Help regarding car jerks..


Senior Member
May 4, 2006
Pros out there i need your advise ..

Driving a satria and my car tends to jerk when i step on the clutch and in 1st gear withought doing anything else just steping on the clutch fully and in 1st gear..
This happens mostly when my car's engine is hot already or in hot weathers..
Whats is the problem ? My car temp says its fine no overheating or anything ...
Please need good advise.
bro....maybe its your timing drop.....or your engine mouting.......check this both out.....if problem still exist then see how la...
hey bros....

you mean if your car engine is really hot the timing will fluctuate?
so that means even though i tune it to the perfect point when ever the engine heats up i will suffer the same prob ?

By the way i just changed my clutch plate last year and if it is the setting.. why wouldn't it jerk when the engine is not hot ? Means the setting is not reliable?

Really need help here things are getting worst :(
Its like my car cannot got for long distance ...
Is ur car injection or cab?If cab take it for tuning.I think ur valve tuning is to low.It might be even engine mounting.But has u mention when the car is hot then it happens,so do tuning first and also check ur fuel pump and fuel filter+plugs.
Since it only happens when you're in gear and stepping on the clutch then you might as well ask a mechanic to take a look at your clutch adjustment. The heat can be causing the flywheel to expand slightly where in normal use it wouldn't be a problem but in this case it touches the clutch when you're in 1st gear thus making your car jerk.

Take it back to the guy who did your clutch, he probably didn't set it right.
Should give more info on your car first before ask a question, atleast people that can help you will know more. Something like how old is your car, injection or cab, what you change recently and so on. If not we might guessing only..
Sorry bros i didn't really give enough info regarding my car it is a 1998 carb 1.3
didn't really change major parts since the clutch. Anyway i will really ask my mechanic to check the clutch settings. Thanks alot for all your help !! Appreciated it..
Anyway if there are other factors that may allow this thing to really happen please let me know.. Thankx!!! Cheers
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