..going thru toughest time of my life..anyone..felt the same..

heard from a friend working in Airasia bfore......but he never recommended anyone to go in.....
something to do with employee benefits.........
b00n said:
why gers so damn Q mafan one huh??....
me ex just called up this few days and say she's thinking bout alot of stuffs..........
happy moments lar.....not happy moments lar.....
regret little bit lar....still want me to change this change that lar.....
expect me to do this do tht lar......
than popped out can we still be together?..........
headache..........i do still love her though........
now making me also so fan.......

bro, at least your ex called you up and ask for a chance to be together with you....maybe there a chance ler cos you still love her....you still got a chance there.....but for me got no more chance, she left me edi, i beg for another chance but still no result , so i had to let go now...ya i know it takes time but i'm going thru a hard time....life goes on no matter what happen but for now i got no fate with her then maybe in the future got ler...broke up with her almost 3 weeks edi....but anyhow i have to take her as one of my friend now...

bro, just give both of you a chance, then maybe things will change to better ones....

(dont mistaken i'm a girl because of my nick k guys) hahaha...
bro...just got to accept the fate............
life is always unfair....can never really go your way.....
have learned alot during this 1 year.....but somehow still hard to forget
memories u can't erase, but still got to live on....
hang in there mate!
b00n said:
bro...just got to accept the fate............
life is always unfair....can never really go your way.....
have learned alot during this 1 year.....but somehow still hard to forget
memories u can't erase, but still got to live on....
hang in there mate!

ya....i have to accept the fact now.....very hard to erase our memory bro...damn hard....but we still have to live our lifes....so life goes on.....
Boon, I think u can give it another go if you really love her (everyone deserves a second chance, even urself), but you shouldnt change who you truly are just because she wants u to. everyone has their quirks and imperfections, so she should appreciate you for who you are.

Unless its bad habits like dig-nose-in-public those kinda things that she wants u to change...then that is a different story. haha. :P

Jess, nice to know that ur all better now...although I'm abit outdated. I did visited ur blog sometime back and left u a message there tho. hehe.
am trying hard..................
trying to quit smoking...........but with a clause.........
only smoke duty free ciggie......(cheaper) ma.........


no lar...let fate decides............

dun wan to sound wierd or anything, but have you ever think about going back to study? i mean, go and enjoy campus life for a year or two? meet some more new friends and probably find something you really like to do that you didn't know yet? i mean, we have same age and i'm still studying, so basically i would prefer to see you in campus than anywhere else.. just my 2 cent tho..

(yeah yeah i know i talk about i envy you having a job and wanna get one myself.. but..)
yah...rollakid..that is what i am doing now.Eventhough i din really have such job as jesz(not handsem,not macho,not tall enuff),but i quit my job which actually kinda gd in terms of advancement at a MNC and go back to get my degree.
Actually it was a hard time during that time,but finally get through it. So i agree with rollakid,but still it depends.It is quite hard coz when you are in the society,you will kinda sucky to go out from it and back to uni life with those student.My way is....haha get a part time! there is job beside event/product promoter kinda work for part time basic at some company. ; )

my 2 cent
norika_sakai said:
bro, at least your ex called you up and ask for a chance to be together with you....maybe there a chance ler cos you still love her....you still got a chance there.....but for me got no more chance, she left me edi, i beg for another chance but still no result , so i had to let go now...ya i know it takes time but i'm going thru a hard time....life goes on no matter what happen but for now i got no fate with her then maybe in the future got ler...broke up with her almost 3 weeks edi....but anyhow i have to take her as one of my friend now...

bro, just give both of you a chance, then maybe things will change to better ones....

(dont mistaken i'm a girl because of my nick k guys) hahaha...

same feeling here .. i beg my ex for another chance and he left me too..
he said what is done is done.. and... he said that im annoying and irritating when i beg him.. i got no choice , have to let go.. but actually i still loving him but i cant do anything at all....just praying for miracle between us ...

always appreciate your loved one, coz i just lose mine...:sad_smile:
well, guys and girls, the old saying goes "what's gone will be gone". although its hard to accept, but somehow you will have to face the fact. sigh.. life's not fair.
haha.....boy i missed the life as a student!!.......
really no pressure..........until few days before finals or few days before assignment due....
to complete my final assignment, I remember spending practically 3 days without sleep. Almost 72 hrs........minus of mayb 3 hrs for a quick nap..that's my personal best!
The rest of the days are just enjoying life.......no real worries beside money =(
So when in sch hope to work......but trust me, when ur in the society working your ass off......u prefer schooling! But of course you need money to study lar.....
Yeah, after i left my uni life to working life, i felt like uni life is better. Now i'm working my ass out so that i can get more money to continue with MBA. But seems that money will never be enough.
LOL. I just finished my assingment! Been up whole night until now. But I do agree with u guys tho. I have only 1 year left of college and I really wish that I could extend my time here. Haha. The moment u step into the working world is the moment u say byebye to ur carefree life.

Jess, not a bad idea to study actually. hehe. At least you can have a backup plan in case someday u might just wake up n say, "I don't wanna work in the air anymore" rite? ;) Hehe, but of kos, its only our opinion.

Boon, 72 hours?? Damn keng wei. haha. My record, 40+ hours, no sleep. Didn't even go back home. College was my home for that 2 nights. hahahha.
Serra said:
Boon, I think u can give it another go if you really love her (everyone deserves a second chance, even urself), but you shouldnt change who you truly are just because she wants u to. everyone has their quirks and imperfections, so she should appreciate you for who you are.

yes yes, must accept people for who they are :_:
no ler.....never once so beautiful babes in airasia...........
mayb not my luck.......

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