Witnessed Snatch Thives outside apartment

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Senior Member
Nov 1, 2007
today, 11.11.10, as usual every thurs, i will leave my apartment
@ 530am to send my wife & daughter to her parents hse....as i was in the lift heading down,
there were this couple, bout early 40's also together in the lift, they walked ahead of me 1st as i have to detour to the dumpster to throw rubbish. As my other car is usually parked outside the apartment compound, i was carrying my bag & daughter walking out.

When i reached my car, right outside the guard hse, opened the door for my wife & daughter to sit inside 1st while i place the bags inside the boot.......my wife suddenly told me to hurry, get in the car.......as there were 4 guys, on 2 motorbikes tried to snatch the necklace from the couple that was inside the lift together with us. I was shocked as i think of my family's safety 1st....they shouted..'ragut, ragut...."
i immediately tried to find a weapon inside my boot, & grab which ever i could, it was my old faulty aircond cooling coil haha....passed my keys to my wife & shut the boot.......i grab hold of the cooling coil incase they were heading for me.......the scene happened bout 50m infront of me.......i just stood there to stand guard incase anything happens......

while the couple was struggling, 2 security guards from my apartment came running out holding the chota....shouting.."woi,...woi"...then just standing there.......i tot they were going to charge at those 4 buggers.....i shouted la...."apa woi...woi...kejar la......" both security just looked at me.........i was like wtf.......i cant do anything as i need to guard my family, they are more important.....if im alone, maybe i will just throw my cooling coil at them, hoping it will hit 1 of those buggers right in the face & totally smash it if better die or fall into a coma..........or maybe get in my car & run them down...cos it was a straight road.......but always think family 1st.......

later on, 1 of those snatch thieves pushed the couple down & took off........both the couple was unhurt.....those snatch thieves didnt manage to get anything as there was no necklace on her......they sat down & i asked her was she ok....she said she was shocked...but they went off empty handed.....i waited bout 2-3 mins then i took off as well.

Post Mortem :
1. luckily i made a detour to throw rubish 1st, so i was held back bout 30secs......if not those thieves will be behind me or even worst, target my family, cos they came from the road behind my car.

2.the scene took place at the usual place that i usually park my car.....those couple could had been my family.......i dunno y yesterday when i reached my apartment, i wanted to park there........but it was my luck, there was a parking space right in front the security guard pondok......normally it will be always full.....never been empty...hmm....'allah' is watching over my family...........

3. those 4 snatc thieves were malays........my wife confirmed it too......cos next week is raya haji rite....so shit happens.....

4. the guards should also charge at them....those thieves wasnt carrying any weapons or such........their duties is to protect the residents....not only shout....come on la.....

5.police station was about 300m away.....they know its a hot area at my place...so do more ronda la...i seldom c a patrol car ronda around there.....wat are they doing? goyang telur? :banghead:

**well, i was considered so lucky....from now on i will be always cautious with the surroundings.....in my area, very few motorcyclist wears helmet......so if 2 or more ppl wearing helmets on a motorbike, something is wrong.......
i immediately tried to find a weapon inside my boot, & grab which ever i could, it was my old faulty aircond cooling coil haha....

another quote of the year that can only be found on ZTH n understood by ZTH-ians :proud:

Seriously Danz....lucky u n yr family OK...u did the right thing by not rushing the 4 of them. u whack 1 of them n then yr cooling coil barai then what u gonna do about the other 3?

got take down the motor #?

even if u were alone n u ram them down with yr car...u will kena police case also. happened b4 when 1 lady rammed down a snatch thief in her myvi...
lucky nothing snatched...

danz....better watchout next time...and alwayz remind your wife about valuable items..especially handbags and laptop bag....

coz the usually target at woman with small kids....


---------- Post added at 08:49 AM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 08:48 AM ----------

lucky nothing snatched...

danz....better watchout next time...and alwayz remind your wife about valuable items..especially handbags and laptop bag....

coz the usually target at woman with small kids....

You did the right thing,these bastards will stop at nothing to get what they want and with your family with you,ya can't risk a helmet or something of the sort being thrown at you.They're family and naturaly they come first.thx for the warning anyways,will pass the news around.
5.police station was about 300m away.....they know its a hot area at my place...so do more ronda la...i seldom c a patrol car ronda around there.....wat are they doing? goyang telur? :banghead:

dis one really normal bro. close but not safe at all.
if they petrol close to the balai.. cannot stop by yam cha.
5.police station was about 300m away.....they know its a hot area at my place...so do more ronda la...i seldom c a patrol car ronda around there.....wat are they doing? goyang telur? :banghead:

dis one really normal bro. close but not safe at all.
if they petrol close to the balai.. cannot stop by yam cha.
lucky nothing happen to you n your family..
a lot of kes curi, rompak, ragut happen nowadays
i always remind myself to open my eyes wider and look around kiri kanan depan belakang especially when i'm walking alone
i fix double horn system in car to horn and bang those arsehole if see's them...
and also fix the siren which can be bought at mudah or lelong...these things are against the law but can be put to good use..
and also place 2 steering lock(baseball type) on each side so if got kawan can together smash the arsehole's face...
my mother in law was another victim of snatch thieves yesterday evening 30.11.10 @ 5.30pm....
lucky no serious injury.....suspect was an indon guy......happened at pdn indah/pdn mewah area....damn those bastards.....
Just to share with you guys and as an awareness to all.

My house got another attempt of break-in from the roof just 2 days ago...my lefthand side neighbour was the main victim this time round.

Since after my house was broken into about half a month ago, zinc was installed.

I guess they failed to get in this time. My house alarm rang twice. Not long after, my neighbour's alarm went off as well, my dad went out and check. My neighbour was alone with her mother and son since her husband went outstation.

As my dad was checking out what is happening, my neighbour's relative arrive shortly with baseball bats and gave a long loud horn. It was a very nervous and worried situation as she kept shouting that someone is inside the house trying to get into the room and keep banging at her door.

She threw the keys out from the window but was not near enough to reach. My dad had to climb into the porch from my house and grab the keys. 3 of them including my dad went in with weapons and quickly get them out of the house and let them into ours.

I was kinda asleep at the backroom while my gf was studying. She said, my alarm rang twice and it seems to be a big commotion outside. Decided to go out and check. Saw my neighbours in my living room adi. Lucky they are all fine.

But the thing is, this time we already have security in our area after my house was broken into previously and I do not know what the hell were they doing. Just doing a joyride on their motorcycles every night?

My neighbour did make a call to the security before her relative arrived and guess what? They are not well-trained. Gave them the address and they do not know where is the house until her alarm went off then only they manage to find. By the time we need u, we could be dead. Aren't they suppose to know which road is it since they are guarding our area?

That's another case but later on 2 police officers arrived. Got down and ask what is the situation? What happened? So my neighbour explained that someone got into the house and there was someone knocking on her room door loudly...

This is what they say:
Police: Mungkin MUSANG kot?
We: speechless...my neighbour's dad ask my dad in chinese. Is it possible for a Musang to knock at a door? And yet that loud? Possible or not orr...?

Bugger...Musang my arse man...at least go in and check la...then after awhile I wasn't there but the police just ask "okay ar everything..?" They said okay then the police leave...

They went in the house to check the roof to see if they are still there ourselves with a few securities...But everything was fine. No sign of break ins like my house before. This is because they are very very good in covering back the entry where they came in from.

Couldn't find how they got into our house until the 3rd day. Even police cant tell.

Went to our house roof and check obviously our zinc was meddled with...someone did tried to get in...a bit loose..

Just as an advise, always do check if u hear any unusual sound or noise in your house. Prevention is better than cure. Don't assume that it could be cats or MUSANG or anything.

Houses especially Single Storey, thieves are more likely to enter from the roof while double storeys houses are usually from the main or rear door...:mad:
SF...very dangerous "musangs" u have around yr area there...need to call tarzan take care of them n not the police.

but i pelik....how come the musang wanna knock on the room door?
good to hear that your family & house are fine.....

as a policeman, dont f**king assume its a musang, do their job & check it out.......all they know is mintak duit kopi...when comes to tracing those thieves, they like to assume.....they adapt a tidak apa kinda mentality.

my wife once said that our msian PDRM is the top 10 in the world something like that.....
i said sure top 10 ah? if bottom 10 i believe la haha.

happened to me before, bout 6-7 yrs ago my house got broke in...... the thives took my bottle of chivas, but left it in the living room.....so got finger prints visible....then the policeman came & try to get their prints........dust the whole bottle....i saw the prints with my own eyes...then he said...Oooo tak boleh nampak cap jari la...., in my heart i wanted to f**k kau him....so stupid wan ah? got prints there summore say tak nampak.........last2 they all went back, but the suspects were indons........

anyways, always be cautious of your surroundings......if see someone suspicious, inform another person or just run to a crowd.....if at home, keep all your doors locked.....i keep a sharpened parang in the living room & bedroom, so if anyone tries to break in, prepare to loose a limb haha.........in my term, both arms........:)
Danz...at least the police u called got try to take prints...when my house got broken into...

they came,
they took down our statements,
they took some photos,
they kena tangkap tak buat kerja when i saw the feller taking photos open up the camera and no film was inside.

then they left.

i took a day's leave and rounded our taman and luckily found our stolen documents(birthcerts, grants, etc etc cos my mom keeps them in a briefcase and the briefcase was stolen cos they tot had $$$ inside)
they buat syarat only.....maybe their senior officer was around, turned out no results...

ahaha, no film inside...lagi bodo ahaahaa.......
how come they could make such foolish mistakes?

lucky for u.....1 more incident, my car got broke in........took my dad's briefcase at my back seat...they managed to kopek my lock.....it was in the morning.....later in the evening someone called, told my dad that they had found the briefcase in bandar utama.....they thought got money inside as well.......
my house also they tried to break in last time but my wife noticed something wrong while she at downstairs. so quickly she went out from the house. later once i'm back i noticed they tried to come in through roof. mine is double storey. then i installed an alarm system with motion sensor at roof compartment. if alarm is triggered either the CMS system will call me or will call the police if i'm not answering my call. touchwood.
wish they try to enter if i'm alone at home... swear upon god, i'll try my best to gun them down even don have any weapons.
does your alarm system have panic button?

when it involves family, me myself would gun them down with my own bear hands....
malaysia, is the only country whereby you have a scenario of a police station situated 300m from your place and yet, the motocyclist roam freely with no helmets on their skull.
who cares????police was their daddy and thats strong enuf to make their skull better than a helmets :biggrin:

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