breakin in subang jaya


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Senior Member
Sep 8, 2005
Subang Jaya
just a warning for u guys...
my car got broken into just last nite
RSM and apexi boost meter stolen

worse thing is.... my car was parked deep in the porch of my house (house can park 2 cars ma.. mine was the inner one)
2 dudes on motor came, climb over neighbour gate, climb over fence into my house, and broke my window

pretty sure my car is marked adi... so just a warning for u guys in SS15.. the moment my car alarm went off, i rush downstairs, and they cabut wif my stuff adi...
less that 3 mins... damn fast
Sorry to hear bout your loss bro.
This idiots are just getting damn bold these days.
my friend's carbon fiBER spoiler juz been stolen last night..also at ss 15
wow....that's f*cking fast.....
yeap...ur car sure got marked.........
oh yea, forgot to mention
not sure how they did it, but they managed to open my automatic gate
lucky car not parked in the outer spot
or else gone case

new lesson learned, padlock auto-gate at night...
eh, help wei
those motor guys came back last nite
my neighbour spotted them outside my house checking things out
how la
got lodge police report or not...
standby some armor la... whatever hard metal...
or some fireball.. ready to be light d fire when saw them... throw at them!!!
need to be teach...
bro... hopefully u dun get disturbed by those ppl... peace...
dun becuz of them u get your self into mental disease...
stay calm dun think so much eh so serious til mental disease o nt.. neway... if c those bargers juz throw a bat o sumthing... dude.. buy a dog man..hehe
no mar... some ppl worried too much hor... they eat also no mood... sleep also cant sleep.. then got disase 1 le... what is call that disease i dunno... jus hope this wont happen to u bro...
haiwor... dog will help... but not puppy la...
but those mean DOG!!! 2 dog will do!!!
getting close to that mental point
but i think ill make it...

must get one of those super huge dogs la...
ur neighbour saw them? and ur neighbour did nothing? din try to shout or call for help or something to scared those stupid away?
maybe their neighbour style is... mind our own business...
but at least they got inform falcon ma
Im sorry to hear tat man... tambah lock..make sure they dun break into ur hse. touch wood**
I staying @ ss17 and alwys park outside..
why u ppl wanna park car outside??? very dangerous 1 le... if normal car ok.. but modded... pls pls pls park in d house... for safety reason
and why skin for tis thread is in white colour..?? eyes pain @.@
my neighbour called cops...
so im saying they were more than helpful already

now added a bunch of lights and locks
hope can keep them away
didn't manage to get the plate numbers??........
eventhough the plate number might be fake; but still can inform the police...
try to take some spy shots of them too..
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