Anyone knows any high rank officer in Ministry of Health??

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arrowhead, it is not easy la to transfer like that.. Ministry of health is a big ministry.. inter state transfer involves HQ.. unless u see Health Minister.. with solid reason, of course..
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by the time the letter go to this fella, then that fella, then back to this fella,
u know la govt......that time yr gf already tsfer back to KL....
no point bro.....time to think on other alternatives.
hahaah thats probably true, but not xfer back to KL... finish serving government already that time...

oh well, no harm trying... just hoping for the best la... *praying*
' Bersusah susah dahulu, bersenang senang kemudian '

cheers bro
only 2 years compulsory service. she has survived 1 year so I guess no problem with that. she can always drive back to KL everyday since pharmacist don't have on-call duties.

if she wants to complain regarding rural posting, even if she's working in KL or Selangor she still has to do it in places like Kuala Kubu Bharu etc. Regarding drug addicts, dude, they are everywhere, not only in rural areas. Furthermore, the methadone clinic is run by doctors and pharmacists only help in dispensing the medicine. if a house officer complains about his/her job I can understand but a pharmacist to complain about his/her job is quite ridiculous in my sincere opinion. no offense. i'm not talking as an outsider as i'm in the same workforce as her as well. she should be thankful to be posted in Seremban as opposed to East Malaysia. cheers bro. love need some sacrifice =)
Hi bro,

understand ur situation but looking on the bright side it could have been worse. I also got transferred to Seremban since 2003 but finally i settled here coz better. No JAM...Interstate transfer i can help u but transferring to different state is difficult unless u serve rural area more than 1-2years. Unless if u can get a HOD of any hospital at ur preferred area to write a recommendation letter suggesting that they need her because *** and she is keen to get *** experience there etc.. Ur kelengtong story musr be convincing la...

Good luck bro..Anyway if u need someone to take care of ur GF can PM me anytime..haha. Just kidding
i hope you don't take offense for me being blunt.

1. as a pharmacist (i think pharmacists should be be bound by doctor's and nurses hypocratic oath as well), ur gf priority should be providing healthcare to people regardless of their background. doesn't mean that drug addicts or suspicious looking people are not entitled to medicine.

2. even if she works in selangor, it doesn't mean that selangor is free from drug addicts or other suspicious characters.

3. why u wanna manja her to this point? after spending almost 20 years studying, she has a whole life of working ahead of her. if u wanna manja her like this, might as well marry her and ask her to stay at home instead of working outside. i have single mother friends who travel frequently because of work and yet they don't complain about it (you think its easy for them to leave their children behind when they go for business trips?). this is work. this is real life.

4. why the hell you are willing to do whatever it takes to get her back to working in selangor? why wanna 'pull strings' for such a case? i mean, she's in negeri sembilan and not IRAQ. she made of taufu meh?

5. what happens if you 'spend a lot' to get her to come back to selangor but she kena transfer to some kampung clinic again at selangor-pahang or selangor-perak border? you gonna spend 'a lot' again to get her to a clinic/hospital near her house? seriously... no girl is worth that much dude...

mizu - what u say is very true and of course its not the manja thing ler...i think what he meant was he's only thinking of her side that she's not the type that can stay away from a year in UK was bad enuf.

worse come to worse, arrow gotta head down s'ban more often of the week to manja her...bro Titanrev from s'ban mah...he "char fit" (control) that place...LOL

arrow's head - driving there is not that bad man...and instead of taking trunk roads or Sepang road to avoid expensive toll, why not pay more for a more comfortable drive since ur complaining bout bad roads? you would do whatever it takes right? you guys like more than 5yrs edi...survived long distance...surely you can survive 100-150km distance...i will agree with mizu that really not worth pulling gov's strings, u could end up with more problems not for urself but for her.

anyway, NS TT's are tha bomb! hahaha! Joe! dim sum again!!!
raulis: its 4 years compulsory government service. she's done her first so balance 3 more. yeah no doubt abt drug addicts everywhere. methadone got doctors? her methadone is just her alone, not even with a pharmacists partner or doctor... no one else just her.. well, i've accompanied her once before so.. i could be wrong?

dr78: yes, no jam, thats probably the only good part about being in n9. hahaha, i will certainly keep your offer in mind!

mizu - wow, i dont know who stepped on your tail but i believe if u were in my position u may think otherwise. u dont know what she's going thru, and how that affects me mentally as well. perhaps u had a bitter experience on "sacrificing" or "helping" someone close, but sorry to say, i dont agree with what u mentioned. some do make sense, but then again, on my side, it doesnt. why shouldn't i do anything to help my gf?

pocroc : i have been driving there. i used to visit her on every tuesdays and drive back on wednesday. and 5 years is an understatement.. haha
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My bad then because I thought the compulsory service should be lesser to doctors which is 3 years. In my opinion, HTJS is not a bad place to work at. I know many doctors and pharmacists who live in KL or Selangor but work there. If you think about it, with the massive jam in KL, you take about the same time to reach your workplace in KL as opposed to if you work in Seremban.

Government bureaucracy really can give you headache bro. Very hard to settle things. I guess a solid reason for her to move back to KL or Selangor if you and her are to get married.

Chill bro, she'll survived there. Anyway, kudos to you for effort. She really lucky to have you. Care for her bro because Seremban got a lot of 'buaya' =P
arturo : yup she is..

raulis : yeah i have no complains of seremban HTJ actually, its accessible via the north south highway, very convenient. also, i dont think she would really mind, if (HOPEFULLY) she retain back there or klinik kesihatan nilai. those are the "best solution" for n9. worst to worst, hope she gets either of those 2 la. ya alot buaya, like dr78 HAHA!
aiyahh u go pindah to n9 laa, habis cerita maa....

then get married there, buy house there, make babies there, etc etc laa

no wonder la arrowhead so sayang... :biggrin: i totally understand what u feel feel loh

GAMBATEH! it may seem like a big problem now but after u go thru it, it's only small small matter oni...N9 n Selangor really not that far wan....
allohead sked da gf kena rampas only maa :biggrin:

haiya taikor.... u dont have confidence meh?? n9 and selangor can use bukit putus balls out route maa... everyday use that road send/receive gf, then can enter bukit putus event liow :adore::adore:
allohead sked da gf kena rampas only maa :biggrin:

haiya taikor.... u dont have confidence meh?? n9 and selangor can use bukit putus balls out route maa... everyday use that road send/receive gf, then can enter bukit putus event liow :adore::adore:

haiya sulah tua la...hehe

its kajang-kuala kelawang route la

alaaaa.. i was looking forward for bukit putus upon reading, then now potong stim adi..

arturo : thanks for ur words of motivation..
arrowhead, dun worry bro....just pray hard, a miracle might happen...
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