Global Warming.. What Have U Done?!!


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Senior Member
Feb 24, 2011
Shah Alam
Dear friends,

Yesterday (2may12) raining all day in Shah Alam.. we're lucky no flash flood here..

Today (3may12) extremely hot.. feels like gonna get sun burn..

Anyway, i start this thread to do a lil survey of my own about what u have done to prevent global warming..

Myself.. i usually recycle all the recyclable things.. almost every month.. send it to 'kedai besi buruk' and get money $$$.. not much but it's our duty to reduce our waste..

2ndly, i already send my daily driving KE70 for NGV installation.. it's clean & environmentally friendly.. plus saving money $$$ too :biggrin:

more info here NGV Environmental Benefits

So, what have u done to prevent global warming?

it's our earth, lets protect it ... :wink:
I recycle old stuff too. Cans from can food, milk etc., plastic items including plastic bags, old newspaper, books, glass bottles and including vegetation for compost.....
Recycling have been my family habit in recycling stuffs like plastic bottles, cans, metals and etcs.
With a small reward but better than nothing as our main intention is to recycle to help mother earth.

Secondly, shopping or even pasar malam. Whenever we intend to tapao,
We will surely bring a tupperware/container along with us in order to prevent
from using/supporting the use of plastic since we all know well that plastic bags
can last up to 100 years and yet it will not be decompose by nature...

Is a real threat to our mother earth. Still somehow I'm happy to see some people are using
recycle bags when they shop or even when they go to pasar malam. Is a good practice...

If our 'G' can't do anything about banning plastic bags from further usage, we got to take action
ourselves. Is still our responsibility to protect the world for the future generations. We have
enjoyed what we had enjoyed before. The younger generations deserve a chance too..

Ya some may ask, if we don't take plastic bags, how are we gonna throw away our trash?
Is true that there is not much of an alternatives to nicely wrap up the rubbish for our fellow
trash collectors, but we try to minimize the usage of plastic bags as much as we could.

Everyone who practice this really would make a difference to our world. Either that,
we may choose to wrap the rubbish in least papers can still be recycled in the end.
Plastic bags are piling up and there are not proper way to destroy this plastic bags...burning it
will be worse...real hazardous to us to breathe in what was burn along with plastic bags...

Think twice, and start now if you haven't. Never too late. :beer:
twice a year doing house clean-up and send all recycleable materials to the center...

and also...using bike instead of car going almost anywhere to reduce carbon footprint :biggrin:
It's good to know most of us petrolheads doing sumthing for our earth

Keep it up, guyz :wink:
I have 4 mounties, which we use if going to main town area, go for breakfast etc., at nearby areas......

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i wanna buy a hybrid car & sell of my high FC car...but unfortunately its still expensive...
so therefore when i go shopping at tesco i bring my blue IKEA carry bag so i dont need plastic bags....
great topic, I too have noticed the drastic change in weather recently and made even apparent with the natural disasters happening now. i'm sure many have realized that.
Now using LRT to go to work and bring own bags at giant / tesco when shopping (not only saturday now)
recycling, walk of to shops wihtin 3km, shut the engine off while waiting, tuned the car to be very efficient (10liter for return trip to bahau), i dont smoke, switching all the lights off when light isnt needed including during sleep, support earth hour, sumthing like all those ler.. small things from individual will in fact bring a big impact globally, at least i believe dats true :smile:
the G itself is not doing anything to the environment.....even we everyone is doing daily..its just not enough.....


i walk to work
i recycle and sell those rubbishs for money... :)
no plastic beg when buying stuffs if possible
and i buy used stuffs(this one count ka? lolz)
every single thing helps huakenny, i also bring my own bags for shopping, plastic bags arent made outta biodegradable materials are dangerous imo
every single thing helps huakenny, i also bring my own bags for shopping, plastic bags arent made outta biodegradable materials are dangerous imo

Yes, everyone chips in a little, adds up to a lot......
I also drill my kids to use as little electric as possible, like switching off the lights when out of the room even for a while, as sometimes will not be sure how long because they may differ and do something else before returning. Yup, wife always bring the shopping bags along when shopping, in fact all the cars have spare bags in the booth for this matter. After use is folded and place back in the boot....
yea..switch off the fan/light/radio whenever you are not in that area....

so better buy used parts...its part of recycle :rofl:
dats a avery good idea u got there v2rturbo, iam gonna buy even more bags for shopping and put it in the car jer.. we usually carry them in the bag, but taking much space jugek ler..
The hardest part to conserve energy and also be environmentally friendly is people's mindset. Many people do not care because they will think 1 person doing all these will not make any difference, plus some are just ignorant because they think that they have paid for something, one should use it to the max. So it is very very important to educate the peoples especially children. We must show them a good example and plant a good habit in their body.

As for what I do for the environment..
1. Recycle papers..always
2. Recycle anything whenever possible. Plastic bags, bottles, tupperwares..If you think that it is worth to recycle, then just do it.
3. Conserve energy. Use only when i need. And switch off and unplug when not needed.
4. If budget allows, I will buy more energy efficient products.
5. If got sampah, THROW INTO TONG SAMPAH!! If driving, then keep them first and find tong sampah. Not fling it out of the window and feel like its ur right. Damn hate this kind of ppl.
6. Walk to destination if practical.
7. Drive smoothly
8. Switch off engine when waiting for people
9. Use fan instead of air con.
10. When I switch on air con at night before sleeping, I always set timer and put the "sleep" mode on. I will only set it for 2 hours to cool the space down. When the "sleep" mode is activated, ur AC will automatically increases the thermo set point when u r sleeping.
11. Most important, if I see any of my frens or family doing something bad...I'll give my voice.

I believe there's alot more we can do. The government did something too, like the giving tax exemptions to Green Buildings. But bout lynas..haih..
dats a avery good idea u got there v2rturbo, iam gonna buy even more bags for shopping and put it in the car jer.. we usually carry them in the bag, but taking much space jugek ler..

Where are you from? If from Petaling Jaya, I can give you a few.....

---------- Post added at 09:32 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 09:22 PM ----------

The hardest part to conserve energy and also be environmentally friendly is people's mindset. Many people do not care because they will think 1 person doing all these will not make any difference, plus some are just ignorant because they think that they have paid for something, one should use it to the max. So it is very very important to educate the peoples especially children. We must show them a good example and plant a good habit in their body.

4. If budget allows, I will buy more energy efficient products.

Very true, many I know also have this mindset......:banghead:

Try looking out for sales of Osram and Philips Energy savings bulbs. Some 30% discount going on, last I know was even 50% off. Try also scouting Tesco for Tesco brand energy saving bulb, some are going for RM10 or even less.
I have changed one of my dinning hall light, 32watt florescent tube to 20watt energy bulb.
Both my room round 32w to 15w, wall light twin 40w to 8w, stair case and corridor wall light from twin 40w to 5w, 3 outside perimeter 36w florescent tube to 8w bulbs and two 40w bulb at main door to 8w. Bought all bulbs during offer, even though paid a bit at the beginning, but will save on electricity bill and the energy savings bulbs actually last quite a long time....
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