Puchong roadblocks


Cookie Monster
Senior Member
Dec 7, 2004
Kuala Lumpur
Todays date 9.10 morning March 1, 2005.It was a fine day..and i took my usual ride to my school...once i hit the cornering i saw those police in white uniform soo nvmla cus i did nothing wrong ma..just pass then one of the police point to my car n another 2 ask me to stop..so i stop lo..then i open up my window and here it goes our conversation-

Me :Ape macam bang?Saya ape salah?..kena ambik ini corner ma kalau mau
masuk sini.
Police:You sudah masuk lane orang semasa cornering..kasi lesen keluar Me :Wah..macam ini pun salah ka?Saya tau saya tarak salah..
Police:Saya cakap u salah..u salah la, sekarang u mau kautim atau saman RM300?
Me :U suka la..saman mai saman lor.
Police:Kasi kautim la..cepat cepat..
Me :Mau berapa?
Police:Berapa ada?
Me :10 riggit aje..
Police:Ahhh bagi saya..u boleh blah
Me :Then i took my 10 bucks n gave him..he took the 10 bucks n give me back
my driving licence..and said 'pergi'

Conclusion: Wad the fuck happen to police nowdays? 10 bucks also want? cheap
like fucks..memalukan negara only
U should have recorded the conversation and his personel number and then report to Anti-corruption Agency.
we should keep tape recorder in our car from today onward
rm10 is consider a lot my fren...
last time when i was travelling late at night....no seatbelt...only had 3.50 in my pocket...they took also lar! ahahhaah
Stop you for nothing? Then extort money. This is sick man! Time to install one of those hidden cameras in your car.

Then do a "Most Corrupted Police Videos" show.
When you get speeding tickets, i can see all of you wished the policeman were there to 'kaotim' for you.
When you get caught of modifying cars, u wished that too. LOL
i always take that road to go to my mech's place
few times encountered them but never got stopped.
bunch of monkeys
i thought they were catching those who cut lane illegally due to the new road lines. cut ppl's lane wtf kinda excuse is that!?!
tskkk...i dun get it....how do u all define thieves??as far as i know....thieves STEALS from you....in this case and many more...IT IS YOU YOURSELF THAT CHOSE TO GIVE THEM MONEY....THINK ABOUT IT....remember...you point 1 finger to a party...the other 3 fingers are pointing at u back....unless the cops shoots u in the crotch...turned u upside down and picked up all ur money...then they are considered 'THIEVES'....other than that...they are the same as all of you who joined in this corruption....SAD CASE....instead of complaining 'wah this polis tapau my money' or 'this police rm10 oso wanna take'...why dun u complain about how corrupted u r first by handing them money AS A WAY TO AVOID GETTING SUMMONS and watnot....IF U KNOW U DIDNT DO ANYTHING WRONG...SO FUCK THEM....U CAN CHALLENGE THEM IN COURT....most of the time this group of corrupted cops KNOWS that chikadees like some of u will eventually give them money....u know...its the same like stray cats...once u feed them....they will come meowing back at u the next day until the next millenium.....AHAHHAHAHA...WHAT A JOKE....its like vomit blaming feces for the stench
yes, u have to challenge them in court. i still remember my dad got booked for jumping queue and he took the matter to court. the funny thing is, he represented himself and he won the case.

in fact, he was wrong at the first place but he still won the case. the judge even asked the policeman to say sorry to my dad.. lol
mayb we can start a top ten chart where we list down the highest amount taht they ask till de lowest.... or a chart for the market price for their asking price....
Let's see whether RM10 is a lot.

RM10 * 10 cars daily = RM100

1 month can get RM3000 extra.

Wah, who said policeman is poor?

My dad also got stopped once for not wearing the seatbelt. He showed his wallet, which only have RM5 at that time, the policeman also sapu.

Conclusion: Never put too much cash in your wallet, or have one spare wallet with very few cash as stand by.
:angry: ..next time ppls got tahan by police or jpj..
first thing to do is ask for his number..>>>they always cover his number by book or green jacket.~

my friend told me tonight got BIg BIG operasi, donno where...i think caught illegal indo worker.

:( :( bolehland~
Originally posted by stargate@Mar 2 2005, 18:26
Let's see whether RM10 is a lot.

RM10 * 10 cars daily = RM100

1 month can get RM3000 extra.

Wah, who said policeman is poor?

My dad also got stopped once for not wearing the seatbelt. He showed his wallet, which only have RM5 at that time, the policeman also sapu.

Conclusion: Never put too much cash in your wallet, or have one spare wallet with very few cash as stand by.
hey...dude don't get wrong....not all policeman like that..kesian !
guys, regarding that a section around T.Malaysia (from IOI towards T. Malaysia stretch).. the policemen lurks that area.. cos u are not suppose to cut in to that lane as it is a double line.. in fact u'll have to cut in way way before somewhere near the underpass towards the housing area (left hand side) then u will b safe.. take a good look when u are driving n goin thru T. Malaysia, always keep on the left side lane n c the line carefully :D

regarding the fine.. there was once i didn't have a single cent in my pocket but there is in my bag, showed him the wallet, ask me whether I'm a college student and i said yeah and he let me go.. felt really lucky that day..
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