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BREAKING NEWS: Petrol will be RM2.70 a litre at midnight tonight

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this is not hacking, this is injection, you can even put ZTH website in there. The vendor that create the portal forgot to disable the injection. This is the fundamental security thing that every vendor should know. That's the problem when you give the project to bumi-UMNO! who charge government rocket high price and deliver shit product. There goes our money.

you can try, this is the ZTH version hosted in PMO

This is google version,

anything u want :)
Uncle BS

i can only say fucked this shit government screw up our nice country! now we can't use our car to bang mat-rampit becos petrol is so kau lan expensive. :thefinger:
dun worry lah.... mat-rampit oso dun $$$ to pay for petrol jor... muhahahah
Bear in mind that the phrase “expensive to the government†means “less money for cronies and ‘rent seekers’†in UMNO. There’ll be less money for the 4th floor boys and the family of Pak Lah to squander, there’ll be less money for expensive but useless projects to make Barisan Nasional cronies rich, there’ll be no more money for useless and wasteful joint venture projects like the one recently exposed by MB of Selangor and many, many more examples.

Barisan Nasional, being corrupted as they are, will not want this to happen and as usual the cost will be transferred to the people. Their way of life must never be compromised.

Crime rates is wat troubling me now actually. Just see. Thanks to our PM...
My Perspective on the fuel Increase:

1) We WERE paying for the full price of fuel all along, THATS where our fuckin tax money goes.

2) Up northern and down southern, do you see any growth? The answer is a resounding NO. So, from my perspective, if there's no fukkin results to show, then where the fukk does the newly freed up funds allocated for fuel subsidy go?
COME ON! at the very least, I expect to see the roads in better conditions. some of the roads i drive on, while considered NORMAL in malaysia, in UK they would be BARRED from usage, deemed totally unsafe.

3) Public transportation is all good and well, but look at our public transport. calling it SHIT is already better than what it deserves. where do drug addicts, robbers and rapists hang out? BUS STOPS. enough said.

4) Everybody, do a quick count of your montly income outgoings. now factor in the new fuel pricing. me personally, i use up at least 400 liters of petrol a month! how much will it cost us then?

5) Motorsports , how the hell is malaysian motorsports scene expected to mature and rival it's nation? Malaysian will quite soon become the new world cycling champions, i'm quite sure of that.

6) Look at other countries. UK for example, unsubsidised fuel, BUT look at the import tax? a CAR, year for year, IS AT LEAST HALF of it's price in malaysia?
so what monkey business does malaysia have with LOW FUEL SUBSIDY (30 cents, better dont give la) and HIGH IMPORT TAX, HIGH TRADE LEVIES, not to mention ridiculous public transportation infrastructure.

7) Are we considered an oil producing country? From what it looks like, not really. at the bloody least, if they want to charge RM2.70 for a liter, then at least give us the bloody 100ron.

8) The whole economy is going to change. WHY? cause everything fukkin revolves around oil!!!!! Now i'm going to have to twice about a 20 cent toilet entry fee!

9) can ANYBODY, anybody at all tell me that they just got their salaries increased? ANYBODY?

I'm pissed off as hell, mainly due to the fact that it's going to be even harder to make ends meet now.

thanks Fark Lah for give us rm625 rebate a year.. :puke: :puke: :puke:


You may received this by forwarded mail or some link. You may badly effected by the inflation fear or other emotional thing. But I would like the original author to explain why USA, Russia and some other big countries with oil reserves, their name and fuel prices are not listed. This let me suspect someone try to use the same tactics again to raise fear or lost confident to the current gov and the country. Maybe to achieve their political milestone or their country's economy by damaging Malaysia social stability.

I know most people are very subjective. But when time and situation need us to be objective, we should be objective. Fuel price hike no doubt will create massive inflation. The biggest problem is the businessmen wanna maintain or even increase their profit. At the 1st moment, they will raise it as much as possible. Because if cannot sell, they can always make promotions to get the product sold. If can sell, then their achieve the purpose of business with flying colors. Example, like toll price raise. They will 1st say RM1. If have massive problem, then they will say they are concern about rakyat and then reduce to RM0.50. So, most people will eventually shut up. But they keep on laughing at the back. Because their target was initially RM0.25. Side track a bit. So, on the surface, the toll company make money. The rakyat lose money and suffered. But who will think from another angle, the company profit increase, tax payment increase. Can throw some money out for their employee and also sub-con's. Can maintain the employment longer even at slow season. Can invest on other sectors. The gov income increased can make more ways to benefit the rakyat. SME bank is one of the thing created. Just most people don't know how to take the advantages and prefer to commit on the normal bank low car loan interest. Whom to blame?

Our life is our responsibility. We should not push the ball to other people. The gov has the responsibility to spoon feed us if we are born to be mentally ill or physically imperfect.

more subsidies, share petronenas profit, and other bullsht thing, what can we achieve by doing that? More and more people buy CBU cars, iphone, LCD TV, italy leather seats, Tag H watches, and other things including Aussieland organic food. When the oil money finished, what to support the country economy? Indonesia can rent us half of its land for sawit? Thailand can rent us half of its land for paddy? Let's say both of them say, we all friend friend la, you are welcome, our belove rakyat also cannot afford to dirty their hand. If we don't start the economy restructuring now, tell me when should we do it. Until 2014 when the oil depleted? Of cause I know very well, peoples are generally or better say instinctively, think that the gov try to squeeze rakyat for their corruptions. I don't blame them. After all, when a physically healthy person being put on a wheel chair for so many decades, suddenly ask him to stand up and walk, sure will have problem. Last time some people ask some other people to throw tongkat, gave so many comments. I just wonder where are them now. I wanna hear from them to support of throwing the fuel subsidy tongkat :itsme:

Just now I saw the 99% of cars are maintaining the usual speed of driving. Looks like not much of wallet damage for a tank of fuel. From there I can see a glass of teh tarik will quietly raise RM0.30 in a short period of time.
Tun teach us how the maths work,


some highlights.

... In the United Kingdom one litre of petrol sells for more than one pound sterling or RM7. In the United States it is about RM5. ....

Obviously our increase in petrol price is far less than in the United Kingdom or the United States. But our per capita income is about one-third of theirs. In purchasing power terms our increase is more than in the UK or the US.

The increase hurts but the pain is greater not just because of the increase percentage-wise is higher than in developed countries but because of the manner the increase is made

here comes the interesting calculation

Roughly Malaysia produces 650,000 barrels of crude per day. We consume 400,000 barrels leaving 250,000 barrels to be exported.

Three years ago the selling price of crude was about USD30 per barrel. Today it is USD130 – an increase of USD100. There is hardly any increase in the production cost so that the extra USD100 can be considered as pure profit.

Our 250,000 barrels of export should earn us 250,000 x 100 x 365 x 3 = RM27,375,000,000 (twenty seven billion Ringgit). *(Take note, this is daily pure profit)

But Petronas made a profit of well over RM70 billion, all of which belong to the Government.

By all accounts the Government is flushed with money

both Tun and Anwar tell us the same story, Government earn a lot from the export, and the both question why we need such (stiff) increase in price.

* my comment.
much more earlier Najib announce that new fuel subsidy will be publish at August. Out of sudden Pak Lah just came in and announce the price hike, really never give face to Najib. Najib now keep quite only, I think he must be damn unhappy.

Pak Lah should benefit the most from this earlier announcement. We all know that UMNO party election poll will start near the end of the year. Announce this earlier actually allow UMNO member to "forget" what Pak Lah did 6 month ago. Maybe Najib try to use the tactic to "yam" Pak Lah, but Pak Lah counter it with this earlier announcement.

just my 0.02 cents (Cannot buy petrol).
Just now I saw the 99% of cars are maintaining the usual speed of driving. Looks like not much of wallet damage for a tank of fuel. From there I can see a glass of teh tarik will quietly raise RM0.30 in a short period of time.

people drive fast thats becos the fucking governmet is choking everyone to make money to feed their fucking pocket to the max. Try go to usj mamak stall a glass of tea tarik ice previously RM1.50 already shot up to RM2.30, sure our inflation is 3% my ass!
Bro csl, ppl still maintaining same speed driving is BCOZ is early of the month & every1 just got their salary. Just look again in MID of tis month coz every1 salary won't last till end month compared b4 the fuel hike :smokin:
It would be good to keep a lookout on your regular route if that many people are still on the roads ...
er correction pls.. i use MRR2 daily... n i see less car n everyone slow speed...n lasttime .. i speed home.. n arrive home bout 640.. n now.. i drive slow.. below 70 mind u.. n i still reach dat time.. why? less cars..
I think alot of people rather than roaming around to kill time, would rather stay at home or in the office instead.
less car coz school holiday mah, somemore tomorrow is public holiday...many people balik kampung oredi.

my office is half empty.
Yup, school holidays, balik kampung, travelling ... 40% INCREASE fuel-prices. I think alot of kids going to be dissappointed this weekend ...
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