Whats is the most horrific Accident you witnessed?


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Senior Member
Dec 8, 2004
Share your stories here about the most horrific accident you witnessed!And post up pictures if you have them.

I remember when i was very young (primary school),i saw this one accident that never left my mind.It happened on Sunday noon at the round about near SS2..the one with the Inn and big Follow Me sign.I didnt see how it happened but i saw the aftermath of it.1 proton saga crash on 1 old school honda accord head on!I wonder how they did that,crashing head on in a roundabout.Maybe one of the cars went wrong direction.But the accident was very very bad,the Saga was crushed untill the engine and rear boot looks as if its one piece..cant even see the car doors anymore !The next day i remember seeing it on the papers front page...that was the first and only accident i saw that was a fatality.Its been over 10 years and i can still remember the scene...

Share some stories and pictures here !
I would go against showing any horrific pictures of accident victims. Maybe just the mangled cars is ok. First, its gruesome and not many people can take it. Second, its respect to the dead ones.

Anyway, one of the worst thing i ever seen in my life is a motionless or maybe dead person lying by the side of the road. He must have just been knocked coz it was raining and there was blood still oozing out from his head and its a busy stretch of road and he was just by the side of the divider lying face down. And there was a lorry parked about 50 meters away. Its a real sick incident which happened 7 years ago and i can still vividly remember till now. After seeing that, i felt like vomitting instantly and didn't have appetite to eat that day. I felt really bad seeing that.

Thats about the worst i've seen, apart from that, its just those normal mangled cars by the roadside.

Oh yeah, there was one more accident involving a bike and it happened about half a year back near my office. A lady bike rider, maybe pillion was involved in an accident with a car. When i passed by the scene, i just couldn't watch it, so i just look straight and not even take a glimpse of it and drive thru. Later on my colleague told me it was a malay lady. Didn't felt that bad coz i didn't see her.

Anyways, Rest In Peace for those who've tragically lost their lives.
i worked as callman before....so whenever there is an accident happen...i wil be the spot of the accident...

Too many accidents i saw before....and some r with dead persons.....

the terrible one i witnessed is Wira Crashed to the Defender....... its driven by a young malay guy wit 3 persons in car.....His fren who sit at passenger side died on the spot....driver n another 3 person sit at behind is ok...just injure abit....

the passenger tat sit in the front was carried out by people before bomba reached....but he oledi dead...can see his whole body is veli soft oledi....and after 20minutes can hear his family members crying on the spot....

my fren told me the Wira is racing with another wira and enter the corner too fast...so crashed.

Another story....wira crashed with a lorry at traffic light...wira suspected breaking the red light.....so crash wit the lorry in front.....the wira is badly damaged and the driver's face is full of ' serpihan kaca' (malay word) , sent to hospital and both eyes were blind...pity to the driver...he is just 20 year old tat year....

and everytime i smell the blood...it just disgusting n make me gonna vomit.....

enuf for tis....
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My friend's BMW 3 series total damaged right in front of my eyes in kesas highway

Was driving behind his car and all of a sudden he just lost control and ........ bang here and bang there.

luckily no one was injured, both my friend and the passenger, but never got to see the onced beautiful BMW again. =(
i saw a malay uncle lying beside the road with his head half sliced off..u can see his brain and those things inside.a very good damn slice...very clean slice i can say...totally left half head only...he is driving a honda c60 and was hit by a sand lorry from behind and the lorry steel bumper slice off his head......
No wonder many parents disallow their children from even touching an m-cycle. 20yr old car can be 10x safer.

I've personally witnessed an accident between a an m-cycle getting hit from the side by a Merc. Happened near Jln. Semarak during lunch hour. The pillion rider was flipped into the air like a rag doll. Could see the bone poking out from her leg. Luckly she was alive and concsious. Ambulance arrived in 10mins.

The most gruesome one for me was an accident involving a van and lorry on the NKVE beside shah alam stadium. There was a huge jam on the left lane and I managed squeeze past the lorry (on middle lane) on the right. But the accident was on the left and from my rear mirror I could see ppl carrying a limp body with the face gone. There was a stream of blood on the road and cars were rolling over it to get through.
Well the worst accidents ive seen was an accident involving a (an uncle)BMW 3 series with a mcycle(a young chinese couple) at the Sunway toll near the U-turn(now closed) That was a few years ago..

What i saw was the 3 series rear is damaged and the motorcycle was pinned under the rear ..the accident took 2 lanes out of 3 lanes so everyone hav to pass thru the only lane. As i was passing thru i saw a young man lying motionless and his eyes are open facing my driver side.. at the same time..the girl was carried into a lorry.. felt so sorry for them.. isssh the eyes..

And a another 1 my frens Honda city crased in front of me.. took a corner too fast , spinned then slammed into a corner house wall when he tried to counter steer.. Bang!! Funny thing tho, the house owner never came out.. guess they were too sleepy hahah
This is a short story from user of the most deadly road in JB…the Pasir Gudang highway

I’m a motorcyclist on weekday…and a car driver on weekend… I start using this deadly highway since 3 years ago…I ride my bike every day from Monday to Friday…sometimes also in Saturday …for every week and every month…since I’ve been using this highway…I’ve different perception on how easily road user can lost their life…when I ride my bike…I know that I have to gamble my life in this highway…even though I ride in a safe way…there is no guarantee that I can reach at the end of this highway safely…for u guys who know how this highway look like and how the user of this highway react to each other when they using this highway…you will know what I’m talking about…

The lorry/trailer who use this highway are very frightening….they will change to other line in anytime….tail behind the vehicle in front in very close distance…and as usual in what ever situation they involve…they will win…others just have to back off from them…next time when you using this highway…u will find out that there is no part at this highway that are not covered with heavy vehicle braking mark…believe me…some are up to 50 meters…that show how fast they travelling in this highway…

Beside the reckless driving attitude shown by the user…this highway condition is very sad…. There are countless potholes along it…some are in very ridiculous situation…when they cover the potholes today…by next morning there is a sign that the cover already crack…I’ve saw one motorcyclist got hit by the car when he want to avoid those potholes….

For every month there are at least one or two fatal accident at this highway…most of them will involve motorcyclist….when they get involve in any accident…even though it actually the small one…1 or 2 second later they will realize that those small accident actually are the biggest and the last one in their life…

I’ve saw many kind of accident at this highway…most of them are horrific one…no need to tell in detail how they dead…we use to see in picture how the condition of those accident victim…trust me…u will have different feeling when u see it in real…

Me? I just hope every time I use this highway…I’ll reach office/home safely.
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yup..pasir gudang highway is 1 of the most dangerous road in malaysia...been there too many times...
That is why i'm against people who take pictures of dead people in an accident and post it up on the net. Its just too gruesome and you need to show some respect to the dead ones and their family. Nobody wants to see their loved ones picture on the net. And worst still when people start to speculate the cause of the accident.
Just after i post this thread,my friend called me to say he witnessed the most horrific accident he ever saw.So coincidently right AFTER i post this thread.

He was just driving past the Sungei Buloh toll,and just before he passed the overhead bridge,a car crash to the divider and exploded(on the bridge above him).Apparently,he said that the driver flew out of his car,and landed on the road BELOW the overhead bridge right in front of his car !!!The driver half body gone and just left the leg still clad in jeans without head or arms.He made a U turn to pick me up to show me the accident because i didnt believe him.As far as i am concerned,i thought car exploding after crashing is just a movie thing.

But when we arrived at the scene,it was jammed even 1 KM before the toll and the traffic was not moving.All the ambulance,AAM and police was stuck behind the jam and cant reach the accident site.The place reminded me of a rave.All the cars are not moving at all and most of the people switch off their engine and walk towards the accident scene which was about 3 KM away.Everyone was holding their camera phones and girls in short skirts and pants was walking around the road with drinks and ciggerate as if they are walking towards a club.At last i didnt get to see what happen in the accident because it was too jammed and when i saw the overhead bridge on sight,there was already 5 ambulance vans and alot of police cars on the overhead bridge and the fire is out already.So since its on top of the bridge,i cant really see what car was it and all.The body was also cleared up already.We were stuck in this Jam for 3 hours before someone moved a barrier before the toll plaza and we manage to make U turn out.

Anyone know the details of this accident?Just happened last night about 11 PM...about 1-2 KM after the Sungai buloh toll plaza.
Your friend actually made a u-turn just to fetch you to the accident area to have a look?

I'm sure he knows accident is bound to attract lots of callmans, ambulance and cars parked by the side of the road which will cause massive jam.
I didn't witness nor saw the real accident but one night a few years back, me & my frens were on our way to Penang via the NSE and had to slow down cos of a no. of cars which had stopped by the side with ppl coming out...

It was then we saw BODY PARTS on the road!! First time me saw body parts of a human being!! Dogs, cats, toads, frogs...common...but BODY PARTS of a guy? NEVER!!!!

We saw a leg with part of the guy's pants when we reached the area...then his torso with internals out...blood trails by cars which had rolled over that guy's blood...

Conclusion we made...a motorcyclist got knocked down and rolled over by a car and more so by other cars following closely behind at high speed!

speed don't kill....stupidity does....

sometimes the accident victims are only victim of circumstances….like other people recklessness
i fell a sleep and bump the car in front of me
my bonnet dented the guys car scratches
have to pay him about 150 to respray his bumper knn!
a mat rempit...lost control of his bike during large convoy.....i was inside the convoy with some other motorists doin 80kph at sprint.... this dude hit fren rear wheel and felt down....wen fall...chaos broke up..more thn 30 bikes fell down and...most bike ran over tht dude..including a car couldnt stop in time..i was just bside hit a few bikes too.....but all just a bump here and there.....i din stop and drove off.....coz im solely outnumbered...
eujin said:
a mat rempit...lost control of his bike during large convoy.....i was inside the convoy with some other motorists doin 80kph at sprint.... this dude hit fren rear wheel and felt down....wen fall...chaos broke up..more thn 30 bikes fell down and...most bike ran over tht dude..including a car couldnt stop in time..i was just bside hit a few bikes too.....but all just a bump here and there.....i din stop and drove off.....coz im solely outnumbered...

haha.. smart move dude...
simonchangwaimun said:
i fell a sleep and bump the car in front of me
my bonnet dented the guys car scratches
have to pay him about 150 to respray his bumper knn!

why kaninia laa...it's merely your fault leh...

never ever 'try' to fall asleep when driving, dangerous...
haih... when i was 12... 8 years back... my mom was driving... so at d traffic light she turn right into an junction.. n then from opposite... there is a motorbike coming straight away... n bang my mom car side door back... my sis was at d back that time... then d window broke into million od pieces... lucky dint scrath my sis face man!!! then d motor driver leg broke liaw...... what an unlucky accident... motor run red light we r d victim... its time saw live accident with broken leg n flyin man... its still fresh on my mind now
as i said earlier...there must be a fatal accident for every month at pasir gudang highway...

this morning around 7:45am when i using that highway...when i reach around permas area… the traffic are start going bumper to bumper...i tough there must be something ahead that cause a massive traffic jam...after around almost 4km ahead...i found one tanker parking a the middle of the highway....with one tree already collapse to the ground...after that a helmet...and...omg!! a piece of human brain shattered next to it....may god bless the owner of that brain...

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