Are they referring to zerotohundred ?


May 8, 2005
Read this

If u can remember how strict is our admin for the most famous auto-portal in the country and now asia... but now..see wat happens...ppl are flocking out looking for new forum cos the have thousands of spam daily.... so where is the quality when it looks like pasar malam?

SOURCE :angry_smile:
huh??....don't get what you're trying to say...
all they are debating is between and which they (the *.net) is going to register as official with ROS.

So what's it got to do with zth?
Sorry for being dumb........

anyway, I got a bunch of friends which droves the same car having a website too.
But still come here to search for information/stuffs and all.....

still prefer zth to autoworld....
thats why i also nomore talk kok in this forum...cause wanna keepit klean......
talk cock can...
in general forum lor...
like this one..

but everytime when I go to Car Talk section, you can find rubbish topic around. That I agree is annoying. But funny to say, a lot of ppl still go in and reply.
Even stupid by going in and say "this is a useless topic". Than another one would pop in and say "Yes lar, stupid"... and it drags on and on.......

why not just ignore?!

you can see in a lot of oversea forums, ppl tend to ignore the topic at all if they have no concern in it. But here, everyone likes to chip in their opinion even when they don't know what they are talking about. and Shows just how united malaysians are. Why not they also come up with,,,, satrianeoclub.bod, satrianeoclub.stp, satrianeoclub.lam or even satrianeoclub.crp.

and i just wonder why this thread was started anyway. It didn't even involve and Shows just how united malaysians are. Why not they also come up with,,,, satrianeoclub.bod, satrianeoclub.stp, satrianeoclub.lam or even satrianeoclub.crp.

and i just wonder why this thread was started anyway. It didn't even involve
ya la bro we malaysian really united la....everybody want start forum and be taiko...then later said to the chics wei i am one of the moderators of this forum la....iam cool or so many car club forums which all the wannabe moderators fake the post just to liven up their forum....fuck u think if i want to find out anything about a certain car i go to their carclub forum.... fuck you la when post they ask to intro in noobie corner fuck u la....i got license when u still riding bicycle to when i intro in noobie they call me go tt....when tt they ask me join their workshop la their their products,be their downline,wear their crappy pasarmalam tshirt la...... fuck u la uthink interested in joining your car club go convoi with you all then waste my time just because drive certain car .common la wat ever car i use i will mod the engine ,thrash the car then try to sell it and lose alittle before the car self distructs....,,,no passion or watsoever about the car just the driving experience only counts...i rather go out with my buddies then lepak with those car clubs forum dudes lepak at petrol to all the wannabe moderators outside zth.....sorry for popping your bubble....this is the reality....and stick to zth...
.... huh? But do you notice that in malaysia, there is one particular group of people who are united. Just that they seem united for the wrong reasons.
dear...don't drift into that topic ler...

but jeff, some points I agree some I don't.
I got a lot of information from my Lantis mate....because we're all having the same car.
It all depends on who's the one organising the club lar, forum lar, *.com lar...blah blah blah...

like mine, we don't have a president to say you do this u do that or whatever.
we don't go like u join, u have to pay RM50 lar than another RM10 for stickers lar blah blah blah...
It's just a get together to share our car problem, how to make the car better and chit chat here and there.....

than again, a registered club in malaysia would have to pay fees to the government; have to appoint president lar, secretary lar blah blah.....
than when the club grows bigger and bigger, obviously there's bound to be conflicts. Even among friends sometimes we have conflicts; moreover a big club...

sometimes it's like conflicts that make the initial set up split into *.com lar, *net lar, *org lar....blah blah.
sometimes it's because like what u say.....ego that makes them form another one just because they want to be different.......

anyways, peace on you...
you seem like u've being conned or something and so furious about it.....
.... huh? But do you notice that in malaysia, there is one particular group of people who are united. Just that they seem united for the wrong reasons.
bro wat kind of wrong reasons bro sex,politics, to elaborate...
the have thousands of spam daily.... so where is the quality when it looks like pasar malam? --> back to my question are this statement true in zth ?
erm.... I'll just let you wonder about that.

I think in most forums, there's bound to be spam here and there. I guess it's a matter of how much spam there is. Is random girls pics considered as spam? hahaha I think many guy members will say that it's not spam. hahaha
you're always the wise one....

*is this considered spam too??.....
I would say yes....
Some outside clubs are having individual sites and membership also events. But Zerotohundred.Com is all-rounder .. we have many clubs "Under One Roof" .. and that makes ZTH is more proud.

Who cares about who talks about who, while the "talk" not going to put ZTH down in any manner. Some of the clubs outside are just born are still babies, more things to learn from from ZTH.

Enjoy everything and do everyones work properly. Malaysians attitude like tat talking back of someone and giving unnecessary complaints which a Malay sentence says "Jaga Tepi Kain Orang" .. ;)

good one jerry
then there's,,,,,,
Fortunately, one of the meaning of spam happens to be luncheon meat. Something which I like to eat. hahaha I can now see why I look like a soccer ball cos I keep talking about food all the time. haha But hey, at least talking about food keeps us from going against whatever that we feel like going against. Seems like when there's talk about food, there's hardly any discrepancies, arguments, conflicts, etc. So.... let's just all eat and be merry. hehehe

Dude, let's start one club called

Know what I mean? hahaha
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