Clutch Problem


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Mar 12, 2005
Kuala Lumpur
Hi,I want to know how long is the lifespan of the clutch before it's 'kong'?FYI my car is 2 years old and i drive my car go to work and sometimes travelling to Kedah.Can I put triple plate clutch to my standard stock car?Ur opinion is much appreciated.Thank you.
a standard clutch plate may even last for 4-5 yrs also. it really depends on the kind of driver...if always speeding too much & driving aggressively or use the clutch excessively (drive in traffice jam everyday) then the lifespan would of course be reduced........but i am not sure abt racing clutches......

my friend is into his 5th year in an iswara aeroback 1.3 (which he bought new) without any problems to the clutch !!!!! so far he has only been regularly servicing his car & changed his wheel bearings last year !!! that's all !!!! he uses the car daily & also long distance trips.....

i have never heard of triple clutch.
I dont think the single cam engine hav a triple plate clutch....if u want to use triple plate clutch then change ur flywheel to super touring
To verify a clutch is dead or about to, while going steep uphill, shift to top gear (5th gear).

If engine stalls almost immediately, the clutch is fine.

If engine revs smoothly, clutch has KONKED.
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