Why girls like Ah Beng

- i "long kai" almost everyday.
- at mamak I always "kan leh mah chau ci bai" "lu kee ho lang kan"
"tiu kau lei" tiu nia seng" ham kah ling"
- lousy car but try to make it look fast.
- brown coloured hair, but just turn back to black cos i just trim it. will do colouring again
after i finish typing this.
- my wife is miss msia c.u year **** (consider leng lui)
- i speak english with some add-on words.. (wor, la, ma, hor, geh)
- i listen to LMF sometimes.
- my car got sticker.
- i smoke in my car (hand out)
- pretty loud exhaust
- i shake my leg sometimes when watching tv or at mamak session.

i think all my frens r like this... so we can form an ahbeng gang edi.. hahah~ anyway.. if this were really how we call those ahbeng.. i'm a big beng then~~ hahha...
ah beng is what u think off only...everyone have their own point of view towards Beng......

i juz visited beng.com
i was shocked that they wrote ppl who ride a turbo charge or super charge car is ah beng!!

anyway, is their point of View!!

some ppl might say i m ah beng, some say no!
so...m i beng or not???
white_bird said:
- i "long kai" almost everyday.
- at mamak I always "kan leh mah chau ci bai" "lu kee ho lang kan"
"tiu kau lei" tiu nia seng" ham kah ling"
- lousy car but try to make it look fast.
- brown coloured hair, but just turn back to black cos i just trim it. will do colouring again
after i finish typing this.
- my wife is miss msia c.u year **** (consider leng lui)
- i speak english with some add-on words.. (wor, la, ma, hor, geh)
- i listen to LMF sometimes.
- my car got sticker.
- i smoke in my car (hand out)
- pretty loud exhaust
- i shake my leg sometimes when watching tv or at mamak session.

i think all my frens r like this... so we can form an ahbeng gang edi.. hahah~ anyway.. if this were really how we call those ahbeng.. i'm a big beng then~~ hahha...

then, i be small beng lo!! :)
This thread just post yesterday already got so many people voice out.
I think KY69,he wanna court some Ah Beng gf but he can't get it so he voice out with anger in here.
Mod ur car and dye ur hair,dress like a hongkie
Ur car,i help u
hair and dressing left it to a saloon at Sungai Wang.Sure u look like Ah Beng.Spent some money la,don't be so kedekut la.Simpan so much for what!!!! :rock:
ohya.. i found out y "so called" ah beng can find cun chicks edi~!! coz they can spend!!!!! even though they r "jobless" n going long kai everyday.. *so do i.. :P
(ABC) Ah Beng Club
1. crashvenom
2. AE80TypeD
3. white_bird
4. 2zzge
5. thteh86

i speak hokkien a lot, am i qualified as an ah beng?

penang ppl, all ah bengs.....
fstrader said:
feng ur betbet la ahahahahhahahahaa... :biggrin:
If betbet can feng ar, it means the betbet is so lose and "chow pei" (wrinkled skin) till the betbet lips so long already, until almost reach the floor. That's why betbet also can feng. Is that how it goes? hahahahaha
thteh86 said:
(ABC) Ah Beng Club
1. crashvenom
2. AE80TypeD
3. white_bird
4. 2zzge
5. thteh86

i speak hokkien a lot, am i qualified as an ah beng?

penang ppl, all ah bengs.....

only 5 ah beng in zth wor, good good..!! zth reputation proven!!
Ah Beng???
I only found tat ah beng dont like to wear shoe, they will only wear sliper anywhere they go. For me, tat's call Ah Beng. lol................lol..............
If you like to wear your slipper when u go clubing, movie, shopping or anywhere u go, then i congrate you. You are an AH Beng.
i notice some of them like to wear shirt with Dragon theme/words....hmmm

btw when we say ah beng, i guess no other race beside chinese..

dont get me wroong, i m a chinese too
pk47 said:
If you like to wear your slipper when u go clubing, movie, shopping or anywhere u go, then i congrate you. You are an AH Beng.
Then you can stick your definition in the bin. I like to wear casual and what's comfortable for me. So I'll go shopping in my slippers, shorts and T-Shirt. If this is Ah Beng then my dad is Bill Gates.
the dragon theme/words famous in japanese
they wear it very cool
i wear thongs, shorts n tee's a lot!!

damn, u should know msia weather.......

if i go to disco, of coz, wont wear slipper, short !!!

but, if i go to cinema, shopping...shorts, thongs, sure is my style!!

count me in!!! beng also!!
got 6 ppl already
what about when it comes to names?

i've met girls who have english names but don't understand a word of english. as in when i speak in english, they stare at me as though i've got the morning paper imprinted on my face. but yet, they have english names.

i've also met a guy who can't pronounce his own name. it's some french variant like jacque or something, can't really remember. he first communicated it to me verbally and i thought he had phlegm in his throat and wanted to clear it. then he passed me his name card and all confusion was cleared.

what category or people might they be in? a bit weird right not to be able to pronunciate your own name?
Duke Red said:
what about when it comes to names?

i've met girls who have english names but don't understand a word of english. as in when i speak in english, they stare at me as though i've got the morning paper imprinted on my face. but yet, they have english names.

i've also met a guy who can't pronounce his own name. it's some french variant like jacque or something, can't really remember. he first communicated it to me verbally and i thought he had phlegm in his throat and wanted to clear it. then he passed me his name card and all confusion was cleared.

what category or people might they be in? a bit weird right not to be able to pronunciate your own name?

normal malaysian gua.. now everybody muz hav english name ma... u know y?? "yeng" lor~ hahaha!!
white_bird said:
normal malaysian gua.. now everybody muz hav english name ma... u know y?? "yeng" lor~ hahaha!!

yalah but at least learn to say it mah. very confusing wan ler when u introduce yourself and say it wrong.

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