Michael schumacher - accident

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According to report his coma is induced coma, so there must be something to it.....:hmmmm:

Coz maybe if he wakes up, the brain will get too much stimulus and gets worse, also cannot imagine the pain! I read in some F1 website that his helmet was split, so you can imagine how hard the impact and the trauma to the brain. Even if he wakes up & survives this time, he might be crippled or something, or may die suddenly like that Maria Villota.
What I know is induced coma is one of the ways to relieve the internal pressure of the brain. I have a friend who suffered serious head trauma in a hit and run accident. Though not as serious as Michael's, he needed a pressure release tube to release the built up pressure in his brain after surgery, being in such condition for at least 6 months. I hope Michael will do fine.
lol you guys funny la.

on a serious note, the sooner Michael become conscious aka. "wake up" from coma, the better.
why? because the sooner, the quicker Michael can recover. He definitely needs a long period of rehabilitation.
long period of coma is never a good thing. muscle will weaken (but knowing that some dedicated Dr. of Physiology is taking care of Michael).
Michael currently on first class medical treatment, and he is currently monitored 24/7, 60/60.
regarding the sudden surge of bp, it would be a joke if that happens to Michael which he currently on world class treatment.
as reported, Michael experience brain haemorrhage from the skull crashing skiing accident which leads me to believe theres a flexi tube inserted into Michael's skull (fluid drain) to counter the brain herniation.

so lets say the sudden surge of bp is a thing,
what are the chances of him one day living his normal life when he is fully recovered and all the sudden his blood artery burst?
will anyone risk it? hell not even the specialist who taking care of Michael. and here comes the advancement of medical and all-things-health.
something like for example; Clopidogrel Bisulfate (oral drug) or normally known as Plavix comes into role.
Yah! then why induce him into coma.....:confused:

My friends young son was put into an induced coma after he was prescribed with Leukemia. Apparently the coma was so that he didn't have to experience the pain he would have to endure if awake?
I pity the doc treating him. Imagine if something happened to him, half the world will hate the doctor

That's why it is a big responsibility when someone is becoming a doctor. Even bigger if the patient is a famous person or celebrity. Shit happens and the doctor gets all the blame even if the doctor have saved let's say 100 people out of 100 people before.
Dont look to good........pray.
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