JPJ road blocks


Cookie Monster
Senior Member
Dec 7, 2004
Kuala Lumpur
10 March 2005, 10 pm..I was on the way to Leisure Mall with my gf..i took the roundabout then JPJ block me.Ask me get off the car then press my fuel..lucky da fella press until 3k rpm only..then kena exhaust too loud..So unlucky i lost my ic n licence on that day then kena one more for gagal menunjukkan lesen memandu..huhu 100 bucks there..anyone know the price for eksoz terlalu bising went to JPJ wangsa maju..stupid fellar there bad service summore pay him saman..he ask me to come back next week only far from subang go week need to go there back..anyone kena the JPJ block there???

This is our conversation..
I lost my ic n licence so i shown the fellar my National Service card keke
JPJ: Ape macam..pegi ns takde ic..u tipu ke?
ME: Takde la..confirm itu saye macam mane sekarang
JPJ: U mau macam mane?Mau saman ka?
ME: Boleh tolong ka?
JPJ: Apa mau tolong?Berapa ratus u ade?
ME: Emmmm....
JPJ: ...they just talk cock ask me how u want me to help u?
ME: tulan dee...ask him write saman only..

P/S: I wanna know if a CDL driving licence still P gagal menunjuk licence how
many marks they deduct hah???
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