Proton SRMe called proton NEO

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Sep 17, 2004
hey guys the new proton srm is gonna be called proton NEO.
tot u guys would like to know...
Proton Neo? errr. .... the name's ok but lack of imagination i guess... anyway.. hopefully its worth a look
de name vry nice de...
but de look of de car vry big different wif de name lo..
not suitable at all...
All the while proton's car name has rooted towards the Malay language. Suddenly keluar "Neo" pulak......Adush.....
i tot Savvy is get from English language also...

Save the Day ma

Savvy = penyelamat lol......

hahaha Proton Neo?

make sure don like the so hai Chan with 130k+
well, proton can call it ferrari or porsche for all I care. but no point having super duper name but the car is crappy....

Hmmm, bettter call the car "Crappy". Proton Crappy. hahahahaha...
they'll bring out an SUV call morpheus and a convertable call Trinity soon :_:

but neo really sound okay what.. hope the car is as good as the name.

so.. the car come with a blonde in red?
Hahaha... good one!

Proton should realise that selling cars with 'Malaysian' name / model would be a flop. Look the the Japanese or Korean... do u need any local name / word for model? None!

I vote they start using names from movies... guarantee hot seller provider QC can improve!
Hahahaha.. if those car names really come true... than they can have hyundai matrix to lead them.. hahaha or more like inokom matrix.. bwahhahahahaha... That would be the whole matrix show buatan malaysian style
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