-=Will the new petrol price develope our country??=-

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those money tat is taken away from subsidizing d petrol, will onli go to those big snake pocket. did u guys see any improvement or growing of our country since pak lah become d PM??
none.....he teaches his ministers to sleep.....tats all....
hehe....don need....sumthin radical gonna change by end of this year...........
Restructuring started and we have to suffer for a while. If you wanna lie to yourselves that the oil in our country will never finish, then you can continue shouting for fuel subsidies. I don't know need to say how many time, if do restructuring now, anything fck up, can use the oil money to cure. If wait till the oil finished then do restructuring, nothing backup. If fck then all the way to the drain. I just hope Malaysian can be more matured and be objective when facing this type of problem.

When some people questioning where is the oil money goes, I hope that they are knowing the 35% gov annual income is from the oil. Before other cost, just the 1.2million gov servants salary cost how much per month, then x 12 months. Before the overhead cost, just the basic salary alone also chiak beh liao. Other things like medical subsidies (eg. hospital), primary + secondary education operation cost, food subsidies, and continue to count until I forgot which is which. I don't know what to say, but I can use a very simple example as below:

Nowadays, a lot of young people buy cars, they only look at the monthly installment and downpayment and also the 'gaya' effect. When the car need maintenance, they try to drag extra 500-800km each time. Little bit never mind ma. Use cheap after market parts and lubricants. Use cheap tires. And so on. When 1 day the car break down, they blame the car no good la, engine not reliable la. When all mess finally solved, 1 day, car got accident, then blame the car no good again. The brake got flaw la. And 1 pass to another 1 with the same incident. When everyone is trying to pass the same message, the car become a bad car. Some more the maintenance and parts cost very expensive (use genuine part price to show people). So, what is the real problem? You know, as usual, the car no good la. If good, sure no people complain. No one will ever try to look for the young person salary and compare to the living cost. Kaninia, RM3k salary driving a 307. After pay the RM1xxx installment (9 years), petrol, clubbing, phone bill and bla bla, how can he/she manage to 'bela' the car? road tax, insurance, maintenance, and other things will easily chop 20% of his/her annual income. Before the question continue, wah, inflation come. Kaninia, sell car also need to top up money, credit card letup, chicken rice's chicken become smaller, friend's bithday coming, pet food almost finish, aiyo, wanna watch the indiana jones, 1 U got sales, wait wait wait, sushi king voucher need to use before next monday expire date.........Why only good price raise but salary never raise? This stupid gov really useless one. Our country got so many oil, why wanna increase fuel price? You see some arab country sell US$1 for a full tank. Why waste money to bela the potong car, fly man to space wasted RM100millions, why waste money to bail out stupid company.....till too tired and fall into sleep. Dream also dream how the gov send troops to rob him. Next morning, feel sick. Take leave. Go out eat poridge (RM4). Then go to hospital and see doktor (RM1 + wait 3 hours). While waiting, buy newspaper (RM1.20). On the way home top up fuel (RM72 @ RM2.70/L). Arrive home sleep and wait for dinner. Wake up and sms friend and see anyone go TT tonight.

*how much you can catch, depends on your talent.

When some people questioning where is the oil money goes, I hope that they are knowing the 35% gov annual income is from the oil. Before other cost, just the 1.2million gov servants salary cost how much per month, then x 12 months. Before the overhead cost, just the basic salary alone also chiak beh liao. Other things like medical subsidies (eg. hospital), primary + secondary education operation cost, food subsidies, and continue to count until I forgot which is which.

please,for god sake, don't mention Primary and secondary school education operation cost in the list, we all know how wonderful the fund distribute among different malay and non-malay schools. We even LOST A GOOD TEACHER's LIFE due to f**king unfair fund allocation system (yes, I AM shouting) .
please,for god sake, don't mention Primary and secondary school education operation cost in the list, we all know how wonderful the fund distribute among different malay and non-malay schools. We even LOST A GOOD TEACHER's LIFE due to f**king unfair fund allocation system (yes, I AM shouting) .

Regardless what, the cost is still the cost. Regardless how unfair, every month still need to pay. Aiya, forgot to put the employer part of EPF (13%). For the 2 cases which teachers died in the school due to accident which were widely reported on newspaper, I think the headmaster needed to take the biggest part of the responsibility. If resource not enough, why not write letter to apply. If not approved, why not think a way to get resources, like finding sponsors or through local political parties' service center, worst to worst go to newspaper and ask for donation? If he afraid kena tindakan tata-tertip and effect his personal career, let the problem aside, when sht happen, push the ball to the education minister, then I think it is not that fair. I didn't emotionally effected during that time. I even wrote letter to 2 chinese newspapers. But end up with no one reply on my questions. And every single day keep on blaming on the gov. They had made me having doubt on their responsibility as a mainstream media. Put SRJK(C), there are 2 type as you know. fully and half subsidized. Why have half? If you don't know, then we should not go further. I just can tell you that, if someone ask you to pay money for his project, and not letting you to involve with it, do you want to pay? As simple as that. If we continue further, then you may start questioning yourselves, who is who and who is the good man. The thirst of power just too ugly.
hehe u think the headmaster cud ask for assistance else where.....ur wrong....don forget tat our country is a fake democratic country...no 1 cud speak against the gov's policies....this is coz everythin is held by the gov....even the election body.....hehe tats the joke s the previous rulling party has the power in the elections....any1 say anythin....next thin is ISA n ur dead or half dead....there's no freedom of speech....for instance the zakaria case....even the Agung came down n asked him to step forward but he was still living in the same house when he dies.....tats a big joke.....i can go on n on but all i'm askin ppl here is please do have sum racial unity....n lets not tok anythin about racial issues....coz if we keep on fightin, only our cost of livin will go up....we shud all stick togather and focus on voicing out to the gov our needs
hehe will happen soon bro.....but till then lets all jus stick togather n not hav any racial n other problems....
someone please kick the fucking pm back to zoo!

I think we should send him back to space. His hometown is from there. For sure !!! KNN+CCB !!!

u wan increase petrol i have no comment, but pls , no toll n car tax.

Our living cost is even higher then Thailand.

Even their Petrol is RM3.60, but Roadtax onli RM50, no Toll fees, Car onli half a price from Malaysia.

If car price is higher = interest higher, loan repayment higher, Insurance higher. And end up after loan finish, the car is already low market price.

i giv an example,

Toyota Altis in Thai onli RM60k ( assumed )
Malaysia Altis RM120k

with 120k of loan, if monthly installment is RM1400, then in Thailand should b RM700 onli. (assumed the interest and repayment year is same)

With RM700 extra per month, i rather pay RM3.60 petrol instead of paying RM2.70 but with RM1400 installment.

very true but they need to shield proton so other makers cant get in la....
edmundz85: i am only interested in answering your question 4. i want to ask you is the opposition ruling this country now? the answer is no, it's being ruled by BN.

The opposition will lower the fuel price if there are in control of the federal government which at the moment has not yet happen. that is why they wanted the 2/3 majority in parlimen to make all their promises comes true but with a hike like this i'm sure the opposition will do something and in their recent gathering/speeches that i have been to after the election really shows a lot of sign of something of the unexpected going to happen soon in our malaysian goverment.

fingers crossed and all i can say for now "somebody please do something!".

nuff said :congrats: . good 1 :shakehands: . federal government still bn. dont blame pakatan rakyat. look what pakatan rakyat done to 5 state that they had won. are they done good? judges for urself.
i would just like to say this....plain n simple....for those who voted Barang
Naik(BN) @ Parti Babi Negara(PBN) into power in d last election....i'd like to say this to you: "UR AN ABSOLUTE MORON!!!" so many years BN have been in power n country never progress....50 YEARS UMNO play racial politics no ppl make noise...so pls la...if u voted in BN n now complain petrol naik + inflation den go jump down frm 20th floor la...banyak hypokrit....just like Sharir Samad...last time PAC chairman always wack federal govt....now in federal govt only protect federal govt...lancaiao la....bodoh!!
i also got Question for goverment :

1.every cents fuel prices increase in world PETRONAS make profit on that BUT where all the profit goes?goverment doesnt mention that!!!

2.goverment ask rakyat to "berjimat-cermat" but why they are so "boros" to used ppl money doing things was doesnt make sense!!!

3.why compared fuel prices with country are not produce fuel e.g s'pore,thai,indo etc...why not compare with brunei-RM1.20,arab saudi-RM0.90++,venuezuela RM0.16++ etc..

4.why not compare "pendapatan per/kapita" each ppl country like s'pore?
e.g ppl at m'sia still earn salary RM350-500 monthly even got RM250 but s'pore salary at least sd$2000(convert to RM goes to RM4600)thats why they dont care to pay rm5.00+ fuel money

JuSt My 2cEnTs...
ya very true....those who tot its save2vote for BN....now think again....don let politicians use racial treat to get ur vote coz now every1can think n all 3 races needs each other.....without1 country will flop.....
coudn't have put it better gothculture. Malaysia is a democracy. Maybe a crooked one but if there is one right that they have given us, it is to vote. So don't blame the govt. They are no doubt useless but we (directed at noone in particular) are more than useless for reelecting them persistently. spread the word people. :)
hehe....u cant say that about our ppl bro coz...wat other choice do they hav....u wont b surprised if BN din win da last election.....coz malaysia is one of the only country where government holds da election comitee...so where can tok.....like opposition say anythin oso wont cum out in paper or tv...coz they r all scared....
so....this is called democracy? LOL

more like demoncrazy....
who said we r democratic country....we protest peacefully oso government show violence but shootin tear gas.....real joke la BN now....dunno leadin da country2where....
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