best petrol

cybreed said:
@rollakid... i see in your signature got some fuel consumption data.. may I ask how long you ran to get the info? like isit by full tanks for one brand then 2nd full tank another brand or is it dont like by kilometers? I just curious...
only rough measurement. i usually run until my tank dry, so i'll count how long did i go for how much petrol. if full tank then easy lar.. just see how much i pump in.

as you can see i pump one tank per month only wahahahahaha~

and about shell petrol, the toyota mech i frequent last time told me that majority of the car with engine breakdown he fixed before are using shell petrol. thats when i totally stay away from shell unless emergency.
wow..rollakid how big is ur engine punya cc? efi rite? eh today my car battery died down man..couldn't take my ride 2 swinburne..damn soi one
no wonder lah more jimat...efi..what kinda ecu u using? mine is 1124cc carb and it drinks gas like water! after port and polish will eat more oil izit? done port and polish b4...
me using stock 4age manual ecu. RM50 go about 240km if i drive normally. i won't call it save lar.. drink fuel like water also.
oic..but it sure beats carb man..i everytime pump rm20 nia...want to empty then pump again... can use for 5 days straight nia if everyday drive...
cybreed said:
@rollakid... ic ic ... no wonder you have two esso... lol.. and no shell
current tank is petronas. partly cuz its primax3, wan try try, partly is because i broke already. go pump petronas got sponser one.. cuz parents wanna collect real reward points.

if no sponser i go esso
Basil Basil said:
I cant explain to u, but my friend a honda Mechanic told me...when he was servicing few honda cars and saw their engin was fully rusty and he claim tat it is due to the use of the shell petrol...maybe you can ask around any of the honda Mechanic....heard from him it was malaysia wide this thing happen....he advise me not to use I started off pump Petronas then change to clatex.....(Petronas claim to clean car engin so i pump it for 2 mth, then change to clatex for more power petrol)...not sure this is good as long it is not slowing me when pickup.... :D

dun hear too many rumours.....if they think shell petrol harm their engine,y dun they sue shell....maybe can become rich in 1 night....
i googled it abit, and its true, there are sulphur contains in the fuel... from every manufacturer not just Shell.. only problem is we do not know which has less. Its more of an environmental concern than anything else. and I think many modders remove the cat converter. Which will help eliminate the sulphuric content in the exhaust from getting out into the air....
brand of petrol just BUSINESS BRAND la

like u want to create your own brand and don 1 buy franchise from any of those

just create a brandname like ABC.....also buying petrol from Petronas Malaysia what.......
feels pretty much the same to me. I believe if your talking about power, you might get more from Petronas... but is it due to the ethanol content... not sure... non of the petrol suppliers ever reply my questions... there is no dyno machines here... so cant tell... shell... not really liked by proton engine, so far I seen many using it, got pinging sounds...then again I dont represent the population of drivers, you need to ask more people :)
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