Just get unlucky unit
First year the car was very good, ( its 5year old car) but compare to newer version of proton its far better. I’m very happy. After 1 year its start giving problem
Firstly, changing power window top hose because its cut
Don’t how its happen unless someone cut it which is impossible
Then 2nd problem, the engine has a white sludge in it, mean water access to engine block
So just do necessary thing like changing top gasket and a few valve seal and skim head (top overhaul) as suggested by foreman. Now the white sludge its no more, thank
But the white sludge was transfer to radiator and the entire water plumbing which mean oil access from engine, mean head is crack. Good, now I have a reason to convert a turbo engine. (Typical reason by married man hehehe) but I wish I has plant some money tree. Like normal just do a some reading through net and pass this west product is made from cooper which is can stop leaking la itu la,ini la. For first week its really work, no more white sludge. Really look up into this fellow but then realise just a victim of advertisement hehehe. its coming again, when I pour cooper into radiator its misplace and its slash into my radiator hose then after a few month has crack, replace a new 1 then bottom radiator has crack also, a plastic part, Also changing to a new radiator,it aluminium. And now my gearbox oil start splashing everywhere under the bottom tray, I already replace the oil cooler hose which is leaking also but then the oil still there. I don’t know about this, can someone advise me, anything to do with gearbox gasket??

My plan A only changing to a new block then settle down but I’m afraid if I changing my block then my gearbox will start giving problem, its auto mate (my prediction la)

My plan B, get a sr20de block(enjin kosong)+sr20de FF manual gearbox with all the pedal and gear column +fuel supply by standard carb, drive shaft ???don’t know whether any1 does this before

My plan C is to find sr18de

My plan D save up some money and hunting for sr16 which is cost around 7k or keep that money and find ke70 and set up 1 drift machine hehehe

Andy don’t be tired la to play problematic car, its thrilled what hahaha

Any way how the meetup on last Fri??

Thank for reading
Julie - I suggest we go Gazebo in Subang there. Big parking but not sure can fit our convoy or not.

wowww... all my friend... if car or engine problem change new engine or car.. perh... very veli interesting ... many money arr u all ppl... if i like that arr so senang arr goyang kaki lar... about change engine bob.. make sure get more spare part n easy to find maa... n andy ... buy new car model 1997 .. great ... if u have money just buy one lar.. nothing to make ur head bengong... ;) same with me model 1997...

about konvoi arr... cam best jek.. i dont know laa.. where the place.. ;) but if time Insya Allah ... I come...

Hmm.. dono la see how first. I already on the way towards modding my car. Not that bad lar at least wont get boring fast coz there are things havent done yet can be done slowly. IF change to 97 model, need to pay few thousand extra after selling this car. How much u bought your 97 model car GearBok??
Askm and greetings to all of you fellow friends.
I'm Azahar "orang baru" from Senawang N9 (the one that send email to the new EDISI website but still no reply till today).
Have few Q to ask "tunjuk ajar" from all the Sifu here:-
1). What the diferrent between these 2 club:
a). ADC
B). Y10

2). What is the main purpose of this forum?

3). Who should I contact if need to get things for my car (Emily)
hehehehe. I everyday work 6-6 ma...
RM ada but don't know who to contact.....

yo bob! nice!~ mahn u got lots of cash lyin around waitin 4 u 2 spend it rite? heheh hey throw some over the fence will ya.. i'll be on the other side waitin anxiously 2 get some dough.. heheh andy! gambateh! continue modding ur car ler... ur workin at least there's a flow of income.. for me.. i save like mad.. tahan lapar abit to get my AD working last time... while it was in stock condition(as in belum change rims and stuff nia.. engine still stock standard maximum) when u get ur car up and running that feeling is just awesome ler.... dunno bout u but i kinda been slacking in gettin new wears for my ride... times are hard and i;m still standin opposite the fence waitin 4 uncle bob 2 throw some cash over 2 me.. heheheh btw.. sorry 4 not replyin ur smses (tannie and andy) was having my finals and i cant go out.. just finish this mornin and will be leavin kl real soon... so hope i could join the last TT :) :)

haiya..... andy aaa.... confius arr ... dont know what to say laa... think 1st b 4 u do something .. now if u change another car what price ur car maa. ... still u have to pay .. so better upgrade ur car .. or take some idea from frend..
i buy this car 2 years ago .. i get 35K WGN ???? WGN ( Wagon) kekekekk lucky arr .. i ask used car they sell year 1995/96 around 3?K something in that year.. i buy just for business .. ;) 1997 year car have power stereng, power window door trim , difrent dashboard n RPM meter.. still same engine 1.6slx kaburetor.. only that .. all same.. so think 1st maa...

Hye azhar.. ur re welcoming in here ... no wonder u in y10 or adc team .. we all acept u .. if u ask what diferrent between 2 club ask andy .. ;) wokey .. wow... u got more money arr ... ahaks.. can i borrow some .. ahakss.. wanna buy moonroof .. :ph34r: just kiding... ask ppl 1st .. what is the reasonable price for some stuff .. jgn kene tipu dah arr ,,, kang menyesal ... ;)

ok lah .. so late aaa.... wanna makan jambu ..

Cargas ..
Originally posted by ANDY_RESORT@Apr 18 2005, 20:08
Hmm.. dono la see how first. I already on the way towards modding my car. Not that bad lar at least wont get boring fast coz there are things havent done yet can be done slowly. IF change to 97 model, need to pay few thousand extra after selling this car. How much u bought your 97 model car GearBok??

Hi Azahar,

Im Andy, webmaster for EDISI website. I thought I replied to you?? U didnt receive ka?

No difference on both clubs. Same cars with people with the same craze for wagons!! ;)

If u really interested to get Y10 stuff, according to my brotha Julie, there is ZERO shops in N9 that has those parts. U have to come to KL, specifically in Kepong, Selayang or Ampang. If can, u come up la to KL this Saturday for a teh tarik (TT) session at Subang at nite. It would be great if u can come!

This forum is for us to discuss online anything about our wagons or some troubleshooting tips. Im sure when you follow closely in this forum u will gain more knowledge and perhaps have more questions to ask on proper wagon maintenance. Our friend, GearBok has alot of supplier of Y10 stuff while Julie is the 'foreman' in this forum. Bob the great artist while the rest COOL fellas with interesting attitudes! ;)

For Emily, really, u have to come up to KL. N9 got nothing, i even ask some of those shops there. Its like N9 is a 'dumpsite' for unwanted parts. If u want old cars about 20 - 30 yrs ago parts, N9 ist he great place to find ! :D

Kip in touch man . Let us know if u can come to the TT this saturday.
Baby - Do u mean that u will leave KL forever?? What u mean man?? Goin bk kg to tanam apa ah ?? Come la to KL where all the FUN is ! I know Julie will miss u until cry.. Zam and rest of the gang too! Zam was expecting u to come last week! But nvm, we kno u got exams. At least its over now. SO now busy moving things back to IPH ?? But, first, asnwer my question on the 1st line. :D

Wacaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...... what up doc... sape ade spring belakang lebih.. aku nak lowert ah kete aku.. spring depan ade belakang jek tak ade.. sape ade spare jual ah memurah kat aku.. aa.. kalau tak potong .. ade spring lain ke.. ;) alamak.. lupe plak forum in english.. sorry admin.. i sudently forgot laa.... dont ban me arr... human always make mistake arr.. lol.. whos.. wanna leaving arr... i dont meet u yet.. dont make me miss u ... ahaks... ipoh arr .. if u come here again .. buy me some limau barli.. big one arr...

aaaaaaaaaaaaa... what time that TT ... not to late maa... my mom marah arr...

Altimas : this thursday aroung 4 , 5 oclock meet me at dewan melawati i will b there ok.. i will call u 1st dude...

hi to all the ADC members, wow !! is what can i say.i've been in outstation for few days lol, n when i checked the forum is like essay lol. eveyone got problem........??

first of all i wan to welcome the new member from the EDISI website to join is here. then y10 and ADC is the same but different president. both also car lovers.

for all the committtteeeeeeeee members of ADC i need to discuss something big that will b ON. is big n going to happen on MAY !!
Yeap, Julie's right! Watch out for something BIG HUGE this May!

Coming at the nearest TT shop near you! ;) :D

uik.. erk.. what... haaa... isk isk isk ... what is BIG... fuyooooooooooo.. scared....
i will wait till BIG Day maa....

welcoming Back Julie ... how ur outstation .. ok .. karaok... dangdut...;)
this forum like crazy every day have ppl send some to read laa... like essay ka... only smile .. janji some one ade something to post .. ahaks... sorry laa if .. i send every one post may b more ... if u all dont like it .. i can quit ... :ph34r:

erk.. sakit lutut plak..

Cargas ..
er andy.. i wont be like goin back 2 iph like forever ler.. but i myself also uncertain until when i will be the way.. sorry bout not making to the TT last nite.. i reach back kl like around 9.30... 1/2 late furthermore by the time i reach back my head damn painful like ozz fest was on.. few days din sleep my head banging like mad.. taiko julie.. abang andy... uncle bobby... and the rest of the gang that i aint certain with do take k all of ya.. haha and btw tell zam and andy i send my regards.. :) will try 2 make it back on the weekends ler.. and if i do.. for sure i'll give u guys a ring.. come out yumcha or anything ler... hehe i'll rot in iph ler.. no1 with ADR around 2 talk cock with.. and even if they do.. i also tak kenal 1.... btw... i saw 1 silver GREY ADR near here in wangsa maju construction site.. california back with sport rims and skirtings and b13 bumper.. any1 u guys know? din get to stop and take a look as it was on d opposite side of d road.. :)

regards every1 :)
the end of the exam finally....
so happy...............

what is that big day??
next riday as usual drift event. this few days so many things to think of . when i think back , like so many things that havent been done. everything is half way through..........sigh :( .

nice to hear u babywolf is back in town. then i miss out ching and also nickster lol.
aiks.. drift event again???? ai... what a time!~ dah balik home town baru ada event!!! ai!
ooi ching how did u do in ur exams? i can wait 4 retain la! ahahahah :P
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