MAAC Go-Kart Challenge


1,000 RPM
Senior Member
Aug 27, 2004
The Malaysian Australian Alumni Council (MAAC) is organising a Go-Kart
Endurance Race on the 12th of September at Extreme Park, Sunway.

The details are as below:

Date: 12th September 2004 ( Sunday )
Time: 9:30am
Venue: Extreme Park, Bandar Sunway.
Race format: 1 hour Endurance
No. of Participant: 4 drivers to a team.
Entry Fee: RM220 per team.

The winner will win the challenge trophy.

For more info and to register your team, contact the following:

Tan Wei Seong
[email protected]
016-335 3398
sunway's using the 250cc 4 stoke karts lor. forgot whether they were 9hp or 10.5hp. abt the same as the fun karts at Elite lor. They can't run 2 stroke karts for endurance race gua... maintenance too high. that one you might have to pay RM2200 and not RM220 per team :D
Originally posted by cyclonite@Sep 9 2004, 12:17 AM
sunway's using the 250cc 4 stoke karts lor. forgot whether they were 9hp or 10.5hp. abt the same as the fun karts at Elite lor. They can't run 2 stroke karts for endurance race gua... maintenance too high. that one you might have to pay RM2200 and not RM220 per team :D
r u sure they r 250cc
250cc damn fast wei
normally 80cc only those fun karts
Yes, Sunway Extreme Park is using 250cc kart as fun karts. Bear in mind they are 4-stroke karts and not 80cc 2-stroke karts. They are much heavier (being 4 stroke) and do not rev as high as the 80cc, hence you can only hear "tuk, tuk, tuk" sound and not the high pitch whine of the 2-stroke. They feel slower than the 80cc too and do not corner as well due to the weight.
Yes.. it's true.. the cc may be bigger but its 4 stroke.. so less powerful than the 2 strokes.

One of the reasons for not having at Shah Alam is due to safety. The 80cc 2 stroke karts at Shah Alam do not have metal protector around the kart to prevent the wheels of 2 karts locking up and resulting in karts getting overturned or thrown into the air.

So far, Sunway Extreme Park has that metal protector.
MORAC in USJ also has the metal protector thingy for their fun karts.

How much is the prize money ?
Originally posted by InitialD@Sep 9 2004, 10:12 PM
Yes.. it's true.. the cc may be bigger but its 4 stroke.. so less powerful than the 2 strokes.

One of the reasons for not having at Shah Alam is due to safety. The 80cc 2 stroke karts at Shah Alam do not have metal protector around the kart to prevent the wheels of 2 karts locking up and resulting in karts getting overturned or thrown into the air.

So far, Sunway Extreme Park has that metal protector.
so does this mean that the karts will be provided for the endurance race.
one more thing. how many teams entitled to race. is there any qualifying sessions or heats b4 the finals.

Originally posted by OSFlanker@Sep 9 2004, 09:02 AM
Yes, Sunway Extreme Park is using 250cc kart as fun karts. Bear in mind they are 4-stroke karts and not 80cc 2-stroke karts. They are much heavier (being 4 stroke) and do not rev as high as the 80cc, hence you can only hear "tuk, tuk, tuk" sound and not the high pitch whine of the 2-stroke. They feel slower than the 80cc too and do not corner as well due to the weight.
thanks for informing
didnt know bout that
MORAC track not very nice to drive...very bumpy and sandy. Unfortunately no prize money lah.. only champion trophy. This is the 3rd year they are organising this annual karting event.
i think that on the Xtreme park track there's more sand as compare to Morac.
and the sunway one, if you go off, then there will be lots of stones.
Atleast Morac has timing and their track is more challenging.
yea morac track is more international standard compared to sunway's kartquest..
and their karts are faster and better maintained than to sunway's.. futhermore the kartquest karts are not equal in power.. some are faster than the other...
anyway heres a hint: kart no 3 is the fastest among the 270cc honda karts :P
gti88: sunway has timing

chooz: I'm not too sure about the morac maintenance being better than sunway's....i had my brakes fail in the 100cc rental karts at elite.
Elite's place is abit .. funny la their maintaince.. :(

BabyGodzilla broke his leg there back in 1999.. (brake failure, own kart) but that time the safety barrier was poorly constructed, more like concrete filled tyres!
now better.
whatever it is, i prefer that the Morac track is a real track as compared to Sunway.
Atleast they give suits for you to wear, rather than having your elbow getting burnt in Sunway while taking a corner and your body shifts its weigh to the other side. :(
This is what happened not just to me but quite a lot of my friends. hmmm ...

my 2cents.
Originally posted by ninja_iga@Sep 10 2004, 09:12 PM
more like concrete filled tyres!
now better.
yeh i don't know if its better now but the big bags they have as cushioning had kart tyres..... but some of the tyres still had the rims on!!! I mentioned this.... dunno if anything has been done. It IS a dengerous track though even if many changes are made - other than a street track in Johor it is by far the most dangerous track i have driven on.

The only thing they do good regarding safety is the suits - i don't understand why none of the other tracks do it (shouldn't have a separate RM5 charge for it though).
Boatowner, the other tracks don't provide suits because MORAC is the only kart operator that manufactures suits - business mah! But those suit won't do you much good when you crash - probably save you a few cuts, that all.........

In terms of safety, Shah Alam is probably the better bacause of the wide run off areas. And I think they will be classified Class A CIK track when their pit/hospitality building is ready. Even MORAC Elite and Langkawi are only Class B (if I remember correctly).
Nick, i had use of several karts (through my team) with either Rotax Max/Parilla Leopard/100cc FA engines..... but most of the stuff got stolen (10 karts and 10 engines + tools) from the Morac Elite kart track where we kept them.

I still have a kart with a Rotax Max engine which i keep at home.

I haven't been able to drive properly for a while though due to rib injuries.

Flanker: the suits are a whole lot better than shorts and a tshirt..... not manufacturing your own suits hasn't stopped the thousands of rental kart operators around the world from providing their customers with suits.

Your karts and equipment got stolen ? then what did you do ?
What did Morac say ? Thats pretty dodgy man.
How much is a new 100cc and 125cc kart ? Competition spec ?

Thanks dude.

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