Atoz Mod


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Apr 9, 2005
Any 'si fu" out there can gv any comment on how to Modi Hyundai Atoz?? I plan to change the exhaust pipe n extractor oso...but cant find any shop noe how to do this. (Im frm Melaka) Headache la~! N any1 noe any skirting for Atoz oso?? Thanks!
I also owned ATOZ.. ATOz is meant for family car.. can't find the skirtings 1.. u mst custom made..
Icic, hey man, did u modi ur Atoz?? Can teach me how to modi ah..wan to make it move faster n more power lah... :P Izzit ok for me to change the extractor?? Got any different ah?? How bout the FC? I aldy changed the middle pipe ( is tht wat they call bullet??) but the different not much lah... im totally noobie for mod in car performance..just mod my ICE when i get this new Atoz..hope some sifus can help me out...thanks!
For ICE my Atoz okok oni lah...a 10' Kenwood bhind and RDS 6.5comp n Mohawk red 6.5comp (rear). OK d..i dun wan change the ice d..hehe! Now wan to mod my car performance oni. Ur fren lowered his Atoz?? Nice!!! can let me noe how he did tht??? e changed spring oni or change adjustable?? I hv upgraded my rim to 15" le..if i lower my car..i scare the tires kena the car leh... Plan to change the pipe 1st lo... coz i heard my fren say pipe can increase Hp leh...n no need spend alot oso...hehe. I very Kiam siap 1. i heard tht Superchip can increase Hp oso, any infor bout tht>>?? My Atoz can fix? The price is 250 oni wor...can try ah?? Hope my Atoz can smoke the ori kenari..waahaha!!

i hv visited ur pic gallery...nice accord man...looks very garang!! N tht white civic oso nice!! Cant believe tht ur amp can power the 15" mohawk...wat amp is tht?? Btw, thanks for answering my Q, if got any infor bout it here..thanks! :D
wah.. it's impossible tat atoz can smoke kenari leh.. coz kenari twin cam.. more faster than atoz.. even if u change muffler or chip.. wun increase much in hp.. coz tat's the limit liao.. after ur engine blow wor if keep overrevving.. haha.. but i also overrev all the time.. no rpm meter 1.. haha.. just agak agak change gear.. 1st gear 30km/h + change.. 2nd gear 50km/h+~60km/h change... something like dat la..
the suspension set i dunno wor.. coz it's very rare in the market for family car like atoz.. if wanna cut then not worth it leh.. coz stock spring so soft.. after u cut liao.. sure kena body 1.. somemore wif 15" rims.. i think the absorber n spring u go to halfcut shop n ask for MOVe 1.. or try searching in dis forum la.. for now better install muffler first la.. last time i also wan to mod my atoz but end up buying accord.. hehe
thanks man.. my accord soso oni.. not like others.. the civic is my fren.. my amp i dunno wor.. i bought dis car from car dealer .. got liao..
anyway, i'll try n ask around c if there's any engine dat suits atoz n more powerful 1.. mayb u wan to change... sure lack of power 1 if u install 15" sport rims.. somemore wif muffler n must hit acceleration kaw kaw.. FC bad wor.. < u dun mind kar?
if my atoz coming ar.. i sure know 1.. coz 1 thing special about my atoz.. i take off the lining on the front grill.. u know the one wif logo 1.. easy to take off oni.. why dun u try.?? i think i'm the first to do dat 1.. coz i like dat kinda grill.. black n looks like wire..
Huh??? So sad to hear tht my Atoz cant smoke kenari..wuwu...always kena buli by kenari in the highway. Yalo...i oso plan to change the exhaust 1st... wan to c got any different ornot...mayb the engine sound wil b diffrent my atoz sound like a "table fan motor" syok the sound!! Of course i wont change those roaring pipe la...if i did tht...langsung cannot hear my ICE liao..hehe. Sure i wunt cut off my fren told me tht ori Atoz spring cost Rm800+ wor...rugi la if i cut the spring... Last time i went to change tires tht time i ask the tires fella bout the spring...he says almost Rm500++ wor....brand i think is DR. Spring la..( got this kind of brand?) mayb is cap ayam lah....but 500 le...expensive lah. Definitely will change my spring...but after pipe 1st la..hehe. Coz my car got abit not stabil during high speed or wan to terbalik liao...scarry!

yaya..i took off the front grill aldy..hahaha...nice...looks like v got the same taste..hehe!! i oso tinted the headlamp d...looks more garang lah...n baklight oso...hehe! If i lowered d sure looks very nice...

for FC...sure i care bout atoz now is 12cent/km la...but if i change pipe will it cost more to 14cent or 15cent/km...tht time the FC killing me lo!!

i have posted my atoz pic..but is dring nite time la..not so clear..i'll try to upload new pic to share with u guys lah...hope u guys can post photo to here oso...Thanks!
atoz put turbo kit la.. sure can smoke kenari.. satrias also will kena smoke.. ekkeek
Wasai !!! turbo much ah?? Duno my cute little atoz engine can tahan ornot le. how bout L5 engine?? Suit my car? how much for one of those?? Thanks!
A good ride go put turbo for wat? last time i damn frustrated wif my atoz coz hit the accelerator liao somemore cannot move fast.. it's like the power must wait for a second then oni come.. haiz.. dunno how to explain la.. mayb u got experience it before gua.. at tat time.. got think of swapping engine / turbo.. but a family car like dis can't really do much other than the outlook la.. i'll try to ask around n figure out wat engine suitable for ur car loh.. change engine better leh.. FC wun b bad.. somemore maintenance so so oni.. if put turbo then must change oil more often.. it's ur choice loh.. watever it is.. tat's ur atoz..
Atoz engine is like dat 1.. the engine is smooth n quite while the fan very damn noisy 1.. somemore my atoz now got mouse sound when stay idle.. damn irritating.. other than dat is the reverse sensor.. always on 1.. when engage reverse sensor .. it turn off.. weird.. lazy to go n check la coz not i drive also.. if people tailgate me the reverse sensor sure beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppp... damn noisy..
yeah loh.. those who go n cut their original spring is stupid 1 loh.. just like many saga/isware owner did 1.. sport rims oversize n close half of the tyre.. damn kaw sohai.. so low for wat.. also cannot take U turn at 90km/h.. not like me.. did dat n drifted.. then bang on road safety rails.. haha.... Dr. spring i heard before coz got workshop suggest to me also when i look for lowered sport spring for accord... RM650 if not mistaken plues alignment / balancing check free for me.. but i dunno la whether u wan dis kinda brand or not.. cannot say is cap ayam la.. quite famous liao.. cap itik loh.. haha..
i also ngam ngam wanna ask u tint ur headlight n taillight but u did liao.. good job loh.. it will looks better n more garang i believe although i din do dat..
for FC.. if u really like the car n prefer more outlook.. then dun mind about it la.. i'm running 17" sport rims.. full tank rm65~rm70 can run for 260kms oni.. damn bad fc.. but i also dun really mind.. jz seek for help oni la.. haha..
btw, turbo got low boost n high boost.. high boost of course more power la.. but for atoz i think low boost is more than enuff liao..
Originally posted by Kevinlkv@Apr 9 2005, 18:44
Wasai !!! turbo much ah?? Duno my cute little atoz engine can tahan ornot le. how bout L5 engine?? Suit my car? how much for one of those?? Thanks!

L5 not suitable for ATOS engine mounting... need to mod... JPJ sure won't pass.

There are some mods u can make ur ATOS looks better than others;
which I have done for my atos;

1. Put some gauges :) Vacuum / Volt (autogauge smoked series) :
2. H.I.D
3. Victor Steering
4. 2 Layer tint.
yeah~ what amedion say is true le.. atoz is a family car.. ekke.. so not so suitable le.. but got someone did it before le.. it was in hypertune.. the atoz with a td04 snail.. they didn`t mentioned how much ler.. but i expect around 3 to 4k ler.. that is if u really want ur car to have performance le.. but other than that.. just play around with ice.. rims . .bodykits(custom).. lights.. and all those exterior stuff only lo.. not much choice le...
Wah..then sounds like if wana make my atoz move faster the oni thing can do is just put a snail inside lo... Cham lo...any other suggestion ah? coz i din plan to turbocharge my car now $$ la...hehe. ust wan to go for some minor mod thts all. Sifus got any sugestion??
hrm.. minor mods ar? get an air filter.. i don`t think they have replacement filters for atoz.. so i think u have to go open pod.. with a cold air intake system.. den.. custom make ur exhaust system.. den lastly get a safc lo~ if u`re not thinking bout turbo.. should bring u to about 1k+ or 2k also...
oooo..thanks thanks...But i heard pen POd not good rite? will suck in hot air wor...then wat should i do? Open POd is those mushroom head type?? Any nice brand on tht?? n the price oso...thanks!! :D Safc??? wat is tht ah?? izzit a type of ECU?? will increase hp?? How bout Superchip? izzit suit my car? the Safc cost how much ah?? Thanks for anwering my Q 10q 10q!!
haha.. yeah~ open pod is suitable for highly modified rides.. i think le.. but u got no choice i think.. coz i think there are no replacement filters for atoz... sifuz out there correct me if i`m wrong.. i recommend knn or pipercross ler.. den get someone to do custom piping for ur atoz.. i think it will be around 300+ kuar.. safc is a air-fuel converter.. to get the best air-fuel combination into ur engine.. to maximise the potential of the mods u have put in.. so it should go in last.. safc is around 650(1st generation) and around 800 or 900 (2nd generation) for 2nd hand units.. new it will be 1k+ ler.. exactly how much i dono le.. ekeke.. forgot edy..
Thanks for givin those info...but safc vey expensive le...hehe...i takut!! BTW, safc suit any carz? if but d then nx time change car can take out put in the new car??? U noe any info bout Superchips?? Superchips cheap le..oni 250..hehe...can try la...they say guarantee increase hp 1 wor...any1 using Superchips plz post ur comment here...highly aprreciate tht!! thanks! :D :D
u can build a hot air shield surrounding ur open pod to avoid it sucking in hot air..
i guess wat johnson said is wat u can do if u dont wanna go full out on spending for the car.
juz mod the air intake and exhaust la..
u will feel the difference..but dont hope for much..
Okok...thanks...i think my im goin to change it d...thanks for ur suggestion. For exhaust oo...need to buy branded 1?? or just normal( Buatan M"sia) can d?? Marco exhaust nice ornot ah?? My car is auto leh...can put straight?? last time i ask my fren...he said must put 1 S-box behind wor...( think is S-box la....duno correct ornot)...izzit true?? Can i enlarge the pipe diameter?? to how many should b ok for atoz ah?? Thanks sifus!!
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