Corolla SEG -(KL west till east side's club)-

HAHHAH!!! damn CEO!! KOYO some more.. hahah!!! balik tidur nanti jangan mimpi sambil tergelak besar ... siap penampar sebesar kuali masak kat dapur tu land kat muka hang!! hahahh!!! siap penyet muka ngkao tu.. hahahah!!!!


oh... this is nice shoot.... cataphrax... hahaha.........

c c CEo business time dun take photo la .. easily get shoot ... hahaha..

summore wan talk BT turbo spd superstrut with KOYO radiator tim..

Haha .. dam funny lar wei .. ceo's a lesson for u .. when photo session ..plis stop ur bizzness for awhile ..!! haha
i know la....
not kenal band liow
had to stay in the office
can't going out anymore.
bcoz i resign d. so HR manager order down ask me no need going out d...

so bored at office la.....
wahseh, penang car veli fast r..

So this secret DAWS project will be testing in the new launch undergound tunnel highway ka? no need pasang exhaust then... just buy as much as secs to finish ramming the whole 3km tunnel...

nia meh r.. my car still no news yet ones.... dunno what those buffola doing with my car also...
Penang car not fast la..the driver fast in penang can said 4age setup for pickup only gua..that bt corona eng stock..rsr 4-1..2'3" piping...pikup fast wo..n another ke20 wif levin eng..these car dam fast..ask keny..he know..coz penang road all sort2 where can rev kaw2..
Hahhaa.... how i know ...
i just know that ke20 very very fast only.,....... haha now also plug in the oil cooler kit again..... and also that corona ah.... no need say la
all of them is same group from BaLing.... PIG HEAD STICKER at side mirror....

sure la penang road all is short short 1.... no same like KL la.... all the way is highway 1.....
keny, i have yet to see the ke20 yet. kekeke...
the corona i've seen la. the dashboard same like mine. ciplak cf type one.
wahseh, penang car veli fast r..

So this secret DAWS project will be testing in the new launch undergound tunnel highway ka? no need pasang exhaust then... just buy as much as secs to finish ramming the whole 3km tunnel...

nia meh r.. my car still no news yet ones.... dunno what those buffola doing with my car also...

your car melted down and used to produce scooter already. i think so far 3 they complete already.. another 2 more units to come out... can see the bikes for sale at the moto shop near danny's shop....
yah!!! with 4 age 20v piston running insdie engine ones.. produce 160raw bhp.. coz the bike too fking light !! hahha!!!

then come ram kao this black 4e sohai car.. hahahah!!! nia seng r.. hahah!!!

kenny, ke20 damn fast r? u try to ask this guy how much he spend on converting to 4age... penang make old car with new engine cheaper ka? rm2k?... hahhah!!!
that guys juz that ke20 myb rm? not more than rm1k gua..hcut la..adj cam..extractor..piping..lsd..idling at 1500rpm...told keny to take the pict la..
your car melted down and used to produce scooter already. i think so far 3 they complete already.. another 2 more units to come out... can see the bikes for sale at the moto shop near danny's shop....

wah hahaha.... and one of the scooter is for the kid that ramped birdie one..
his scooter specially made using one of the 4 throttle body from birdie's 4 throttle, and also the scooter rpm meter is the 9k redline one from birdie car also..
another one is for mario... coz he last time mat skuter... but dowan to admit now...

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