Help Needed..Pls..SubangGo-kart Centre


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Senior Member
Oct 16, 2004
hi every 1...
i am looking for the contact num for the go-kart circuit near holiday villa...

jz rite bside the crocodile farm restaurant...

does any 1 have the rates of that place..?n also the num of the place..
sorry no contact number..
but if im not mistaken its like 25 for the 4 stroke ones..10 mins..
sumthin like that

n its 5 for 6 laps or sumthing like that...

cant really recall though..
there's only the owners umm hp to get..
n they open till like 11pm....

weekends are usually packed...esp with small kids...with thier own suits n all
best time to go is on weekdays...

i think i can vauch that they have the cheapest ratest..but of course the track is rather small..n the cond of the karts arent great...
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thanks twisted... dat go to sunway 1 better aint it..?
ur welcome...sunway one...i think rates pretty high...track sandy..oso..but shud be fine...not sure bout the kart maintainance for sunway..

try the shah alam one...but the hours there are short if im not mistaken...they close on certain days too..maintance for the karts are better than subang for sure.....but not perfect...

oh the one on the highway..of course is the best are the rates...
well if ur playin for fun...then subang is just fine...actually...for cheap
though the track is small..still hahaa ur most likely to spin...n crash out if u cant control the kart... webnation..shud be more of a pro on matters like this they kart a lot ;) hehehee shud ask the pro's prolly...
they still open?man last time i went there was like 8 years ago....sunway extreme park you'll find some pieces of bumper from the drift cars LOL....shah alam go kart is ok too...RM20 10 min for the 50cc and 35 or sumthin for the 80cc ones....dunno
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