DO JPJ/Polis kacau u when road block?IF u...


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Senior Member
Dec 10, 2003

i decide to Mod E3 bumper on my wira..
but do it Agains..JPJ Laws?
when kena road block by JPJ/polis..

will they stop u?
any hv exp on this?

need Feedback~
my friend satria 1.3 mod with Evo3 bumpers kena block JPJ everytime. he even got a cert from puspakom in his car for safety measure.

how to get that?

that mean..
when roadblock..
sure kena one ar?

wah..charm lol tis
no idea how he got that lor, maybe kena once by JPJ call him go puspakom check gua, he showed me his cert in his glove box.
safety ??? hmmmm?? if we put coure front.. n say safety can ah? ehehehe... so many ppl do.. like not scared roadblock oni
It is illegal to use EVO or other bumper. They will stop u and issue letter for inspection
Unless you enter Kereta shows.. just found out that they have certs issued from kereta which exemps you from road blocks... :)

What about carbon hood... legal?
I also kena kacau by JPJ once... for using a VR4 grille on a non-VR4 Galant! :o

Got off with a warning to remove it. Went back home and took it off.
charm lol..

i already fix in the bumper liao.
waiting for paint only..

sniff sniff..
how ar guys..

need to avoid JPJ everytime?
depends on luck wan ler .. me change to mivec bonnet and bumper. me also nowadays damn scared when going out cos heard there is lots of police and jpj activities around nowadays.. but then dat day i go pass da JPJ block only .. da ferlow didnt even stop me.
Originally posted by Bad^kokan@Jan 23 2005, 13:03
charm lol..

i already fix in the bumper liao.
waiting for paint only..

sniff sniff..
how ar guys..

need to avoid JPJ everytime?
pray hard man.....ehehehe CNY summore leh eheheheh
ya Blue_civic..

it depend the JPJ officers..wanna catch u or not..
if he mood good..lepas u la..cincai la

if he in bad mood~
u die lol..
pocket pain again..

Darn it..~
ho all!!
how about the jpj/police block u coz the light like HID...
u all kena b4??
i just kena last 2 day..... :(
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