how to join as a member ?


Known Member
Senior Member
Nov 24, 2006
hi !! to all MR2/S members,
i just got my MRS,
so how to join as a member ?
need anything to join ? anual fees or ..?

here got how many MRS owner ?
coz i see almost all MR2 owner only,
just one MRS owner with DAMD MRS only.

so how often u all go to meet ?
when have a meet to Perak ?
so who can help if my MRS got problem ?
who can i ask to solve my car problem ?
Just say "COME TO IPOH, N I PAU EVERYTHING" all sure go ipoh including MR2 kakis......hahahaha
don kacau me la,
i am new here,
i talk with koolspyda b4,
he drive MR2 or MRS ?
kampung problem.....i buy u char siew pau or tau sa pau or KL famous yip chee mei tai pau......hehehehe

koolspyda drives his mrs(mrs koolspyda) crazy everyday........hehehehe
ok ok,
i go there u buy me PAU,
u come here i buy u KON PIAN, RED WINE NOODLE, and .....
also here famous food.
wei u from setiawan is it????? ipoh where got kon pian n red wine noodle....hahahaha
i from sitiawan, heheheheee
i never say i from ipoh,
i just say i from perak.
so when MR2/S club wan to have a party here ?

MR2/S also got a member from here,
with MR2 Jazz Pink colour,
his MR2 in workshop near 2 years,
but i think next month will run again with his new enjin.
All the laughing, we MR2/S brothers make friends so fast.

Hey a drive to Setiawan is not half bad?? if we have foodie stops along the way?
K boy, you may say you are from setiawan but your info stated on the top right says you are from KL. Dont have to beat around the bush about your origins, you could come from Mars and we dont care less
u can come to bidor,
i meet u all there,
then we go bidor air panas have a rest and swimming,
then later night come to sitiawan have a Seafood,
then we can go to penang have a night,
tomolo u go back KL i come back Sitiawan,
ok not ok ?

i really from sitiawan, that top right says i am from KL i think when i register time i simply pun one.
i hear my friend that with Jazz Pink MR2 say that u r Alan, right ?
so or we can go penang,
so i meet u all changket jering highway tol there,
so we just go penang, see snake, see buddha, see sea and eat laksa.
happy that you have gotten your MRS. there are tons of info on past DIY maintenance on my past threads.

if we ever were in ipoh, will pm you. or penang.

but we normally will do road trip/hill drive at least 1 a month around KL/selangor/seremban
KL/selangor/seremban a bit far for me,
but if u all got trip just try to PM me,
i try to go if i free,
but need all ur help is take me from tol and go to find u all,
coz i don know how to drive in KL roud,
easy to hilang.

i think SEKINCHAN also selangor,
so we can go there to have seafood too.<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
u all use walky-talky when go to enjoy ??
coz when i go to 4x4 trip we all use it,
easy and nice and fun to use.
any problem if drive MR with 3 people ?
my wife, me and my small child,
polis will kacau ?
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