See how this girl dealing with police

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well...actually both have done mistakes...

and she should NOT "conteng" or write anything other than her own signature as asked by them in the first place...

after she done that..she can be considered as "menghalang tugas polis" and that was pretty heavy misconduct from her...and thats the reason the police ask her to come with them to "balai"...and she refused 2times...but the police also not really professional....making her afraid..thus making this situation harder....

but some comment in the youtube.if she just sign and recieve the summon letter without any further comments then sure this would end fast enuf.... :driver: speeding summore...hahar....
1) Using Handphone while driving - RM300
2) Obstructing Police work - RM300 + jail??
3) Caught video taping everything including her own act of 'cleverness' - PRICELESS

I dun see they're intimidating the gurl ... this fellow Achmat only did ask her to sign the summon n yet she scribble the book. He straight away asked her to follow them to the station. Professionalism? If only the policemen just speak in Bahasa Malaysia ... the situation might be different.I feel there is more than what she taped and im looking forward to watch the whole scene.

Luckily she's in Malaysia, if she's in US ... there is a chance she'll be pull out of the car and handcuff!

- Its just my 9 Cents, Not my Nonsense -
this is malaysia...everything pon boleh... :lol:

and why scared to police station if u was right???its not the police ask her to in some bushes doing "something"...why so scared..unless she was aware that she cant run..but still wanted to get away with it...
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Police Intimidation?

I cannot resist; so I had to add my 2 cents especially when she says at the end of the video that the police took her MyKad without her permission. They legally can do so. I posted under 'tweaker30'.

YouTube -
Re: Police Intimidation?

should she follow the guy to police station.What is her right?Any one?
Re: Police Intimidation?

this may have been posted before but heh i'll just post it again.

i think the police didn't have any right to detain her at the station based on what happened. but she shouldn't be harassing the policemen like that in the first place, the policemen too didn't know what they should do but they weren't very professional and calm i must say...

obviously she was pulled over for breaking the traffic law in the first need to pretend you speak ang moh accent and try to act smart...btw if you read the comments in Youtube, she's a 37 years old lady, and a lot didn't like the way she treated the policemen. I think she was pissed that she got a summon and want to fight back, then made a fool of herself...i think thats what happened

View attachment Police and Your Basic
but~~ if i not mistaken~~ those polis trafik uniform should be white and black rite~~ how come got blue color 1~~ XD
Re: Police Intimidation?

this may have been posted before but heh i'll just post it again.

i think the police didn't have any right to detain her at the station based on what happened. but she shouldn't be harassing the policemen like that in the first place, the policemen too didn't know what they should do but they weren't very professional and calm i must say...

obviously she was pulled over for breaking the traffic law in the first need to pretend you speak ang moh accent and try to act smart...btw if you read the comments in Youtube, she's a 37 years old lady, and a lot didn't like the way she treated the policemen. I think she was pissed that she got a summon and want to fight back, then made a fool of herself...i think thats what happened

View attachment 332108

Well I guess she could be questioned for what she did to the summons.

But since she was not going to cooperate, that is why the police asked for her MyKad and that is not in the police rule book because it's under a separate act regarding identity cards and who has the right to request and retain the document so by right they do not need her permission.

Plus the booklet of basic rights is simply that - basic. For example, it says police cannot hold you more than 24 hours. But if I'm not mistaken there are many other ways they can hold you for longer and without having to appear before a judge; for example AD, RR, EO.
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thats not traffic i think.....

but police "sentry" one..(the go around some area and watch for the wrong doing like this one)... :P
Re: Police Intimidation?

I think she has issues.
Re: Police Intimidation?

She does have some issues... she loves to narrate every step she takes. I bet she is the type of FB user who has lame status message updates for everything she does...E.G
: Having nasi lemak in azky bistro :
: Going downstairs for smoke :
: Today I did not have lunch :
: Taking bath in upstairs bathroom :
: Signing summon for obstructing traffic :
: Having dinner with Ah Kau at Station One!!!!!!! :
: Scratching my bum :

I am sure u guys get the point!
Oh yea, whatever she is trying to prove by taking this video, and posting it on youtube (fail!)..I think what the police did was SOP.... at least the bit that she recorded..but then again, the laws in Malaysia regarding civilian rights are subjective at best!
hehehehe just like the movie ' Dumb and Dumber '
someone posted this on fb as well. from the comments, they said she is a law student. that's why she really got guts. ya, like pomengtr mentioned, she shouldn't put her own writting. but we duno the whole scene and i guess maybe the police dint want to issue her a saman in the first place.
Re: Police Intimidation?

She was chasing fame like namawee or any of the more controversial youtube ppl who come along once in awhile. I like how she says "I'm scared". For God's sakes it's not like your surrounded by Mat Rempits. They're policemen who voluntarily joined to serve you and me.

You have to realize they come from different backgrounds and it doesn't occur to them that others find their way of talking offensive or rude because that's how they talk to each other.
Re: Police Intimidation?

On one note, she was right about her rights....police cannot take your IC & license , and you dont have to go to "balai" if you are not under arrest...

But on another note....she was being a bitch....she should of just take the summons and the end you still got "saman", the recorded incident doesn't prove you didn't deserve the "saman". Just that your a bitchin whiner...:stupid:
Re: Police Intimidation?

i think she is having some issues...claiming she knows the law and right but what kind of law she has knowledge in? Harrasing policeman when you know that you are wrong..crazy and stupid women i ever seen..why she wants to fight with the law?if she thinks that she is smart, why not she just join police force?yes we can say and laugh to the policeman but they just do their routine work..let say if we were and their shoes, what do you think you would do?yes maybe the policeman is unprofessional, but maybe their are new in that and who knows right...ppl who doesnt know about the right or what soever is living on their on wonder Malaysia nowdays clumsy right now..

fyi, police has d right to take their ID car or what not just for safety what if the smart lady is a drug dealer?think about that man..
Even if she's a law student, she should know better. The best place to fight the police action is at the court. Even the policeman mentioned it!

As i said earlier, im still searching n waiting for the whole video of that incident.

- Its just my 9 Cents, Not my Nonsense -
Re: Police Intimidation?

I have full respect for what she does in her line of work, and efforts but not that person in the video. Sigh....
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