, Portugal hv won half of de game liao... Portugal strongest area is their midfield, attacking or defending, their midfield play an very important role in supporting 2 of their less convincing area - Striker n defender... So am expecting Deco n Ronaldo to construct their attack n Maniche n Costihna to protect thier defence...

Who gonna win ah... Mmmm... Too many ppl think n go for France, which might not b good in terms of betting wise... Its kinda creating a 1 sided bet... Look at de Brazil v France game, German v Italy game n de Engalnd v portugal game... Dengerous le... U guyz better think 'baik baik' la... Hehehee... Good luck to all!!! :_:

All i wanna jus a good match to watch as myself no bet!!! Hahaha... :shades_smile:
While I support France, I agree that France is more of a 'one man team' rather than Portugal All rounder. Made more dangerously with Master Tactican Scholari !

So most likely the final will be Italia vs Portugal ! hehe...

My support goes to France tonight !!!!!! Viva De Paris !
Sei fa hai...u never read what I post ? I said I support Italy although I felt germans is stong ! diu...
okok past is past...
So tonite u take France i take Portugal
U fong me 2 biji....ok
And...i wil Said ITALY will Win the Champion!!!
Weee are the friend............
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