A close call at Era Walk, Seremban

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You think I print money?
Helmet Clan
Mar 3, 2005
Guys, my car had a close call on last SAT.
Time: 9.40PM
Date: 26 Sept 2009
Location: Era walk (car was parked at roadside just opposite Min Kok)

I was having a dinner there. It was my friend's wedding. The dinner started at around 8:15PM, halfway I find out my phone was not with me and remember it was kept inside the dash drawer and I went back to the car to take it. When I came out from the entrance it was quite quiet outside and I saw 2 guys at my car. 1 on a motorbike (EX5) another was at my driver side door. I run over and shouted at them. They just sped off immediately. I saw the guy was holding something like a wire in his hand or what ever it is. They were trying to do something to my car, not sure whether they wanted to drive it away. Lucky is my car was not damage or scratch or broken. After that, I drive my car over to the Min Kok entrance and tell the staff to let me park at the 'Reserved' as there were people trying to steal my car. I have to get some extra security already...There was nothing in my car that is worth taking as some of those who saw my car before know it.

Guys, just be careful. I was really lucky that I suddenly went out if not. The car sure gone already. :bawling:
wah,really close call...ur phone save ur car...i think myb u were destine to forget to take ur phone along when u out frm ur car that time...^^
Blank, I was really scare until last night I can't sleep well and I sleep down stair in the guest room. F8ck those bastard low life thief...KNN...cause me to loose sleep and mental torture....now I'm in the office also scare because house no ppl..only got dogs...
maybe ur hp attract them,heard there is a device which could detect batt of hp or laptop
maybe ur hp attract them,heard there is a device which could detect batt of hp or laptop

Isn't it faster if they broke the glass and take it? why need to go in from driver side? :hmmmm: weird
my sis lost her laptop & hp,her waja door lock screwed up but never heard of single siren from her alarm.

those bugger is getting more & more advance nowadays
omg~~~hmm thanks for this info bro~~~

Really scary hearing the news. Seems like everywhere is not safe to park our cars. From my cop frens, the parking lot attendant is "collaborating" with car thieves.

Another thing is car jockey service in KL. I heard the driver would duplicate a car key whenever they think the car worthy for "ahem".
very sad to hear from both of u, knn this kind ppl why they do exist..:mad:

bro 5115 ur sis car they open thru window or bonet :hmmmm:

actualy i saw 1 time my friends demonstrated how to disable waja alarm.
he bent down to front below engine bay & dont know what he pull,then engine hood open ler.
alarm also never activated ler coz he oredi use some tape to stick the sensor :hmmmm:

so he can take his time to unplug the alarm horn :adore:
mvyi also the same method only different side to open the engine hood :adore:
Woah! Seremban taiko tai car also dare to steal...this thieves rily "buy coffin dunno how to order"...TR,should upgrade your security system...
Mingz, thanks.

My car also consider not hot why they still want it I really don't know. Some more the colour and number plate very obvious sure easy to spot they still dare do it..I think they want to take it apart as parts since conti car parts are expensive and hard to get.
TitanRev:why don't u change ur 206 logo and those the name tag to naza bestari 206...like that those bugger and thief won't will knw it...just my 2 cent~~~
TR....u parked ur car at tht very far n very dark place ar..??
khoo, no. I don't dare to park at that place. I park just opposite the entrance (across the road). After the Gold Phoenix newly open hair saloon. I wanted to park inside but the car park was full.
XTEC,i've no idea which lock exactly she refer to.
Good luck bro....

Good luck? very sui leh~~my car also can kena..Haiyo..why lah theif? Why you want my car? for what? :bawling:
Sorry on what happen these days the low life bastard will attack any car ... but u were lucky that they cant hijack ur ride....
lucky that u got them b4 they open yr car....... but nowaday they pick up cars randomly.....so be careful....
wah...very bahaya lor like this in sban.....guyz lets help each other by looking out for each other cars anywhere.....if any1 got these celakas, plz call us b4 the police take them away...lets feed them with cars lubricants from the car that they wan to steal from...
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