Bjh 6600 owner step up!

mutha parker i haven't heard that for a long time.

already got loads of information so far but due to girlfriends request i'm not gonna do anything to him. my girlfriend's happiness means more than his broken face kissing my shoe :)
that why,we should be relax during finding parking bay in peak hour with any hot mall like midvalley,1U,pryamid or genting highlang bay...i have bad experience too during finding parking front of me driver just over pass the car which wanna get out from parking bay,then i give my signal let ppl know i wan that parking bay,after car complete out from bay,my front car who over pass bay wanna reserve his honda civic type R wanna park too..staraight park in that bay without any signal...leave me and my gf :confused:...alright...i told to my gf just parking bay...never mind,we find another bay or waiting next customer who just get out from enterance door...i learning it from my mom..leave it,not fight for small matter,if not how to be success on big matter... :proud:

---------- Post added at 04:05 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 04:00 PM ----------

am sure all of us got read today paper china press about yesterday studid aunt on her stupid action about parking...she with her children go bookin that parking bay by standing at parking bay,and waiting for her husband comin to park...but dunno when his husband arrive within 2 ,5 ,10min or half hour?how can,she doin like tat...prefer ppl drive their car finding car rather asking family member get out finding empty parking bay then call up if found...which location B1,h5...bla bla...really in confuse what they doin that...
this caldina so sakit hati coz canot overtake heavy modified kancilll hahahaha..he tailgating that kancil coz duwan maluuuuu.... sohai betul la sama kancil pun mau race...
You are wasting your time posting here for the driver to own up. The lala chais cannot read english nor can they use the computer..
Any updates?? been travelling up and down ldp but yet to see this car on the road..has police taken any action???
oh common TS, how can one jam a car brake and you get panicked, not unless you are all driving very close to each other la! Don't bullshit me as i'm not here to listen to some bullshit of yours a safe distace even with car brake jammed in front will still get you some buffer to react.

sounds like you are just sour because the guy almost ran into your car and you tailgated him out of spite and now comes here to create a topic like this.

we are not 3 year old kids u know.
find the address go there and burn his proud caldina with petrol....let him cry like baby... if you scared pay and ask other person to do...
For this BJH6600 driver and other simillar spesies driver I wish U get lost and go to hell. May God NOT bless U...Try knock that road divider or lamp post; then you'll know your fate..I dont have to say U dont really appreciate and know who you are....
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