Jam Already still wanna to set roadblock

It seems that road block activities is picking up there. And really, during countdowns, it's not worth it to go to any shopping complex areas or whatever. Just stay home or go to an unpopular hang out place that nobody wants to go. hahaha I had my countdown in church. hehe
I had my new year eve sleeping... unaware of fireworks..... woke up at 1.30am... ai... missed the fireworks... ai...
So jam still wan to roadblock because never use brain. why?

Because all the smart ones left the force to find better jobs and better living.

And what do we end up with?

Its a no brainer.
New Year Ang Pow mayb..
dun knoe how to solve the jam and just knoe how to make their pocket full..really KNN:mad:...
Spent my new year getting abused by my little monster cousins shouting carry me n play with me non stop...n got cut lip from a headbutt by a 1.5 year old...woot
wah.... what kinda cousins do you have? they watch too much wrestling already. hahaha
i'm the only one able to carry them, more muscles than their parents ma...
too excited to see me...cialat everytime see them is same story...
Happy New Year 2008!
my they grow up n not have me carry them!
tomorrow might getting worst... there'll be a gathering by Gerakan Mansuh ISA (GMI) tomorrow, 5th January at Dataran Merdeka... Prepare for massive jam again !!!!
not sure if it's night or day, coz heard that they'll be lighting candles as protest, so think it might be night time... who got any reliable source??
Can't terminate satria95 cos he's already been terminated. buahaha and also revived. hehehe

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